11{1# s rata ntans - ..
The German papers state that Prince Albert has instituted legal pro- ceedings in, opposition to a resolution of the Gotha Chambers declaring "certain private domains of his to be the property of the State." The Ober Fort Aide Zeitung states the case as follows-
." In 1836, the reigning Prince, Duke Ernest, who died in 1844, =chided an agreement with the Duke of Nassau, at that time the guardian of the Princes -Ernest and Albert, according to which, the yearly rent'charge-of 50;0001Iorins (4,1601:) on the ostensible allodial property-descending from the mother of these Primes, Princess Louisa- of Gotha was to be paid to the two.warde out of the domains,' treasury. Payment Goths, regularly from that periods but the Chambers last year refused- to recognize-the tamped, as the claim upon, which, it resteldid not seem sufficiently well:founded. The Chamber, therefore, referred tbe. claimants to a, court' of law, as. the medium of making good their, claim. Prince Albert haatherefore,procuseded at law,,with a view to recover, his share of the 50,000 florins; and the public takes all the greater interest in the snit, be- cause very little was previously kriown of the existence of any such agreement, and because, moreover, after the demise of Duke Augustuss maternal' grand. father, a concursus cAditorum had been-opened against his. (the grandfather's) estate."
I We have much pleasure in announcing the accession, of the Right Hon- ourable Fez blank, M.P., to a seat in the Cabinet.—Globe. A Cabinet Connell was held on Thursday at the Foreign Office: it was attended, by most of the Ministers, and sat two hours and a half'. Another Commit was held, yesterday, at which Mr. Fox Mettle was present fer the first time.
Tuesday's Gazette notified three appointments by the Crown—Benjamin Chilley Campbell Pine, Esq., to be Lieutenant-Governor of the district of Natal, in South Africa; John Becroft, Esq., to be Consul in the tesritories ,,. OD, the coast of .Africa lying-between Cape St. Paul and, Cape St. John; \ Robert William Keate,, Esq., to, be Civil Commissioner and Collector of
XTaxes for theSeychelles Islands, dependencies of the Island. of Mauritian, .- The consecration. of Dr. Hinds as Bishop. of Norwich, will take place '. the chapel of Lambeth Palace on Sunday next, the 2d of December; ag Advent Blindly. The,Bishops who-will assist the Archbishop in the- in . -way are the Bishops of Loudon, Lincoln, Carlisle, and. Hereford. 'ishop of Lincoln. attends from his. long acquaintance and personal eon fog Dr. Hinds,, who for some years was an incumbent. and Rural The "is. Lordship's diocese, It is understood that the Bishops of Lieu-
entsem. , drab will be consecrated at the same time.—Standard.
DA,ea4 itil I'm Treed that Government has determined to afford- effectual as- Richardson, the African traveller' in prosecuting his travels
- We are mit' the great desert of Sahara, Soudan, and the regions of
sistance to r ___Mr.2,, ke Tsluals We understand that it will be part of the-
and researches s . dam to. endeavour to bring the chiefs and princes of Bomou and th,n.e't 'Tito relations of commerce and amity with this cows-
duties of Mr. awn'-''.. - enjoined to embrace every opportunity of, impres- the interior of Africa , a people and princes of Africa that legitimate try. Mr. Richards°n '. hat of the- traffic in men. Mr. Richardson will, sing upon the mirK103 : ,;arch and Overweg, Prussian sevens, who are
commerce is prefrrr' sw up a scientific report This will render be accompanied t 'crests of science will be equally consulted charged by Clove' ithropy.—Times. the mission compI with, those of con=
" From all, quarters we have received the most encouraging evidence of sasj. reaction in opinion on free trade as our opponents will, soon be unable to gainsay. Everywhere the people are prepared for movement. But it was obvious that seize practical proposition, meeting the wishes and embracing the wants of all, was at, cessary for obtaining concurrent action. What should that proposition be? Arta, much and anxious consideration, and examining a great number of projects, ire arrived at the decided conclusion, that to agitate furs dissolution of Parliament would: be more likely than any other course to unite the friends of protection throughout the country." Mr. Young declares his opinion, that "any-proposal obtain redress by appealing to Parliament would-have been regarded, by indignsia agriculturists, by ruined colonists, by anxious, cheated, and alarmed' shipowner; as a delirium, to end- onlyin brilliant speeches in the House of Commons, aorta ratifying defeats on divisions." He confesses frankly, that it would, "for obvious ressons„be toe-much to expect Members in the-third year of their Piudiamentary existence to feel mach sympathy for our plan, however cordially they may agrts with us in our principles." In conclusion, he-repeats his anxious. desire for "to- tal oblivion" ot "-past trifling differences."
It is officially notified, that "on and after the tat December,, a closed mail el be made up.at the General Post-office for Holland, and transmitted daily (Sun, days excepted) by way of Belgium. The correspondence for Holland which the -public may desire to forward iu thie manner should' be addressed By Closed Ma vui Belgium.' The rates of postage to which such letters will be liable wine combined British- and foreign. rate of Is. 2d. when not exceeding- half an ounce in weight, 2s. 4d. when above half an ounce and' not exceeding one ounce in weight, and-so on according to the scale-for charging inland letters. This, postage may be-paid in advance, or the letters sent unpaid, at the option-of the sender. News. papers and prices-current will be chargeable with, a postage of one penny each, which must be paid in advance."
The Victoria and- Albert is ordered, to be docked at Portsmouth, to have an en- tire refit, and to have new boilers planned for her. This will be the third set of new boilers within five years, although she is only employed about a.month each year. When this vessel- was launched; we- estimated the cost at 100,0001. The- idea was then scouted, but it is nevertheless the fact that she has cost the country altogether nearer 200,000/: that 100,000/:—United Service Gazette, Mr. George.Bowyer„, D.C.L., has been unanimously. elected by the Benchers of the Honourable Society ofthe Middle Temple to the.office of Lecturer of that so. ciety.—Times.
