1 DECEMBER 1928, Page 15


In the centre of this atmospheric depression I asked the agent of a famous seed merchant whether these losses on the farm seriously affected his bUsiness. He said : " On the contrary, my books were seldom so good. At the present . crisis farmers feel that the only farming which has a chance of success is the best ; and when they buy, they buy the best." That was a. g*at tribute to the courage of the East Anglian farmer who has suffered more than any other, for most of his. acres are unsuitable for grass.. One reason for the purchase of the best is that our Eastern farmers are beginning to grow. more, plants,.both cereal and other, for seed. Among other clients the . big agricultural, syndicates of Northern France,. especially Lille, find British seed much the best, in accordance with the general truth_ that the North sends its seed to the South and the South sends its food to the North. A good deal of East Anglia, with an average rainfall of only 25 inches and much sun, is well adapted for seed growing, of wheat and barley, of mangold and rape, of peas and garden flowers.

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