ill 'urns.
On the 25th tilt., in Portman Square, the Countess of LINCOLN of a son and heir. On the 23.t tilt Tapluw Court. the Collttle, of ORKNEY, of a son.
On the 2Sth ult., in Munstield Street. tlw 1,ady of Lient..tteu. Sir GFORGE TOWN.. 1411F.N tu WALK hit, G.U.B.. ur a ....OIL A/11 22:1 tilt , at Street Parsonage, the Lady of tlw Rev. WILLIAM Ffrznron, of it ,-on. I n the 26th nit,at No. 16, Royal t'icseent, Bath, the Lady of Capt. SO VENSON, Of a thuwliter. On the it III tilt., Mrs. 11; rni.ireorT, Wife of W. C. M,ullvnutt, Esq.. of Nlilborne Port.
Somerset, of a :!a• ghter.
On the ob., \Vatting Wells, Nottinghanishiw, the Ludy of Sir TnowAs Wnor.. „Its. „ I III till' ::20. • a_ lel:shire. the 1.a,Iy of Itonritr IlErnruNi; Swtx.
ToN, of a
ht tilt• ttil.. ilt,t II01:11t-s, Roxburgh:dire, ti, 1.:5I3 o: Sir Wif.t.1.4%1 JARDINE,
131t1I., 1,F ,on.
oz, wire of Mr. F. 1.7. Wits11.V1r, alt, daught,T.
On the 1111., 11,1110th:1111 l'itItIA-11, Fork-. Jof: q , sceowl son
of .'tat t_, to Fe %Netts itsityti, fhurth dalwIcer of E. Fuller Maitland, E041., ta InOi Place, Ilenley-on-Thouirs. Oil the ::3,1 ut u'. tI t 'beliefs:our. the Rev. JA Airs i %MUNI, W tnGETT, Itretor of :Mout- tint. Norfolk, 31 to 'MAUI" ANN, rider tlan,ider or Allan Thump:on, Es+, of (Awl. fettbaitt. On the 21th tilt., at itoslitiot, 111t:11ARD EST, Sttetiltii s011 ti Cie litt, Roc. It. Pahner, of Grant lialti, 10 ItOLINE 31 Art bliA, 11111'411i:it:Alt:Cr of Ili: late It. Booth. Esq., 01' tile:aloft I fall, 7":01111,11301,11,,Itire.
(1111110 '21: it 1111., it: Church, Doldin, ClIARLFS l'ATTEN VALE, Esq., lab? Inspertor4tefieral od l'ublie Aceoutos in Ireland, to Ebrz second ,latr• liter 1:ella:.■0111 l'orest 011 ii it 011 it at St_ lIalloY,r squaw, 00ar. tuf I le Royal Artillery, 1,1 'At Any ANNE, daughter ot licl.Jttitt l'oetiv on. Esq., of Wilton
Crescent, Bei.;:av.. Strilre, .rwerly 31.1'. for Ow la.r.uaglt of SI
iii' ATI is.
thc. 21111, ult.. at \Visit:ohm. Duke 1 i tn, i N a N "r RTI: Al RIAU:, c. the King. tio,..1:111 ult., at hi, how... in wet. At Chi,u iek, .1. Fit %NOE. Er.q., ill his ScIII yt.ar. On Oat at Castings, WAsol. Itais,o. Eat., of llastiegs, Stir .vx, Devon- shire Hare, Lowton, and of I bight :loll, Yoll.,11i.e. (l1 the nit., at ;tom trz.0 e, Mrs. .1 %Nit I nt.E. in her 75th y, Sr. relict of Clitisto- idler 1.1),.. ."1.1'. to W,- ttt,nttli nwt Valcombe Regis.
On the CC) Ii ult.. at Boutitzne.sur- 31er, alter a illneFs. Sir WILLIAM CLAYTON: Wirt., of Marden Park, Snrry. and II:oloyliad, II alis, iii iii. 72,1 year.
On the 2s11, ult., at Rolle:don, in the (sonny of Stafford, the Rev. ons PErLon NIust.r.Y, A.M., bector or that parish 41 years, ill lila tinth year.
Arrived--At tavesend. Jaw 3011t, Kent. Ca%vbro, from Bombay ; and Warblingtort Crosby, from Nlimriitts. At Deal, 2911,, Ito! al William, Ireland, from Madras. Oft Ituver, 23111, Theodosia, Ryan, from Mauritius; and 30th, Gentoo, Black. from Bengal; and Nelson, Price, from New South Wales. At Liverptsol, 2111t, John Taylor, Crawford. from Bombay ; and 26th, Galatca, 'fait, from IMattritins. At St. Helena, Dee. 13th„ Shepherd, Liv, say, flour Mattrili115. At the Cape, previous to Dee. Ltd, Leda, Robb ; Fenella, —; :owl Onyx, ----, from Mauritius. Marguet and Ann, Burk ; Au- rora Dewson; Keisewell, ; and ITavid Owen, ---, front Lowlon. F lphin- stone. Simi, front, Sttuiras Ilercules, Vaughan. from Bengal. At !Mauritius, Oct. 2d„ Minerva. Furlong. from Bristol ; and Redman. Anderson, from London. 31, Emulous, Wellbank. from iditto. Nov. 3d, Miranda, Hopper ; and 6th, Burrell, Metcalf, from o. Tilt, Mary. Thompson, from Leith ; W elcome, Patti. from Louniuti , amith Arabian. Boult, ii, ti. Laveroad. Si L Lady Nugent, Perceval ; and llth. Gilbert Munro, Duff, from London; awl 131h, Ltura, Taylor. from Lives pool. At Bombay. Bounty Ilan. Harding, nom Liverpool. At NlatInts, Sept. 201h. Kyle, Brown ; tont .21st, Asia, Bid- hue, from London. Oct. 2.1, Duke of lluedengli. Illeniting, front ditto. 3iI. Royal Saxon mrfe from, I iver tol 5th Feretassoo, Young, from Loudon; and 9111, Jan Adam, Ruch. front ditto. At Bengal, Aug. 22, Johanna, Paterson; and Cordelia,W cover, front the Clyde. 31st, Blakely, Jackson, from Liverpool. Sept. 61h„ Spartan, Webb, front .titto ; ,al Pearl, Sanders, from Bristol ; awl 224, Collingwood, Snipe. from Liverpool. At New South Wales, Aug. 2711t, Captain Cook, Thomson ; Orwell, Livingstone ; 30th, l'rincr George, Roche; anal Childerns, Durochier, all from London.