1 DECEMBER 1973, Page 8


My friend Doctor Cranhe. believes titat ye Farkk is flat and tilt 'DA( is now cone to .ircyress Ills Vim wpm ye 5Inte 11,7can skew that 1Vrercator's ?rojection sob antairly wpon Egwatoriat Nations, 6y falsely enlarginy tkose Territories near ye706 , Question los te,coiste one of lit is colisetycently resolved, to take Hostales,to blowup Maks of tla World, displayed, in &Wick Places anct to deo.patelc Letters &Legal, witlt cteactlyOrganisms to etninkrit Coos,ra2lters. He welcomes tkese bayTi*tas,ia which it is necessary only to show that an Lowe is folitickal to remove it from .e..v-cscatiows Restraints el rationai Piscoorst anst aorta Suctraat

Lemuel Gullimr.