Twice within the last year or so I have met .water-wardens who confessed to shooting herons ; and at one stream—in Shropshire—I came upon the dead body of the bird left lying where it was shot. The act has no justification. May it be that the following experience, told in the form in. which it reached me, will save a life or two. . A lady writes
" You will be interested to know that' I possess a heron which is quite tame. I found it last spring lying at the foot of a tree. People told me it couldn't live, that it, was impossible to rear such a bird, butwent on feeding him and Jacob ' went fni
When he got: older I was told he would 'fly away. At the tiresent moment he is sitting on a high wall close to my bedroom window, where ho comes almost every night to roost. .• . . He is known to both river and game ,keepers for miles around and none of them would think of harming him . . . When I opeii my bedroom window to say good-night to him he usually stretches out his neck and gives my fingers a gentle nip."
May other " ri% er and game keepers " in all parts follow the excellent example of their Jacobite fellows in Herts and Essex !