Two legal offices have-become vacant by sadden deaths., Mr. Sergeant Lases, the principal Registrar at the Court of Bankruptcy,, died on Tuesday, very sud-
denly, though at an.advancedage. Turvand,, one of the official assignees of Mr. Commissioner Shepherd's Court, died on Wednesday morning, in a chemist's shopmear Birchin Lane; whither he retired on feeling ilL The vacancies will not be filled- up.
When Dr. M`William, was at the island of Boa Vista, in the Cape de Verds, in.' vestigathig the nature and history of the,devastatingyellow fever-intredueed into that island. by. her Majesty's steam-sloop' &lair, a young man named John Jamie- son, in the service of Mr. Rendell the British Consul, was, besides himself, the only. Englishman who remained., in the locality. Mr. Jamieson was of the greatest service to Dr..5kWilliam. He accompanied the Doctor all over the island; visit- ing, with him.the infected districts, and assisting hiatO distribute provisions to the starving and distressed population. Mt. Jamieson has recently returned to this country in search of employment. Dr..SPWilliam has represented. his case to the Treasury; and Lord John, Russell has promptly ordered his appointment toe Weighership ih the Customs; trusting " that his future service-and-good conduct will-insure his advancement in the department."
Mr. Nugent has been chosen Master of- the Ceremonies at Bath, by a large ma- jority over the other competitors.
Last week, the Right Reverend Bishop Wiseman administered eonfinnationto eight gentleman: [consorts] at the Roman Catholic Chapel of, the Oratory, it King William Street. The 13ishop also previously administered adult baptism to one of the candidates; and subsequently the. whole number received the holy com- munion. The number of converts, included. t,wo barristers, but their names dll, not transpire—.Globe.
On Monday evening, Mr. Thomas Cooper, author of" The Purgatory of Suicides,' announced, at the Literary Institution, John Street, Fitzroy Square, that a In- quest of -10,0001. for the erection, of a working man's hall-in the Metropolis, hid Just been made by a Mr. Senkims. The-building is to be for the free use of work- ing men of all denominations, under the control of twelve directors, who have been nominated. Mr. Cooper also stated, that Mr. Hall, the celebrated geologist, had expressed his-intention, on. the completion of the building, to present.his mag- nificent museum to-it; and further, that a gentleman, whose name did not tran- spire, would furnish, a library of 1,000-volumes. . Whether ail this accords or not with professional morality; it is not tbr no to de- but, if it SOPS, the public will probably he disposed to think that the profession should change its name from the profession of the law to the profession of the lie. We should like to know the breadth of the distinction between an accomplice after the fact, and an advocate who makes the most unscrupulous endeavours to procure the acquittal of a man whom he knows to be an assassin.' The second article had dwelt chiefly on specialties immaterial to the present controversy. ft had alluded to the point of retaining the brief, but not to make e, charge. An advocate might," it said, "feet bound by rule, even after a confession of guilt bad been communicated to him, to go through, a defence : but in this case we contend, that the advocate should, scrupulously refrain from arty line of defence the effect of which would be to procure the acquittal of his client by eriminating or destroying the characters of persons who had but borne true evidence against him. The defence, should turn, in such case, on the safticiency of proof and on technical points, and not on the imbegnment of honest evidence, or (worse sun) on insinuation:eat guilt against the Witnesses," "These two articles," says the Examiner, "comprise our charge against Mr. peafips. It has been restated by us- from time to time, never with any other feeling than these articles evince. It would have been difficult to overstate any- thing so grave. When the feet became known, that Sarah Mancer had been lodged in a lunatic asylum, driven mad by the sufferings and terrors arising out of the Coarvoisier trial, it was an illustration, not an aggravation, of Mr. Phillips's de- fence of his client."
Mr. Phillips, in. his exculpatory letter, marshalled his defence under three heads,. implying as many distinct charges. These the Examiner enumerates,. with- a commentary— "The brat is that of having retained his brief ; which we expressly accepted from our- dove.. It now appears that he retained it with the sanction of the Judge, Mr. Baron Parke, who asilsted Chief Justice Tindal In trying the ease, and to whom the fact of the confession was communicated. The seeond' is that of having appealed to Heaven as to his belief in Courvoisier's innocence ; widely we gave him at the time the credit of Arming denied. As we have said, we did not accuse him of solemnly protesting that belief,. but of solemnly acting it. Our assertion was, not that he invented a falsehood to profess 'faith in his client's innocence, but that he invented a falsehood to profess ip. norance stills client's guilf; and that he profaned the name of the Deity by using it to give solemnity to thit falsehood. The third and last accusation to which Mr; Phillips replies is that of having endeavoured to cast imputations of guilt upon the female ser- vants; and the sum of his answer on this head is to requote that very • God forbid he stomas he., which we earifully quoted in our original comment on his speech; and to de- clare the charge to have been solely derived from his cross-examination of Sarah Man- cer on the day when lie still supposed his client Innocent ; to which cross-examination we nerer even remotely adverted."
These points are fortified by detailed quotations from the Times report of the proceedings; a report which Mr. Phillips says he has carefully- reperused through - oat, and which he guarantees to be strictly. faithful. Pa parallel colUmns the jeurnrdist quotes what Mr. Phillips asserts he did not say and what he now ad- mits-he did say.
