1 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 10


It is ntlilotirCti that Lord Alfred Paget is about to resign his situation as Equerry to her Majesty. The caw pine destined for his Lordship is said to be that of :Master of the Mast: to Prince Albert, with a salary of 1,:ea1, per anittum—Jieeeleg req.

The bAlowing description of .Prince Albert's personal appearance is given by the fee,elliey Cheonicte- " The countemince of his I Ii Ink's is round, mid devoid of' colour; the fore- head opoderpo.c, it- greatest hr.:Alit being above the outer angle of the eyes, %ruling pnjectiohs where phrenologists place the ot,ratts of music and order. The hair, worn strnight and entirely (At threhca'1.1, is pat what is termed fair, but k n hue, much like that of her Majesty. The brows are broad, lowest at the inner angk, nd hut slightly arched. Tlw a us, cheerful in ex- pression, are of a greenish hazel, and nut large. The nose rather long, with a slight deprission below the hri4v, ;lad :mother rise. at the point, somewhat similar in pridile to that of the late LORI Byron. The 111011t11 is moderate, the will coloured, surmounted by a narrow short moustache, which, with the brows and eyelashes, are rather lighter ill tint than the hair. In figure his ss is slight, and not tall ; but his carriage is erect, and his movements act tve."

Letters from Gotlin, dated January 21st, state that the English em- bassy, charged to deliver to Prince Albert the insignia of the Order of the Garter and presents, arrived on the preceding day, and were to be received on the ffiliowing Thursday at the Palace, with the usual cere- mony.