1 FEBRUARY 1834, Page 8


Sio,K F./MIA:Car, FKIPAY meet:mon The raceable tenor of all the ad vices foot) the Continent received during week, together with the improvement which kis taken place in the priv... or _Funds at Vicuna, has materially increased the etaditleure of our capitalists. Th disposition to dispose of Stock which existed some time ago, has entirely ceased. 80111C large operations have been undertaken by an eminent capitalist ; awl these, together with the ordinary investments, have carried the price of Consols up to 89 for money and 89k for Account. Before the dose of business today a slight reaction took place; and the price for Account at four o'clock was tistS In the Foreign Market, the business has been principally confined to Spanish and Portuguese Bonds; both of which are considerably higher than our last quotations. The purchases of the Bonds of the Regency loan have been uu- usually extensive; and the rise during the week has been nearly 3 per cent.

Eat ly on 310tala3, intelligence was received of the capture of Leiria, and the

dispersion and defeat of a portion of the troops of Don 111IC : the Stuck was speedily at :so; from which point it has risen continually a to-day, it n.aelted MI, a reaction from that point to 601-has occurred, and the closing price is tiO,'; The statement of Alessts. J. L. Gunnsson and laa SILVA as to the male in which the pecuniary concerns of the Itegenry haye beets administered, has exeitisi soineattent iuuuu ; but it is considered that those gentlemen have (rite failed to make out anv case of mismanagement as against the agents of Don 1).Eli Ito, Who are generally allowed to have evinced great inldress in the conduct of the very difficult duties they have hail to perform.

The continued rise of Cortes Bonds in Paris has occasioned some large specu- lations in th(use secioiries here. The tithe during the early part of the week,

mai till this inia-ning, was front *2-4Li to 'ho tin, however, 25 has been passed ; the :4mel. having heen at 25 and closing at 25;1 Although the laisint-s him-a:fail in these securities has been considelable, the purchases have !Well alits.4 I I I a h of a speculative charaeter ; no extensive investments have as yet takea phite. A quantity of Stock is thus still on the mai lit ; and hence the trill:ng improvontent i II 'nice which has ttkeit plare and -r the present :vont-able ;e-rect of Spanish affairs. Dutch Sock is higher, although it has not ifcett in extensive demand ; the large investments bv whieh the operations in this desei iprien of security were formerly characterized, having entirely ceased, .1 large amount is, however, held OH, speculation. Russia!' Bonds are higher, and are beaming very seam.; the price taday is 10411. A bargain was yesterday effictol for Idth Febt nary, at the higher quotation. Brazilian MI 11011d. :ire steady at previous Pt ices. Belgian Stock is higher; the price to. tlay heing 963 97. The 11 °ling shares are at better prices than last week. Real Del Monte are at r,t Id, and the ("Iliad Mexican at 10 It. Anglo Mexican, liolanos, and I tl:e remair.fler, are tafteinally the same. SATI,Itn TWEIAF: O'CLOCK.

Coti•oN ate lathe: lower this tuort.ing; the price for money being Z*43 ;1, and fir account es': 111 the Foe titan Market, Spanish has been the favourite Stock. By the letters folio Paris of Thursday, We are informed that a further improvement of I.!: per vent. 1.tul taken place in the price of Cortes Bonds in that eiry ; the last (rotation in the Cones ..lathentique, or Stock 1.ist, being :et. 4 ireat aviditv was shown to make purchases here on the opening of the market, and the price speedily tearlted •21i. A slight reaction bas since oc. uuiuu ed. ;tat the iloals are now flit •24-.1'.! The Portnguese Regency Bonds have heen at tf!;', ; hut a disfasition ii, malize having been shown by. the speculators, the print has since deciined, and is now 641 ;

Forit Acratint close at RAI T. In the emirs.. of the afternoon the price

bas been as low art An impulse has teen gsweir to the Bonds of the 'Mexican hems, by at report which is very current, and generally believed, that Spain has determined to acknowledge the independence of her late Cf dollies. Some very uxtete.ive iii chits have °vermeil in the Stock ; but whether they were the isii,semieilee of the report, On the ITV at the consequence of the purchases, we eatiaoe. proem] to dl.terntine. The prat! of the ti per Cent. Stock was ant the naaniegau!j. It his since been as high as 4tt, and closes at 40;11. Spa- nish f•-,tf.ck has ills') improved ; the last pine being tki?-; ;!fii. Portuguese Re-

gency ;foods ate likewise higher, and close at . The market for Shares is rather letter this afterlife:1; Del Monte being at fill. 10a.

:I rer Cent. IleLiara 5 per Cis.. VI; 4 7 MemAeitti6 per Cts.. 40 *