General Knowledge Questions
OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to the Rev. E. H. Dunkley, 35 Broad Street, Ludlow, for the following :—
Questions on Eastern Christendom
1. From what cities do the four ancient Eastern Patriarchates derive their names 7 2. What Patriarch, beside the Bishop of Rome, has the title of Pope ?
3. What is a Uniate Church ?
4. What body of Christians still observes the Sabbath as well as Sunday ?
5. Who are the Copts ?
G. What is the religion of Abyssinia ?
7. When did Moscow become a Patriarchate ?
8. Who first preached the Gospel in Cyprus ?
9. What is the religion of (a) Croats and Slovenes, (It) Serbs ?
10. From what year does the present schism between East and West date ?
' II. At what Council was the schism temporarily repaired ? Give date.
12. What is an Iconostasis ?
13. At what age is the rite of Confirmation administered in Eastern churches ?
Answers will be found on page 832.