The evening Ministerial organ, the Globe, is filled with horror
at the Federal Government for its promptitude in sup- pressing with military force the disgradeful riots and more disgraceful attacks on coloured people which the allies of the South have first promoted and then protected in New York. Our Ministerial contemporary is even filled with moral indig- nation at the spectacle of any kind of opulence except pro- perty in slaves, and gives expression to sentiments which to us, we confess, sound decidedly "Red." "The working man," says our contemporary, "from whom the tax of blo2d is levied, sees the speculator and contractor fattening on the public calamity, for which he is called to bleed. He sees the Upper Ten Thousand unwholesomely recruited by mushroom opulence; he sees the wives and daughters of the new-made rich dazzling with diamonds, and displaying in brilliant equi- pages the gains of that war which demands of him the with- ' drawal of the support of his wife and children. Seeing all this, truly it must need the presence of the New York Militia to make order reign at New York as erewhile order reigned at Warsaw." Are these, indeed, authentic transcripts of Lord Palmerston's views ? Does he hold that the military suppression of the most cruel and ferocious mob visible on the earth since 1793 is an act of the same kind as the wicked "proscription" of Poles in Warsaw ? Surely such a senti- ment could never have entered our usually mild contem- porary's mind without official inspiration.