A new work of Arctic travels, from the pen of Sir John Richardson, is about to be published by Messrs. A. and C. Black, of Edinburgh, under the title " The Polar Regions." Judge Haliburton is said to be engaged on a new work, containing an apology for the conduct of the Orangemen during the Canadian travels of the Prince of Wales.
The ninth volume of Mr. Bancroft's " History of the United States" is announced for publication for the 5th of December.
Mr. Lossing, author of "The Field-Book of the Revolution," is pre- paring for the (American) press a work on the war of 1812, based partly on oral information.
The seventh volume of M. Francais Victor Hugo's translation of Shakespeare has just been published at Paris, under the separate title "Los Aroants Tragiques." It contains "Antony and Cleopatra" and "Romeo and Juliet,' and, to the last-named play, an introduction by M. Victor Hugo, in which Italy, rising from the tomb, is compared to the heroine.
A new work, by M. Arsene Houssaye, "Princesses de Comedie et Deesses d'Opera,' has been brought out by Henri Plon, Paris.
" L'Etat de la France en 1789," by M. Paul Boitcau, and "Lo Couronnement de l'Edifice," by M. Clement Duvemois,—both works reflecting on the present political state of France,—have been published by M. Perrotin, Paris.
An interesting contribution to Italian history, "Correspondence de Philibert Babou de la Bourdaisiere, Eveque d'Angouleme, et Ambassa- dour de France it Rome," has been published at Rheims, edited, from the MSS. of the episcopal library, by E. Henry and C. Loriquet.
Messrs. Didier and Co., Paris, have brought out, "Francais et Arabes en Algerie," by M. Fd. Hugonnet ; and "Lea Race Humaines, et leur part dans la Civilisation," by M. Clavel. The first volume of a collection of " Chroniques et Legendes de la Vendee Militaire," edited by M. Adf. de Brem, with an introduction by M. Eugene de la Gournerie, has appeared at Nantes. A new edition, brought up to the present time, of the famous old " Miroir des Notabilites Nobiliaircs de Belgique, des Pays Bast et du Nord dc la France," by F. V. Goethals, has been published at Brussels.
The German historian, Ed. von Wietersheim, has brought out, through T. Weigel, Leipzig, a " Geachichte der Volkerwanderung," (History of the Migration of Nations,) in two volumes. A work "On the Present State of the Dutch Colonies in the East and West Indies, with esecial regard to their Political and Social Organisa- tion," by M. S. Friedman, has been published by M. Franz, Munich.
The second volume of Professor Cornelius's Geschichte des Miin- sterischen Aufruhrs," (History of the Rebellion of Miinster—the Ana- baptist Rising,) has appeared at Leipzig. The first volume was pub- lished in 1855, and the third is announced for 1863. The concluding part of Senor A. Herculano's interesting work, "Da Origem e Estabelecimento da Inquisicao cm Portugal," has appeared at Lisbon.
At Constantinople has been published a "Project of a System of EA- form for the Turkish Empire,' by Sadek Effendi, (whilom Dr. Steindl, of Vienna.)