The Dublin Mercantile Advertiser gives a resume of the operations of the Encumbered Estates Commission, which suggests good hopes of its practi- cal usefulness- " During the present week, there has been a very considerable increase in the business of the Commission. The number of estates regarding which petitions for sales have been lodged, up to Wednesday evening last, was 114; and the rentals of the properties upon a h:oh the Commissioners are called upon to adjudicate is
little short of 8,000,1.001. sterling Upwards of one hundred conditional orders for sales have ,lready been pronounced, about twelve petitions being held over for further consideration. The next step is the absolute order for sale; and in some few cases peculiarly circumstanced, and where the service of notice required by the law was brief, such orders have been pronounced, but generally the time has not expired. However, in the next week several absolute orders will be issued."
The Dahlia correspondent of the Times, in reporting the resumed sale of the Blessington estates before the Master in Chancery, Mr. Litton, gives in- formation of a like favourable complexion respecting the value of Irish real property. The sales were resumed on Friday last week- " The attendance of gentlemen from all parts of the country was very great, and the office was crowded long before the sales commenced." Master Litton explained, that more than 200,0001. worth of the property has already been sold, and that the title is good. " Mr. Anderson, the solicitor, having the carriage of the sales, stated that he had received proposals or offers from several of the tenants to the estates to purchase their own ground-rents at twenty-five years' purchase, and handed in their written proposals to that effect. These were approved of by the Master, pursuant to an order of the Court made in the cause, and the purchasers declared accordingly. The various lots in the Dublin rentals were then put up for sale in such order as was requested by the gentlemen in attendance; the low- est price at which they would be sold being publicly announced; and strictly ad-
hered to At the end of the day's sales, we were informed that the aggre- gate rents sold amounted in gross to 8881.; for which 19,2001. bad been obtained, being nearly twenty-two years purchase on the rental. The principal buyeri were, Mr. Benjamin Lee Guinness, Reverend Richard Dill, Mr. Alexander Find.. later, the Board of Excise, and Mr. Ryder. Messrs. Gibbon, Henry Todd, Vance, and several others, were competitors, but did not purchase." The Castlebar Board of Guardians have applied to the Irish Poor-law Commissioners, requesting their "sanction to the taking of an additional quantity of land, in pursuance of the Act 11 and 12 Vic., cap. 25, with a view to the employment of a portion of the workhouse inmates in agrieta. tural pursuits "; and have received answer that the Commissioners " desire to cooperate with the Board " in these exertions.
The Newry Telegraph announces that "the extensive coal-field of Bally. castle has at last been opened, and a cargo of coals therefrom has arrived at the quay of Belfast." Fifty-five years since, the "Irish Parliament. discussed the national advantage of opening a harbour at Ballycastle ; an English company" has now done the thing.