Govan's significance
Sir: I think it would be a pity if your readers in England remained unaware of the significance of the Govan byelection result.
This has been written off variously as a "protest vote" and "voters turning to minor party candidates."
At this election there stood, apart from Margo MacDonald for the SNP, a Labour, Conservative and Liberal candidate, and the two lost their deposits. Labour lost the election because the voters of Govan responded to the question, "Rich Scots or Poor British?" by electing Mrs MacDonald.
Whatever the truth of a Liberal revival in England, in Scotland it is just not on; in the last three by-elections here Liberal candidates have lost two deposits.
I think the outcome of the Govan by-election will bring the day nearer when England, Scotland and Wales will each get the kind of government each votes for.
Winifred M. Ewing Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, SNP, for Moray and Nairn, 52 Queen's Drive, Glasgow.