The Crown Prince of Germany has evidently produced a most
pleasing impression in Spain, the populace especially being quite enthusiastic about his dignified bearing. Both he and his father are taking unusual pains to deepen the friendly im- pression. The Prince has not only sat out a grand bullfight, which is not exactly a festival approved by geist, but has allowed a follower to publish a very favourable, though, we be- lieve, accurate account of the King of Spain, which he had given on board ship. He recognises in Alfonso a distinctly able man, with much courage and will. On the other hand, the Emperor of Germany has addressed to the King a warm letter of thanks for the reception of his son, and has worded the letter in that old, grave style of Royal courtesy so seldom used now, which is meant to imply that the recipient is not only Legitimate and a King, but the equal of the writer. The letter is just the one to please Spaniards, who evidently feel honoured by the German recognition of their King's place in Europe. It is rumoured that the Crown Prince may return to Berlin vitt France, but that is not probable. He could not go to Paris, and to avoid Paris would take all grace out of the journey.