Environmental blocks
The Crown Estate Commissioners say that they are having increasing difficulty in finding opportunities for investment in further freehold acquisitions in their report of March 31, 1973, just
releas. This week Healey and Baker, the estate agents, are offering the freehold interest of two huge office blocks, Adastral House and Lacon House in Holborn, on behalf of Land Securities. These blocks have a total area of 300,825 square feet and are fully let to Peter Walker's Department of the Environment at £106,350 a year until 2009 AD, but without rent revision, which is why they're for sale — naturally. Since it invariably proves to be too much to expect of modern government to have much vision beyond next weekend's crisis, it is unlikely that even a happy, Pollyanna-like Mr Walker will think of asking his department to put in a bid. Perhaps the Crown. Estate Commissioners, whose horizons appear to be a little less limited, might think of becoming the department's new landlords.