Though the Adelphi Theatre has been open for some weeks,
we have long been without that commodity the real "Adelphi piece." The Sons ctf Mars looked like an attempt to introduce a milder, and we may add a weaker sort of article, among a public which requires the strongest viands. A drama with but a few visible situations, and in the hands of two or three performers, is just what the Adelphian audience do not like. A long list of scenery, a large congregation of actors, a striking termination to every act, and a palpable interest, giving rise to a succession of stirring incidents, —such is the diet which the Adelphian -stomach demands.
The Willow Copse, the novelty of the present week, is a piece of the, orthodox stamp. Perhaps by not giving a part to Mr. Munyard, the authors (there are two) have not rigidly solved their problem; but still, as everybody else is employed, their solution will be willingly accepted. More important is the fact that The Willow Copse does not contain a mur- der, or even a suspicion of murder. But then we have a splendid case of seduction; in which the erring damsel attempts suicide, and the aged father —a type of moral respectability—goes mad; and the scenes between parent and child may rank among the most striking-situations in modern melo- drame. Moreover, as the seducing gentleman holds his estates simply be- cause a certain will is not found, and some plebeian scamps are aware of the existence of the .precious document, and resolve to get possession of it, we have -an allowance of that coarser half-humorous villany without which the -picture would not be complete. If our readers are connoisseurs of Adelphi pieces, they will see already that 'Madame Celeste, Mr. linghes, -Mr. 'Boyce, and Mr. 0. Smith, are furnished with parts. Let us add, that Mr. Paul Bedford represents a degree of moral depravity more facetious in -its aspect tIntarthat portrayed by Mr. 0. Smith; that in Mr. Wright's cha- racter wickedness .reaches its vanishing-point and goes out just in time to .benefitwirtue; and that there is a country girl,not very important to the .plot, but acted with remarkable truthfulness by Miss Woolgar; and we have shown that everyone is provided for, save and except-the aforesaid Mun- yard.
Some of the incidents, perhaps the Whole plot of this piece, are, we be- lieve, taken from a French drama. It is, however, so thoroughly 'Eng- fished as not to bear the slightest indication of foreign origin; and the authors, whose language is really above the usual level, deserve almost as much praise as if they had inveated instead Of adapting. With The -Willow Copse the Adelphi may be considered sufficiently stock.ed for several weeks to come.