Late editions of the evening papers of Tuesday tonta'ned the
melan- choly announcement of the death of the Earl of' Dnrham. '1'lle follow- ing account of his last moments was given in the Sass; and nothing fuller, or apparently more autheetie, has appeared- " Cowes, .1a/g 28.--From the Moir of his Lordship's arrival at Cowes there appeared no hopes of his recovery, and he has beim daily getting weaker ; but his medical attendants considered he was net itt ;emit:dime danger—that the acute disease had been changcd into the chronic : italeed be had had no medical man in attendance for some days, and his amiable lady and fiimily had been lulled into a false security. " Ilis Lordship had not eaten any thing for a week past, eNcepting a little fruit, and had taken only beer.tea. On Sunday and :Min:day he did nut rise even to have his bed made : his lady was his sole and constant. attendant night and day ; no one else even went Into his room. Ilk Lordship had taken a great fancy to the town, and to the last was very anxious to ;tutelage or take on a lease of' fourteen or twenty years a large house for his family : and Mr. Moore had applied to the FAA of 113eltitst, Sir Thomas TallCrell, mi i's. Good- will, and others, for that purpose; his Lordship considering him- elf better, and that he would recover. At live o'clock this morning, he was taken worse, and Mr. C. IMy was for the first time called hl : he attended immediately, a uil pro- nounced hint dying—that be could not live live hours. At tell minutes past nine his Lordship expired. It was a terrible and unexpected blow to his lady and children ; for if ever a husband was (belted on by an amiable and affec- tionate wife, it was John George Lambton, Earl of Durham. Lord Lambton was sent tbr to his father a few minutes before be died. Ills Lordship's daughters were also with Lady Durham. The whole fanfly are in the greatest distress."
Though this issue was comparatively unexpected, letters from the family were received in London on Moutlay, that prepared Lord Dur- ham's more intimate friends for the event as near at hand.
The remains of Lord Durham were removed from Cowes at nine o'clock on Wednesday night, on board his yacht; to be conveyed to Sunderland, and thence to Lambton Castle for interment. The Ho- nourable G. Grey was on board the yacht.
George Frederick D'Arey Lanibton, now Earl of Durham, the only urviving son of the late Earl, was born on the 5th September MS, lid is consequently in his twelfth y ear.