The Select Committee on Bonded Corn have been stopped in
their investigation by an objection in point of form taken by some members of the Committee to the nature of the evidence offered.
We learn from a private source that the Select Committee of the House of Lords, to whom the Beer Bill was referred, have come, by a majority of 7 to 4, to the following resolutions ; which will, no doubt, be duly reported and acted upon, unless an effective opposition be made—" 1st, That in London and within the bills of mortality the hour of closing beer-houses be extended to twelve o'clock. 2d, That in towns or cities containing 2,500 and upwards of population, the hour of closing be eleven o'clock. 3d, That in towns or cities containing less than 2,500 of' population, the hour of closing shall be ten o'clock."— Times.
The prospects of the harvest, and the operations of corn-speculators, attract considerable interest, as beteting so forcibly upon the future position of the Money-market ; it is the geheral opiniim that, at the best, a moderate harvest only can be expected. It is asserted by all parties competent to give an opinion, that orders to the extent of one million quarters have been sent abroad, and that consequently a sum of two and a half millions sterling will at all events he required in pay- ment from this country. The steady rise in prices throughout the kingdom which has this week led to a reduction of the duty to 16s. 8d. per quarter, shows the prevailing idea to be, that we shall be dependent on supplies of foreign corn before many months elapse.—Shertorne Journal.