Sir: Those who took part in the mass lobby of Parliament organised by the SPUC had the opportunity of seeing, if not meeting, some of the opposition. One such young lady marched past in a shirt patterned with the words " Keep it Legal " whilst others displayed themselves and the slogan, "Every Baby a Wanted Baby."
The second slogan is serious for it claims to give reasons for the first.. Who would disagree with it, who would want to? Perhaps we all might do well to.
Is there any evidence to suggest that our contemporary babies, born despite abortion and contraception, are any more 'wanted' than the babies of the past? Is there any evidence to suggest that babies of less fortunate times were unwanted and born only because contraception and abortion were not freely available?
Whilst wishing to ask rather than answer questions I do suggest that this is not so. My own experience as a schoolmaster suggests the contrary; the use of abortion and contraception does not cause us to care more for the children we do have.
There are many children who go without an adequate breakfast, there are those who are provided with nothing to write with but the cheapest ball pen, there are those who are not provided with a satchel for their books, and there are those whose dishevelled appearance indicates a lack of parental care and a lack of self-respect.
If this is what happens to children when we want them perhaps we would do much better not to consider our wants at all.
Michael Ashton 20 Mill Road, Salisbury, Wilts.