There seems to be some idea that this opinion, repre-
sented by the Medico-Psychological Association, sanctions There seems to be some idea that this opinion, repre- sented by the Medico-Psychological Association, sanctions the taking of the responsibility for the decision of guilt out of the hands of the judge and jury and giving it to a body of medico-psychological experts. The Report, however, does not confirm this idea. What the Asso- ciation desires is that the onus of proof that a prisoner's admitted insanity did not cause his criminal action should be transferred from the defence to the prosecution. The Committee does not recommend this change, but it does recommend that " it should be recognized that a person charged criminally with an offence is irre- sponsible for his act when the act is committed under an impulse which the person was by mental disease in substance deprived of any power to resist. It may require legislation to bring this rule into effect." Thus, it would seem that in a difficult and technical subject the Committee has found a sensible compromise, and it is to be hoped that its recommendations will be put into effect.