The news of Earl Grey's resignation, which was so eagerly swallowed by the Conservatives in town, was despatched with great haste into the country. Among those most forward to convey the pleasing intelli- gence, was Mr. Sergeant Ludlow, the Town-Clerk of Bristol ; who told the Mayor that he knew the fact on the authority of Mr. Charles Ross, and Mr. Nichol' who had it from Mr. Ellice. Of course, the Brietol Tories vehemently rejoiced at the glad tidings. As soon, how- ever, as Mr. Ellice had intelligence of the way in which his name was used in the affair, he wrote the Mr. Charles Ross for an explanation ; reminding him at the same time, that he had not spoken to hien for six months, and therefore could not have given him the information in question, which, in fact, was a pure invention or falsehood. Mr. Ross replies to Mr. Ellice, that he only mentioned it to Mr. Sergeant Lud- low as a rumour, and that he did not give Mr. Ellice's authority for it ; that the Sergeant, in short, had much misunderstood him. Mr. Ellice, in reply, expresses his regret that Mr. Ross should have made such Specific statements on the authority of "general rumour ;" and tells bun that, previous to his writing his first letter, he had applied to Sergeant Ludlow, who admitted that he had written the letter to Bristol, and quoted Mr. Ross as his authority. Mr. Ellice concludes with saying that he shall publish the correspondence ; which accord- ingly appears in the Times of Monday.
There will be no new appointment at the India Board in room of' Mr. Macaulay, on his leaving for India. Mr. Gordon and Mr. Stewart Mackenzie will then be the two Secreturies.—Courier.
The Standard stated last week, that the law agent of the Earl of Durham had demanded an apology for the insertion of the paragraph from the Durham Advertiser, alleged to be libellous, on the day pre- vious to that on which the motion was for making the rule absolute came on. The Standard this week announces, that it was misinformed in:that particular.
The Bank of the United States has declared a dividend of 31 per cent. for the last six months, payable after the 16th January.
The London Corporation inquiry is still continued ; but nothing of public interest has been elicited during the week.
General Bugeaud and M. Dtdong, two members of the French
Chamber of Deputies, fought a duel on Wednesday; the latter received a wound, from which he died the next day. The quarrel arose front an expression of M. Dulong in a debate in the Chamber : he culled General Bugeand the gaoler of the Dutchess of Berri.