1st,. His assertion that the charge of having appealed to Heaven- as to his be- lief in Courvoisier's innocence is a false, foul, and malignant untruth, parallel with his admission that after the crime had been confessed- to himself a,nd Mr.
• Clarkson, and communicated by them. to-Judge Parke,- he had made the following statements— • .. •
e It was not hls business to prove who did the crime ; that was the task they (his op- ponents) had undertaken. Unless that was proved, he would beseech the Jury to be undoes- how they imbrued their hands in this man's blood. THE Omensenerr Gob stone KNEW WHO DID anis mums: he was'not called on to rend asunder the dark mantle of the night, and throw light upon this deed of darkness If mop acquitted' the prisoner of the murder, he was still answerable fofthe robbery, if guileyef that. And even supposing him guilty of the murder, WEISS INDEED WAS KNOWN TO ALMIGHTE. GOD ALONE, and of which, for the sake of his eternal soul, he hoped he was innocent, it was better far, that in. the dreadful solitude of exile, &c. &c His anxious task was new done.; that of the Jury was about to begin. Might' God' direct' their judgment." 24His quotation of the passage in which he disclaimed imputing guilt to the innocent servants, and his linplication that he had- not elseahere in his speech dorre aught to nullify the effect of that disclaimer, parallel with the following pas- sages directly imputing the guilt to the innocent-servants in conspiracy with the Police— 'They were bound to show the prisoner's guilt, not by- Inference, by reasoning, by that subtle and relined ingenuity which he was shocked to hear exercised, in the opening address of his friend, (why does Mr. Phillips now omit this ?) but by downright, clear, open,,palpable demonstration. How did they, asc. And here he would beg,„fro He Wished not to asperse Uie female servants. God forbid, &c. It was not at all neces- airy In this case to do so The prisoner had seen his master retire to his peace- ful bed, and was alarmed in the morning- by the housemaid, who was up before him, with a cry of robbery, and some dark, mysterious suggestion of murder. ' Let us go,r said she, 'and see where my Lord is.' He did confess that that expression struck him as extraordinary.: If she had said, ' Let us go and tell my Lord- that the house is plun- dered,' that would have been natural; but why should she suspect that anything had happened to his Lord:ship ? . She saw her fellow servant safe, no taint of blood about the honer and where did she-aspect to find her master? why, in his bedroom to be sure. Mud was there-to load to -a suspicion that he was hurt? Courvoisier was safe, the cook Was safe, and why should'she suspect' that her master was not safe too?"
"nib learned friend demanded, who murdered Lord Win. Russell ? He (Mr. P.) was not bound to sluito that; but he had a right to know who placed the bloody gloves in- the pri- soner'striink between the 61h and 141A of May, when the prisoner had been already three days in, gaol ? Had there not been practices here? Thus bad begins, but worse re- mains behind.' This man. It was evidently determined, should bemadethevictim of some foul contrivances. . . Some villains must have been- at work here to provide proof§ of guilt against the prisonee, midendeavour to make the Jury instnunentalin rendering him the victim, not of his own guilt, but of their machinations."
In the same-speech witlathese pregnant suggestions, had occurred attacks on Pearce the Policeman, este" miscreant," who had endeavoured to intimidate the prisoner into confession, in order that lie might "share theplunder-4501.—which waste be divided over Conrvoisier's coffin"; of Baldwin the Policeman; as a man who "equivocated, shuffled, and lied on his oath," doing "his best in the work of conspiracy to earn the wages of blood"; and of the respectable Madame Piolaine, whose decisive evidence on the Thursday had produced the confession of Friday morning, as the keeper of a house without character in a disreputable neighbour-
To-neutralize the effect of Mr. Baron Parke's favourable testimony and. Chief Justice Tindal's concurrence, the Examiner supposes that Mr. Baron Parke must have been inattentive to the passages now quoted respecting the appeal to God; and remarks, that "the greater partof Chief Justice Tindal's summing-up was directed to the removal of suspicions of an 'unjust and depraved conspiracy ' plot- ted by the- witnesses against the prisoner, to the clearing away stains from the characters of the maid-servants, to the removal of the imputations against the respectability of Madame Piolaine, and to the unloosing such epithets as mis- creant bloodhounds' and 'inquisitorial ruffians' from members of the Police."
The new number of Fraser's Magazine contains an " occasional discourse On- the Negro question," purporting to be the writing of an "absconded re- porter," but unmistakeably emanating from the same pen with the " Sartor Resartus" of the magazine, and full of severe truths, set forth in the richest grotesque colouring, It is a speech delivered, "by we know not whom, and of date seemingly above a year back," apparently in Exeter Hall; it expounds doctrines which would assuredly create an explosion in that respectable place, and. are not unreasonably suspected by the author to be"pretty much in a minority of one,' in the present wra of the world." The general drift of the speech is this. The members of the Universal Abolition-of-Pain Association are eloqtently but humorously rebuked for their mismanaged philanthropy in the West Indies; which has set the Ne- gro " free "—the author sneers much at freedom, especially as impersonated by the Irish vagabond paupers in London—in order that the said Negroes may enjoy a fruitless idleness. For the speaker's doctrine is, that each man of us born to- this world has appointed duty of work, which must be done; and that if we do it not voluntarily, we have " a right to be com- pelled to work."
