1 FEBRUARY 1834, Page 8
The Times, in at Init edition this morning. a!■1101111CVS the
rt ceipt olan interesting letter from Madrid ; which, howt vii, it has not mild:shed. Tlw t'ttrtes, accordiug to universal expectatiou, are to be called upon to frame a constitution nearly similur to that of Franey. It was also believed that Buenos NVOI1111 ittiiiieditut&ly leSigt1 his post as Minister of the Interior, to make way tot a more decided Liberal.
It is stated in one nf the Frank fiat papers, tm the nuthority of a communieatitm from Berl:n, that a rominercial treaty, whirl' had nearly been comph ted ketween Prussia and Bussia, lots been abruptly put an cnd tie by the Czar.