A letter has been received from Lloyd's Canton Agents, dated
Hong- Kong Anchorage, September 23d, by the Marmion, arrived off Dover. It is stated, that in consequence. of the supposed capture of a boat be- longing to a merchant-vessel. t.ad many acts of hostility by the Chinese, Captain Smith of the Volage had, at Captain Elliot's desire, " in- timated a blockade of Canton River." to take greet from the 1 lth September ; but the missing boat having returned, and some negotia- tions with the Chinese having commenced, notice %vas given on the 17th September that the blockade would not be enforced, Captain Smith and Captain Elliot went to Macao on the 28d ts:eptein'ler, to negotiate "for permission to the English to return there. The Americans grum- bled at the short notice of the intended hit:el:Lae. Provisions for the fleet were more plentiful.