" West Indian affairs, as we all know, and some of us k-now to our cost, are in a rather troublous condition this good while. In regard to West Indian affairs, however, Lord John Russell is able tocomfort us with one fact, indisputable where so many are dubious, that the Negroes are all very happy and tieing well. A fact very comfortable indeed. West Indian Whites, it is admitted, are far enough from happy; West Indian Colonies not unlike sinking wholly into ruin: at home too, the British- Whites are rather badly off; several millions of them hanging on the verge of continual famine; and in. stogie towns, many thousands of them very sore put to it, at this time, not to live • well,' or as a man should, in any sense temporal or spiritual, but to live at all. These, again, are uncomfortable facts; and they are extremely extensive and important ones- But thank Heaven, our interesting Black population,—equalling almost in number of heads one of the Ridings of Yorkshire, and in worth (In quantity of intellect, faculty, energy, and available human valour and value) perhaps one of the streets of Seven Dials,—are all doing remarkably well. ' Sweet blighted lilies,'--as the American epitaph on the Nigger child has it,—sweet blighted lilies, they are holding up their heads again ! How pleasant, in the universal bankruptcy abroad, and dim dreary stagnancy at home, as if for England too there remained nothing but to suppress Chartist riots,. banish United Irishmen, vote the supplies, and watt with anus crossed till black Anarchy and Social Death devoured us also, as it has done the others—how pleasant to have always this fact to fall back upon: our beautiful Black darlings are at last happy; with little labour except to the teeth, which surely, in those excellent horse-jaws of theirs, will not fail ! " Exeter Hall, rny philanthropic friends, has had its way in this matter. The Twenty Millions, a mem trifle despatched with a single dash of the pen, are paid; and far over the sea, we have a few Black persons rendered extremely ' free' in- deed, Sittingyonder with their beautiful muscles up to the ears in pumpkins, imbibing sweet pulps and- juices; the grinder and incisor teeth ready for ever new work, and the pumpkins cheap as grass in those rich climates: while the sugar -crops rot round them uncut, because labour cannot be hired, so cheap are the pumpkins;--and at home we are but required to rasp from the breakfast loaves of our own English labourers some slight differential sugar-duties,' and lend a poor half-million or a few poor millions now and then, to keep that beauti- ful state of matters-going on. A state of matters lovely to contemplate, in these emancipated epochs of the human mind; which has earned us not only the praises of Exeter Hall, and loud long-eared hallelujahs of laudatory psalmody from the Friends of Freedom everywhere, but lasting favour (it is hoped) front the Hea- venly Powers themselves '--which may at least justly appeal to the Heavenly Powers and. ask them, if ever in terrestrial procedure they saw the match of it? Certainly in the past history of the human species it has no parallel; nor, one hopes, will it have ins the fature.
'Sunk in deep- froth-oceans of 'Benevolence,' Fraternity,! ' Emancipation- principle," Christian Philanthropy,' and other most amiable-looking, but most baseless, and. in the end baleful and all-bewildering jargon—sad product of a sceptical Eighteenth Century, and of poor human hearts left destitute of any earnest guidance, and disbelieving that there ever was any, Christian or Heathen, and reduced to believe in rosepink Sentimentalism alone, and to cultivate the same under its Christian, Antichristian, Broad-brimmed, Brutus-headed, and' other forms,—has not the human species gone strange roads during that period ; and poor Exeter Hall, cultivating the Broad-brimmed form of Christian Sentiment- alism, and long talking and bleating in that strain, has it not worked- out re- sults? Om West Indian legislatings, with their spontings, anti-spoutings, and interminable jangle and babble; our twenty millions down on the nail for Blacks of our own; thirty gradual millions- more; and many brave British live, to boot, in watching Blacks of other people's; and now at bat our ruined sugar-estates, differential sugar-duties immigration loan,' and beautiful Blacks sitting there up to the ears in pumpkins, and doleful Whites sitting here without potatoes to eat: never till now, I think, did the sun look down on such a jumble of human nonsenses ;—of which, with the two hot nights of the Missing-Despatch Debate, God grant that the measure might. now at last be full! But no, it is not yet full; we have a long way to travel back,. and terrible flounderings to make, and- in fact an immense load of nonsense to dislodge from our poor heads, and mani- fold cobwebs to-rend from our poor eyes, before we get into the road again, and can• begin to act as serious men that have work to do in this universe, and no longer as windy sentimentalists that merely have speeches to- deliver and de- spatches to write. Oh Heaven, in West Indian matters, and in all manner of mat- ters, it is so with us: the more is the sorrow !— " The West Indies, it appears, are short of labour; as indeed is very conceiv- able in those' circumstances: where a Black man by working about half an hour a day (such is the caleulation) can supply himself, by aid ot sun and soil, with as much pumpkin as will suffice, he is likely to be a little stiff to raise into hard, work! Supply and demand, which, science says, should be brought to bear upon him, have an uphill task of it with such a man. ,.Strong sun supplies itself gratis, rich soil in those unpeopled or half-peopled regions almost grans; these are his 'supply'; and half an hour a day, directed upon these, mall produce pumpkin which is his 'demand.' The fortunate Black man, very swiftly does he settle hie, account with supply and demand;—not so swiftly the less fortunate White man of these Tropical localities. He himself cannot work; and his Black neighbour, rich in pumpkin, is in no haste to help him. Sunk to the eats in pumpkin, im- bibing saccharine jnioes,, and much at his ease in the creation, he can listen to the less fortunate White Maill'e demand,' and take his own time in supplying it Higher wages, massa ; higher, for your cane-crop cannotewait; still higher,-1 no conceivable opulence of cane-crop will cover such wages! In Demerara, read in the blue book of last year, the cane-crop, far and wide, stands ro the fortunate Black gentlemen strong in their pumpkins, having all str the 'demand' rise a little. gentlemen, blighted lilies, now getting up the again!"
