James Buchan
Though I make my living from reading new- books, I haven't had a lucky year. At the aeropittura exhibition at the Italian Academy, I found the English edition of Marinetti's Futurist Cookbook, translated by Suzanne Brill (Trefoil Publications, Edington Hawke, £14.95) which has intri- gued me ever since Elizabeth David offered three of his recipes in Italian Food. It is illustrated with a fine introduction by Lesley Chamberlain and it has, of course, veal fuselage and all those barmy dishes.
I am grateful to Brian Boyd's Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years (Chatto, £20), chiefly because it introduced me to the incomparable splendours of Nabokov's Russian fiction. Finally, my father's auto- biography — William Buchan, The Rags of Time (Ashford, Buchan & Enright, £14.95) — because it is written as only he can write, and it's full of amazing things I didn't know.