The election of a representative for West Surry, to fill
the vacancy occasioned by the elevation the Honourable Captain Perceval to the Peerage, took place yesterday, at Guildford. Mr. John Trotter, of Horton Place, near Epsom, was the only ca»didate. He was propoed by Mr. C. Barclay, and seconded by Mr. .1. B. flunkey. Is: his address to the electors after the election, Mr. Trotter said— lie had come forward as tt man of devoted loyalty to the Sovereign, a feeling in the strength of which he would give place to no man. In the IleNt instance, lie had a tirm determination to uphold the constitution in (llitirch and State. The Church wan at the present moment most nobly correcting or improving herself by making such alterations as were caleulated to tenit to her own honour, and increase of true religion, and the morality of this homy country. The Church Was progressing most wonderfully ; and he was quite certain that such proceedings would go very far more to make them a happy and a con- tented people than any thing else. (Great cheering.)
Five candidates are named for the Aldermanie gown of Queenhithe, vacant by the death of Alderman Venables.