There was no material change in the Manchester market yesterday
(Tuesday) as compared with that of the preceding Tuesday : the de- mand both for goods and yarns was moderate, but steady, and prices without alteration. Within the last few days some purchases have been made for American account ; but they are generally of an exceed- ingly limited character, and produced but little effect upon the market.— Atanchester Guardian, July 29.
One of the most remarkable advertisements that has ever appeared will be found in our columns this day ; it is for a thousand men to work
at the Monmouthshire Sale Coal Collieries, and good wages are Is o —Merthyr Guardian.
On Tuesday night, the extensive cotton-manufactory of Aim Samuel Stocks and Son, situate at Heaton Mersey, near Mancheitri'„ was totally destroyed by fire. The building was upwards of firs' S yards in length, about twelve or fourteen yards wide, and seven Ino, high. Nothing like an accurate estimate of the loss can yet be formed-. it is variously stated at front 15,000/. to 30,000/. The origin is wholly unaccounted for. It is a matter of deep regret to know dui between six and seven hundred hands will be thrown out of ernP On Tuesday, a violent explosion of fire-damp took °One of the their;
meat by this calamity. place
pits at Mostyn colliery. Large lumps of coal were thrown up bulgy bottom of the pit to the surface, a height of 130 yards. Eight corm have been brought up, and seven more have been most seriously jured.-211avelesfield Courier. A