"It behoves us of this English nation," quoth the writer, "I our West Indian procedure from top to bottom, and ascertain what it is that Fact and Nature demand of us, and what onl wedded to the Dismal Science demands "—the Dismal Scie "Supply and Demand." And here he enforces his doctri be compelled to-work. Moreover, he sets forth that t the West India islands ultimately vests "in him why them whatever of noble produce they were created compute, is the real Viceregent of the Maker th better chosen, and not in another, is the pro Heaven's chancery itself."
tfil heads
overhaul ittle better Exeter Hall es, that is, of of the right ta proprietorship of n best educe from for yielding: he, I ; in. him, better and y vested by decree of
jungles, man-eating Caribs, rattle-snakes, and reeking waste and putrefaction, this have introduced an improvement. Him, had he by a miraculous chance been with the due impressiveness, perhaps in a rather terrible manner, bring again to nibal) possessors till that time; and Quashee knows, himself, whether ever he could wafted thither, the Caribals would have eaten, rolling him as a fat morsel under man throat; nothing but savagery and reeking putrefaction could have grown there. forgotten; but which Nature and the Eternal Powers have by no manner of means forgotten, but do at all momenta keep in mind, and, at the right moment, will, ments of cinnamon, sugar, coffee, pepper black and grey, lying all asleep, waiting history and the sounding of the Trump of Doom, they might have lain so, had f,,Inashee and the like of him been the only artists in the game. Swamps, fever- had been the produce of them under the incompetent Caribal (what we call Can- their tongue ; for him, till the sounding of the Tromp of Doom, the rattlesnakes and savageries would have held on their way. It was not he, then; it was another than he ! Never by art of his could one pumpkin have grown there to solace any hu- our mind also! • s• These plentiful pumpkins, I say therefore, are not his: no, they are another's; they are his only under conditions; conditions which Exeter Hall, for the present, has pean White map first saw them some three short centuries ago, those islands had the White Enchanter who should say to them, Awake! Till the end of human produced mere jungle, savagery, poison-reptiles, and swamp-malaria: till the White European first saw them, they were as if not yet created,—their noble ele- sidered to have the right of growing pumpkins there. For countless ages, since cept temporarily, decide. The islands are good withal for pepper, for sugar, for up, arrow-root, for coffee, perhaps for cinnamon and precious spices; things far nobler t'un pumpkins; and leading towards conunerces, arts, politics, and social devek pm tate, which alone are the noble product, where men (and not pigs with pumpkins) are the parties concerned I • • made those West India Islands what they are, or can by any hypothesis be con- they first mounted, oozy, on the back of earthquakes, from their dark bed in the Ocean deeps, and reeking saluted the Tropical Sun, and ever onwards till the Euro- "Observe, my friends, it was not Black Quashee or those he represents that "The West Indian Whites, so soon as this bewilderment of philanthropic and other jargon abates from them, and their poor eyes get to discern a little what the Facts are and what the Laws are, will strike into another course, I apprehend I I apprehend they will, as a preliminary, resolutely refuse to permit the Black man any privilege whatever of pumpkins till he agree for work in return. • • • The State wants sugar from these islands, and means to have it; wants virtuous industry in these islands, and must have it. The State demands of you such ser- vice as will bring these results, this latter result which includes all. Not a Black Ireland, by immigration, and boundless Black supply for the demand; not that,— may the Gods forbid !—but a regulated West Indies, with Black working popula- tion in adequate numbers ; all 'happy,' if they find it possible; and not entirely unbeantiful to gods and men, which latter result they must find possible! All ' happy ' enough; that is to say, all working according to the faculty they have got, making a little more divine this earth which the gods have given them. Is there any other happiness,'—if it be not that of pigs fattening daily to the slaughter ? So will the State speak by and by.
"Any poor idle Black man, any idle White man, rich or poor, is a mere eye- Borrow to the State; a perpetual blister on the skin of the State. The State is taking measures, some of them rather extensive in Europe at this present time, and already, as in Paris, Berlin, and elsewhere, rather tremendous measures, to get its rich White men set to work ; for alas, they also have long sat Negro-like up to the ears in pumpkin, regardless of ' work,' and of a world all going to waste for their idleness! Extensive measures, I say; and already (as in all European lands, this scandalous year of street-barricades and fugitive sham-kings exhibits) tremendous measures ; for the thing is instant to be done.
"The thing meat be done everywhere; must is the word. Only it is so terribly difficult to do; and will take generations yet, this of getting our rich European White men 'set to work !' But yours in the West Indies, my obscure Black friends, your work, and the getting of you set to it, is a simple affair; and by diligence, the West Indian Legislatures, and Royal Governors, setting their faces fairly to the problem, will get it done. You are not 'slaves' now; nor do I wish, if it can be avoided, to see you slaves again: but decidedly you will have to be servants to those that are born wiser than yon that are born lords of you,—servants to the Whites, if they are (as what mortaddin doubt they are ?) born wiser than you. • • * And if 'slave' mean essentially 'servant hired for life,'—for life, or by a con- tract of long continuance and net easily dissoluble,—I ask, whether, in all hu- man things, the 'contract of long continuance ' is not precisely the contract to he desired, were the right terms once found for it ? Servant hired for life, were the right terms once found, which I do not pretend they are, seems to me much pre- ferable to servant hired for the month, or by contract disaoluble in a day. An ill- situated servant. that--servant ,grown to he nomadic; !between whom and his master a good relation cannot easily spring_up! "To state articulately, and pat into practical Lawbooks, what on all sides is
fair from the.West India White to the West India Black; what relations the Eternal Maker has established between these two creannes of 'His; what Ile has written down, with intricate but ineffaceable record, legible to candid human io- Bight, in the respective qualities, strengths, neceasities, and Capabilities of each of the two: this will be a long problem; only to be solved by continuons hernia en- deaionr, and earnest effort giadnally-perfeoting itself as experienee' successively yields new light to it. This will be to 'find the right terms of a contract that will endure, and be sanctioned by /leaven, and obtaip „prosperity on Eerth, be- tween the two; A long-problem, terribly neglected hitherto;—ahencethese West Indian sorrows and Exeter4iall monatrosities, just now !" The blockade of Weatern Africa—enterprise vast and futile—must be yen up; as well hedge in a cuckoo. There are but two centres to " this ye mischiel,".. Cuba and Brazil, which -are perfectly accessible and ma- cable. Would you set a watch on every hen-roost when you know the
about t qd data.
