The musical amateurs, of 'whose performances we made mention last
'year, again mustered their corps at the Haymarket on Thursday ; when Ow/craft/ was done in a very creditable manner, as regards the unpro- fessional portion of the c'onpany, and with brilliant etlect on the part of the Cinderella of the CV elling—whose style of sin;:ing proclaimed her to be a candidate for applause iu 111111101 higher and wider field. The dAilt of this young lady—a iss Emw'Anon, we heard—was one or rare promise. Nature has endowed her with a splendid voice, which has been well cultivated; line person, and a handsome and expressive emmtenance : she sang whh feeling as well as power and skill, and her manner ?was graceful and earnest. In a word, she medic eclipsed the other per- formers, though the Prince and Dandini showed themselves to be good musieians, and by no means contentiaihle :meters; and the representa- tive of time servant Pedro was a real humorist.
The three of The (.',/tie fi,:iowed. The burlesque acting produced roars of laughter : and the Pull' proved to be a clever artist. A minuet and gavotte were also dancer; and the ('a% alter, an amateur, bore off the palm front his professional partner, thaiugh site is the Co- lumbine at a principal theatre.