Hugh Trevor-Roper
British Intelligence in the Second World War, Volume V: Strategic Deception by Michael Howard (HMSO, £12.95). An elegantly written and highly diverting account of one of the successful chapters of British intelligence.
Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?, by Arno J. Mayer, (Verso, £39.95, £12.95). A profound and challenging new interpreta- tion of the Nazi policy of exterminating the Jews which has aroused controversy and provokes thought.
Scottish Hazard, Volume II: The Flemish Heritage by Beryl Platts (Proctor Press, £12.95). A fascinating work of detailed scholarship which sheds new light on the `Norman' colonisation of Scotland in the 12th century. It shows by close genealogic- al and heraldic study that the colonists were not hungry Norman adventurers but grand Flemish magnates, the heirs of Charle- magne, making use of the Norman Con- quest.
Marc Bloch: A Life in History by Carole Fink (CUP, £25). A biography of one of the most perceptive of mediaeval histo- rians, a pioneer of the Annales school in France, who joined the Resistance and was murdered by the Germans in 1944.