31,'ddleton Biddulph is appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Denbigh- shire, in the
room of the late Sir Watkin Williams Wynn. Mr..1. E. Denison is talked of as a candidate for Liverpool at the next election.
On Mmday, Mr. Charles George Noel was elected for the county of Rutland, without opposition.
At Beverley, Mr. Lane Fox carried his election, by a majority of 54fi to 410 over the Liberal candidate, Mr. Lamie Murray. Mr. Hutchins, the Libert:1, succeeded at Falmouth ; the numbers being—ffir Hutchins, 4;2; Came, 2:38.
Mr. Hodson Kearsley has announced his intention to retire front the representation of Wigan. At the close of the late election for Birmingham, the following reso- lution was unanimously carried—" That this meeting entertains a most grateful recollection of the eminent talents and virtues of their late faithful and beloved Member, Thomas A ttwood, Esq.; and that it is the bounden duty of the burgesses and inhabitants to express, by some suitable memorial, their gratitude for his disinterested and patriotic services both in and out of Parliament."
Captain Dyott has accepted the invitation of the Conservatives of Lichfield, and issued an address declaring his intention to contest that city at the next election in opposition to Lord Alfred Paget, the present Member.