A vacancy having occurred in one of the collegiate churches of Edin- burgh, by the death of Dr. Inglis, the Town-Council insist that the vacancy he not tilled up, but that the income be reserved to diminish the Amsuity-tax. This is resisted by the Presbytery ; %%Ito will con- sent to the church being uneallegiated, but require that the number of the clergy should remain the same, mei Reit a new church be erected, and a successor to Dr. Inglis appointed. Dr. Chultners argued this question before the Town- Council yesterdey %leek ; and %ves so much exhausted by his exertions (he spoke for upwards of three hours), that be has been extremely nnwell ever since. According to present ap- pearances, both parties will ?:,,e) before Pashiament to heve the question settled.
Bete een two and three lamthe d of the elector: of Greenock dined
last week with their Representoive, Mr. It011ert Wallaee. There is no Member of the Reformed Parliatnent whese exertions appear to have elects snore complete satisfaction to his constituents, than those of the Member for Greettork. Since the close of last session, he his had three public meet hugs with them when their enthe approbation has been unanintouely expressed. At the p!acee of these mettinge, he gore an account in detail of his Parliamentary conduct ; and re: igned his trust into the hands of the electors, who without a dissentient voice called upon him to resume it.
There was very numerous meeting-, last week, of the landowners
and tenantry of the district in the neighbourhood of Kelso, for the pur- pose of forming an agricultural association. The 1 Mke of lb/relined) Wits Chairman of the meeting, and was elected Preeitlent of the Aseo- eiation. A ineeligions deal of nonseese was spoken, especially by Mr. Bailie of Jerviswood.
The Ref:critters of' Ayr, stud the district of Burghs colt netted with it, have reeolved to support Lord James Stuart as candidate to repre- sent them in the neon of Mr. Kennedy. Captain Gordon, the late noted 31enther for Dundalk, is mentioned its likely to oppose his Lord- ship.
The whole of the bands in one of the spinning-mills at Aberdeen
struck week osi Friday, inconsequence of a reduction of wages, rendered necessary, it is said, by the operation of the Factory Act A compro- nnse, however, was effected betwixt the parties on Monday last.— Aberdeta Herald.