WAn.Orrter, JAN. 31.-16th Regt. of Light Dragoons-Cornet W. Wilmer to ha I.ieut_ without purchase, site Vincent. dee. ; Cornet S. G. Portion, from the halbpay of the 19th Light Dragoons. to be Cornet, vice Wilmer. 6th Regt. of Foot -Ensign F. Bristow to be Lieut. IA hilted purchase, vice Knight, dec.; Ensign G. Chan:bets, hoax the half- pay of ti,- 31th Foot, to be Ensign. sit-u' Bristow. 26th Foot W. Caine, front the 41st Rent. to be Capt. vice Price, who exchanges. 41st boot -Copt It. Price. from the :26111 1,14;t. to be Capt. vice t7aine, who exchanges. 45th Foot --Ensign B. Gray to be !dent. withwit purchase, Vivi! Armstrong. promoted in Ow 53111 Regt. of Foot ; Ensign .1. 1'. Collin, from the hair pay of the Royal Staff Corps, to be Ensign. vire Gray. 4,th Foot --Livid:Col. S. Brock, from the 55th Regt, to he I icut-Col. vice Seittictitio, W110 e!it.lialtgt-s. :i1/111 Foot-Lieut. G. Test to be Capt. without pur- chase, sire Gill. Its-.; Lieut. It. St:oriole, 11'0111 the half pay of the 35th Regt. to be Lieut. vire Tow. 5311u Foot--Lient.-Col. J. II. Schoeddc, from the 4511. Regt. to he Lieut.-00s .eet Brock, who exchanges; Lieut. It. 11. SlwalTe, vice Fretal, dee.; Lieut. Apostrong. flour tlw rith Regt. viee t'hampion, ere. to be Califs suithout putelose ; Ensign W . 1; op,. vice Slicalfe, to be Lieut.; A. Freud, Gott, A ice 110110, kb
91 It -Lieut. .1. Buckley to be Copt without purchase, site Gordon, dec. 96.1, 1.% ,t-Capt. NV. G from the half pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice II. I ;et hit,. who exchanges. receiving the difference. Rifle Brigmle-G. S. J (1 (mt.
to be Second Lieut. by inireliastt, s'inAt Greville, retifYS. 51,•nutralidiint-1hs Chris ui of (7:q.t. Browne, on the haltpav 1"nat tachol, are Thomas %Vegan, awl. h.; SVo,tsit ..sly, 1.1,,• undermentioned Major of Cavalry has retired upon the Unat- laehed rank 0-1. leeta.-0.1. or Infantry-Major Todd, of the 3t1 Ilegt. of Dragoon. Guards.