Coll. to be Ensign, vice Wyatt. 974h Foot—Brevet Majo,i4W- liamo"-", Cron, D. Wyatt. to be Lieut. vice Campbell. Gent. Cadet R. A. II. Tod, from the Royal MIL half-pay 67th Foot, to be Capt. (repaying the dftfereucea/vIce ScargUl, promoted; Lieut.. R. Dillon to be Capt.. by-purchase, vice Hametton. -41h°'rctires; Ensign LS- vice 31!Coy, who retires ; Ensign R. Hume, to be LleuL by purchte, vice Montreattr. chase, vice Shipley, promoted. 70th Foot—Gent. Cadet. G. IL Greve'', Me 40•76/ Foot—Lieut. A. Campbell,.to be Capt. without purchase,. vice *ale, dec.; Ensige-P. Foot—Captain and Lieut.-Colonel Egerton Charles William Miles Miomoo. from the Coldsteam Regiment of Foot. Wants, to be LieuL-Col. vice Spencer, wise exchanges. vice Parker, dismissed the Service by sentenue of as General Court-Mat...Lai; Ensign F. General Court-Martial. 55th Foot—Lieut. E.J. T. alontresor to be Pain. by purchase, G4th Foot—Gent. Cadet V. Ryan, from the Royal Mil. Coll. to be withoo_tPor- Mil. Coll. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Perry, promoted Cadet W. Ill'Bean, from the Royal MIL. Coll, to be Ensign. vice King. 31st /100. vice Clerke, appointed to the 21st Foot. 32d Foot—Lieut. II. .61.•Cabe, front- Foot, tube Limit. vice Swinburn, who exchanges; Gent. Cadet F. G. Staplemo, from- . the Royal Mil. Coll. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice BirtwhisUc, proine_led. 37th 53d Foot—To be Limns, without. purchase—Design C. J. Perry, from eho 70m roolt Anson, G. C. B.dec. Coldstream Foot Guards—Lieut.-Col. Hon. G. A.Spencer, frona chase, vice Lukis, promoted in the 61st Foot 1711s Foot—Lleut. It-J. R. O'Conor to be Capt. by purchase, vice Edwards, who retires ; Ensign G. T. Brice to be LIP.41t. by pur- chase, vice O'Conor. 113th Foot—Lieut. J. Swinburn, from 32d Foot, to tie Lieut. vice Lieut. without purchase vice Barttelot, dec. 22d Foot—Brevet Major F. D. GeorgyAn be Major, without purchase, vice Poole, who retires upon full-pay ; Lieut. F. G. T. lama honto be Captain,. vice George; Ensign, F. G. King to be LJeut. oleo Deshon; Oktot . Gent. Cadet A..J. Schreiber, from the Royal Mil. Cell, to be Ensign, without woe_ nom. P. Drought, from the 65th Foot, vice Alitton.dismissed the service byfthe g fltence of a put, vice Naylor, who retires ; Cornet and Sub-LieuL J. G. C. Hamilton to be Lieut.. by par. vice Mande. 4th Drag. Guards—Lieut.-Gen. 11. Plgot to be Col. vice Gen. Slr G. 37th- Foot to-be Capt. and Licut,Col. vicaMilinan, who exchanges. 3d Regt. of Foot.— - Gent. Cadet A. L. Cousemaker, from the Royal MIL Cal. to be Ensign,, without pur- SVCabe, who excbanges. 2let Foot—Ensign 11. W. Clarke, from 3 Ist Foot, to he Sec. WU:OFFICE, Nov. 30.-2d Rect. of Life Guarda—LienL Hon. C. Maude to be Capt. by, the 53d Foot. 9Lth, Jones to be Lieut. by purchase, VICO Dillon. rg. to the Forces. Hospital Staff.—W. It. Thompson. M.D. to be Assist.- o be Lieut.-Col. In the Army. Brevet—Major W. M. Hamerton, of the 97th Foot, Governor, vice Gen. Sir G. An, Chelsea llospital.—Gen. Sir C. Ilaikett, G.C.B. to b , G.C.B. to be Lleut..-GOVert104 son.G.C.13. deo. Nov. 26; LicuL-Gen. Sir AL. Barn vice Sir C..13mikett, G.C.B. Nov. 26. le Gazette of the 235. instant,, have The appointments in the 78th Foot, inserted t of Noo..-12th Light Drage..—For been cancelled. Erratum in the Gazette of the ' K. " TarI," Geer- to be comet. read R. H. /I