set cos= the Laws of Heaven do authorize yon to keep the whole world in a pother is. question; if you really can appeal' to the Almighty Grad upon it, and fiance in on ' interests, and terrestrial considerations, and common sense, at de- sufficien rocedurecy on' If of it,—whf, in Heaven's name, net go to Cuba and Brazil with a
mitted to on ea. 74-gun ships, and signify to those nefarious countries, that their that a just man the Negro question is too bad; that, of all the solecisms now sub that they dearly th, it is the most alarming and transcendent, and, in fact, is such
ot.follow his affairs any longer in the same planet with it ;'
watch ing or entreat.
here with your seve not, the nefarious populations will not for love or fear, , respect the rights of the Negro enough ;—wherefore you spot hen orth see _fu -fours, are come to be king over them, and will on the send you? The thing yOurselves that they do it ! Why not, if Heaven do be done; it is the way to ihe done; eabil , if you are sure of that proviso. It can the one way." nsppress the veArade?; and so far as yet appears, An importation having taker. and other articles of a most hid \ ized material, orders have been gi),,\Plaoe from the Continent of a quantity qf figures
and in force having reference t6 S"ant and improper character, forme o
d f vu can-
and to be immediately and n for them to be seized under the act of so Par-
to be regretted is sometimes shown of a
of execution being turned to the most dei, stroyed. This was an instance which it is lie Works. The advantage of having a truading and disgusting uses.—Times.
most inventive talent with a facile power The great chemist Dumas is, as you kno.
.. our Minister of Commerce and Pub- - scientific man connected with the Government of the country has already became apparent. The new Ministerhas- appointed a committee of practical and competent men to organize a general aye. tern of public baths and washisouaeri for the poor. These useful institutions exist in great numbers here, but they are private speculations. M. Dumas desires that every parish shall have an establishment of its own, accessible to the poorest members of the community—they, in fact, are most in need of them. Another question taken up by M. Dumas is that connected with the medical service of the spas in France. The mineral waters of France are numerous and of almost every variety; but, if we except the sulphurous springs of Barrages, and the alkaline waters of Vichy, are comparatively unknown and neglected. M. Dumas dukes to turn public attention to these natural sources of health; and, with this object, is about to create a Medical Clinique connected with them, and intended to illus- trate their properties.—Paris Correspondence of the Medical Times.
The Corsaire lately remarked that M. Alexandre Dumas was not present on the reception of the President at the Theatre Historique. hi. Dames has an- swered the editor by a letter indicating his faithful adherence to the fortunes of the exiled family of Orleans. "You say, We know not where M. Dumas was? I will tell you. M. Dumas was in a solitary corner, in which he deplored at the same time the instability of human affairs and the prompt and easy forgetfulness of men. N. Dumas had nothing to do in the reception given to the President. M. Dumas had, as he was accustomed to do on nights of great representation, en- gaged the two boxes of the Duke de hlontpensier, in order not to have the pain of seeing them occupied by another prince. In fine, IL Dumas bad not, during the whole evening, any other relation with the President, than to request in writing, through the medium of K Bacciocchi, pardon for the son-in-law of the gage
manager of the Theatre Historique, who had been arrested the previous evening for uttering seditious cries. That promised pardon has not been yet granted. I am not, Sir, one of those who forget; and if I had been at liberty to change the name of the Theatre Historique the day after the Revolution of February, it would Lave been called the Theatre Montpensier."
There seems every probability that the Pacha of Egypt's challenge to the Jockey Club will be taken up. Letters have passed on the subject between Mr. Greville and the British Consul at Cairo, the Honourable Charles Augustus Mur- ray. It is stated that the Pacha will stake any sum from 10,0001. to 50,0001. with either of the European Consuls ; and will have a course of some ten miles guarded with soldiers throughout, so as to insure fair play and freedom from in- terruption. The course would be straight, and of an undulating though not hilly surface, covered with loose sand containing atones. Mr. Murray thinks that the distance and ground are such that a first-rate steeple-chase horse would be fitter than a racer; bottom and power being more needed than stride or fleet action. The Pacha has the purest Arab blood in the world: he will probably start two horses and two mares in the race. Be is so confident of winning, that he offers a start of 300 yards. Mr. Murray cautions his English friends against despising their adversary, or sending anyling but thebest; but he thinks they will win.
On the marriage last week, of the second daughter of Baron Anselm von Rothschild, of FranIC.fort, with Baron Willy von Rothschild, of Naples, the Bum of one million of florins (83,0001.) is said to have been presented to the youthful pair by Baron Amschil von Rothschild, the head of the great Frankfurt firm. The ceremony was performed under a strict observance of the older Jewish ritual, Baron Willy being a devoted Ilebrew.—Berlin Correspondent of the 3forning Chronicle.
A well-known and wealthy caterer for public amusement [Mr. Barnu'm] an- nounces that he has authorized his agent in Europe to offer Jenny Lind 1,000 dollars per night for two hundred nights' performances, besides paying the ex- penses of herself and her attendants. He also states that he has offered as secu- rity to deposit 10,0001. with the London banker of this gifted lady.—New York Correspondent of the Times.
