The British Broadcasting Corporation has announced that the headquarters of
broadcasting are to be trans- ferred from Savoy Hill to Portland Place, near Oxford Circus. The large new building, simple, we are told, almost to severity, will contain some 10,000 square feet of floor space, and will be more than four times the size of the Savoy Street building, and will cost about £500,000. According to a picture in the Times of Tuesday, it will be designed in a series of blocks slightly in the pyramidal style of the latest New York sky- scrapers—a style that originated in the Zoning Laws, under which buildings must be constructed so as to admit daylight to the streets. A modified form of the design can be seen in Devonshire House. The new B.B.C. house requires a platform for aerials on the top and this would have prevented the logical culmination of a pyramidal design even if the architect had desired it, or London, which has not reached the skyscraper stage, had required it. Whether the house will be an addition to the skyline it is hard to tell as yet, but we hope it will be worthy of the important position which broad- casting occupies in the life of the people.