1 DECEMBER 1866, Page 3

The Government appears determined to secure the gratitude of Londoners.

It has authorized the Metropolitan Board of Works to bring in. a Bill for the total extinction of all the metropolitan gee companies by purchase, and the transfer' of their powers to itself; If this Bill plusses, the suffocated mid blinded Londoners- will at least know who is responsible for their misery--may, in the last resort; lynch Sir ,Tohn Thwaites. London, moreover, will secure a revenue without taxation s more especially if the purchase-: money is fairly arranged, and every shilling of dividend which. the companies have gained beyerid the Parliamentary limit of 8 per cent. deincted from the amount to be paid them. They deserve no merey whatever,, and if the shopkeepers will jest warn tbw -metropolitan.. members that their seats depend-upon. this Bill, they will get none. Ite is not a reduction of price that is wanted, but good gas.