The Literary Gazette announces the return to Paris of M. Rocher d'Hericourt from a journey in Abyssinia of long duration, bearing about a score of menu i
scripts n the Ethiopean language, of vast antiquity and great literary value: one manuscript is a copy of the Bible written at the beginning of the eleventh century, which differs in some respects from the ordinary version. But M. d'Hencourt has also brought home many specimens of a plant, the root of, which reduced to powder is a cure for hydrophobia, both in men and brutes. 4 poten tate of the country instructed him in this virtue of the plant, assured him of its general and unfailing use, and glowed him its efficacy by experiments onaiogs. A committee of the Academic des Sciences .was appointed to test the, Officecy of Total (inelndlag , "The return for the.w , tiuday shows that the dcatlii: is- tered in the Metropolitan disir 'a:number whirl is less by 270 than
the,weekly average of previhee auttininSinised 'according to probable lOrease of ,population. It la satistactage observe -that, as compared with the Mirage, namely, 1,162, the mortality has exhibited a co iderable decrease during apenod of seven weeks; from ,the beginning of the p :nioath the totaldeath& in each week have been less than 900. In the delis Of Zoltiotic or epidemic diseases, 178 deaths are enumerated, whilst the average is 307'; from diseases of thareipiratory organs, 170,, (being an increase of 36 on the preceding week,) whilst the :average is 214.. Phthisis, which is not included in the hitter class, was fatal to 104per- sons, or rather less than the usual number; pneumonia, or inflainmatiorinf the lungs, (which now increases rapidly,) to 82, nearly all children; and bronchitis to 60. From typhus there were only 84 deaths, a smaller number than had been recorded for a long period ; from scarlatina, 35; from measles, 30; fromheoping- ctsugh, only 12; from influenta;4. The mortality from smallpox, which has re- cently been low, suddenly rose from 6 deaths in the previous week to 17 in the last. Fortunately, the deaths from diarrhrea, which were only /6, are now 7.below the average. Only two deaths from cholera were registered in the week :. a man who had lived in Shilton Court, Bedfordbury, died in Charing Cross Hospital, of 'consecutive fever aftertchelera; (three weeks' illness); and a child after eighteen hours' illness, in Blandford Mews, bathe Rectory, Marylebone. A woman of forty- six years, on whom an inquest was held, died in the Regent's Park sub-district, of' exhaustion from want of sufficient food; according to the verdict of the Jury.
the specimens in this clime.
tir-- Results of the Begistrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolislyr the- week. ending on Saturday last—
Number of VAutumn Deaths. Aterage.
Ilymatie Diseases- -- :-.Q44,...,.....• 1..ail/ekk 178 .... 3e7
' DiMaiet all the Rearbandlilood'yrkels - -
Diseases or the Brain, BODO Mitercia; Nerres, and Senses Dropsy, Cancer, and Other da44eflit llt,Ineertple or var.iabrle sea,t, , z,,,,11.5041 .....: ...,,,.,,,41.,i
Diseasecof the Lungs, and plit.4e,e er Organs of Respiration Ion ..,, ,:l .....::1911 DisOse4 of the. S lemach. tivedlitf othet Organs of DitestionblQ,Nic ...... i Di...eases df-the Kidneye, lbel.4.1.i...i.. c:i:4:1..:, e Childbirth, diseases-of 51.i 1.141r.gfa*Cfpf:wt ••■■•■ s , 8 • • ....,..1 010
P.hgpmatism, diseases of the Bones,Iats,Vre ' 4 .. : .' e
Diseases °TUX-Slaw, Cellular Tissue4 .1. f, i.f.; 1 - . -P. 1
Ma/formations. Premature Birth Atrophy • Age
Viorence;r4iatge, CiilitaIiiififeliii44eitAi'lf.r!' '
"-ulnsvi't ft77ainitr.2
- It f 38
the epidemic was uniformly greater among males than females up to the age of 30 or 35; that between 35 and 45 years women suffered more; that in the decen- nial period following, the rate of mortality was nearly equal to both sexes, and that up to 85 it was greater among women, at which age the proportion turns in their favour. It also appears that from 25 years the rate of mortality constantly in- creased up to extreme age, though generally diarrhcoa was the milder form which the epidemic slammed in the case of octogenarians. 64 The mean reading of the barometer was above 30 inches on Tuesday; the mean of the week was 29.753. The mean temperature was below the average of the same days in seven years during the last five days, except on Friday, when it was slightly higher. The mean of the week was 43.3°; on Thursday, it was only 38.3', but rose 6° on the day following." The mean direction of the wind for the week was North-east.
Miss Leggett, who was found guilty of stealing a violin at Leeds, the Jury de- ciding the matter by drawing lots, has been released from prison by order of Sir George Grey.
Some thieves took advantage of the darkness on Sunday night to steal about fifty of the brass handles from the carriages on the line of the London and North- western Company, at one of the stations near Birmingham.
The Yorkshire Gazette publishes the following particulars of an execution at York, two centuries ago, for a murder the facts of which bear a remarkable co- incidence with the Bermondsey murder. "Execution at York—On Tuesday, April 13, A.D. 1649, Geprge F. Merrington and Maria Merrington his wife were execu- ted at the gallows of St. Leonard's, Green Dykes, without Wahngate Bar, for the wilful murder of William Rex, Esq., of Dunningtou, near York. This dreadful murder was committed in their house, at Fulford, in the evening, just before din- ner, on the 9th day of March. Mr.Rex's body was found by a piece of cord that led to his grave in the kitchen, where they buried his body, near the lire-place, on the 13th of March, by Thomas Badge, constable of the village. Their bodies, after the execution, were given to the surgeons for dissection."
