Germany has sent her memorandum on Reparations to 812 London
and the British Government have sent their answer, at the same time communicating the sense of it 812 to Paris, Rome, and Brussels. We -do not -yet know exactly how this answer affects the situation, but it 813 is obvious that France, as usual, is, anxious about adhet- 814 ence to the letter of the Peace Treaty. Althoughlt 815 was agreed at Geneva that the experts-who are to consider a final settlement, of Reparations should be appointed by-the Governments, it-has been-suggested in France that they ought to lie appointed by the Reparation Commission. French criticisnI,:almest assumes the plenary verbal 821 inspiratioi of the Treaty, although much has occuried since -1919 to change the whole aspect of the Reparation problem. In the Treaty it is laid-doivri that the ternian Government should be heard by the ReparatiOn Commis- sion, but should, not tale "any, part:. whatever " in the decisions of the Commission. ' But-it would really be intolerable, as we understand that the • French now admit, if Germany were not to take part as a principal, equal with the others, in the forthcoming discussions.