An old woman has been found dead on the road near Nenagh. A Coroner's Jury decided that she "died of starvation." Yet this miserable creature, who de- nied herself food, had six sovereigns and fifteen shillings stitched in her gown.
A young gentleman of Cork, son of the late Captain Courtayne, in amusing a companion by pretending to reproduce a penny from his mouth through his ear, actually swallowed the coin. It passed into the stomach, produced an ulcer, and eventually caused death.
Liverpool was visited with a very dense fog on Monday morning. Several acci- dents, both on land and water, are reported.
News has arrived of the foundering of the Pandora steamer, on the 26th ultimo, on her voyage from London to Alexandria; having been purchased by the Egyptian Government. The Asia, Australian emigrant-ship, fell in with the Pandora while in a sinking state: the boats of the Asia were immediately sent oat, and the crew of the Pandora were rescued: in a few minutes later, the boilers exploded, and the steamer sunk.
The accounts from the North of France report recent falls of snow, and other meteorological signs indicative of a very severe winter. These accounts are generally confirmed by the English provincial papers.—Tinies.
The Chester Courant says of agriculture in Wales—" It is carious that where- ever English is spoken, the farming is very superior, and has much progressed of late; whereas in the Welsh parts, little improvement can be traced."
The vessel Minims, which arrived lately at the port of Liverpool from Hong- kong, has brought 2,990 pigs of iron as a portion of her cargo, consigned to a firm of eminence.
It is proposed to lay down a glass culvert for the main sewers of Rugby. It has been recommended on account of its smoothness and economy.—Coventry Standard.
Appleby, says the Carlisle Journal, with a population of about 800, has twenty-four public-houses licensed to sell spirituous liquors ; being one public- house to every thirty-three inhabitants! There are no beer-houses.
One of the most painful operations in veterinary surgery, that of "firing," has been performed on a horse at Banbury under the influence of chloroform. For twenty minutes red hot irons were applied to the animal's leg, and it never -evinced the least sensation of pain.
One of the Lyons journals gravely relates that the thieves of London constantly carry chloroform about them, and when they select a victim, seize him by the throat, and compel him to breathe the ettipifying vapour until he falls senseless!
The Port Natal gives an account of the doings of some mighty hunters. "In citir last we omitted to notice the return of Captain Faddy, Royal Artillery, and his companions, from the two-months hunting expedition in the interior. From -the following catalogue of trophies it will be seen that the excursion has been one of no ordinary character, either as regards the degree of excitement and sport or the amount in substantial value of the game. The list, including a goodly array of no contemptible antagonists, is as follows-137 elephants, 42 buffaloes, 39 elands, 17 rhinoceroses, 1 lion 8koodoos 1 hippopotamus, 7 wild boars, 1 leopard, 2 brindled gnoos, 10 net bucks, 4 hartbeests, and 1 wolf."
A Scotch paper, in mentioning the death of an old postrunner in the Orkneys,
• calculates that during the twenty-nine years which he had passed in the service of the Post-office, he had travelled 117,000 miles on foot, and 13,000 miles by sea, across ferries.
In the course of the last ten days a speculation has been closed which is almost without parallel in the obstinacy and fatuity. which it exhibits. A lot of cotton has been sold in our market, which was originally purchased during the specula- tive mania of 1825, cud which has consequently been held for twenty-four years, the owner refusing to sell for less than it originally cost. The results are as fol- lowa—The price in 1825 was, we believe, is. 9d. per pound; the cost, with inter- est, warehousing, &c., 10s. 6d.! The price realized was 73d. The article, when sold, was of excellent quality, and in good condition. We believe that the neigh- bourhood of Manchester furnished the sensible speculator.—Liverpoot Standard.
The Reverend Dr. M`Neile think!' that the cholera is a judgment on this country for favouring " Popery "•' the Reverend Mr. Toye, of Gateshead, that it is to deter people from marrying the sisters of their deceased wives; the Reverend 21r. Gutch, of Leicester, attributes it to Parliamentary electors voting for Dis- senters and Jews instead of Church-of-England men; whilst others, again, at- tribute it to the omission of " Dei Gratin" from the new florin.—Gloucester Journal.
A venerable old lady, "the oldest inhabitant "of this parish, has just been re- lieved by death from the cares of this world. Her name was Sarah Newling; and she expired on Sunday last, at the ripe age of one hundred years minus a month only. For a large number of years the only sustenance of the deceased was bread ; which she was in the habit of carrying with her continually, and as continually munching, after cutting it into small pieces with a abut-knife which was her Constant companion, being, like bread, scarcely ever absent from her hand. The deoeased had five sons and daughters; but of these three only are now living, al- though their descendants are almost innumerable. The deceased, at the time of her -death, had forty grandchildren living, and great and great-great grand- children in suchnnmhers that no member of the family has been bold enough to attempt the task of nrckotting. them p. It may be stated without the 'slightest .enaggeeatko, &At ahe-ttaa lefs_ona him*. /Land fifty great and,. great-great grandchildren. Most of the latter branches are resident in Cambridge; and the wife of one of the grandchildren, residing in Botolph Lane in that town, was but a short period back confined with twins.—Bury Herald.
A few days since, Mr. Henry Siviter, bookseller, Kingsland Road, purchased a lot of books at the Auction-room, Fleet Street. Amongst them was a large quarto volume. On getting them home, he began to arrange them for sale; in the large book he found some of the leaves pasted together; and on separating them, a 501. and two 101. Bank of England notes.
The Monmouthshire hounds, last week, ran into the fox a long way ahead of the horsemen, and ate him up, bones and all, not even a remnant of the brush being left.