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OSBORNE, JAN. 26.—The Rev. G. Prothero performed the service this morning at Osborne, before their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Prince Arthur, Princess Helena, and Princess Louise, and their Serene Highnesses Princess Hohenlohe and Prince Louis of Hesse.
JAN. 27.—His Majesty the King of the Belgians is remaining at Buckingham Palace, but is expected shortly to return to Osborne. The Duke de Nemours visited his Majesty the King of the Belgians yesterday at Buckingham Palace.
JAN. 29.—Viscount Palmerston arrived from Broad lands to-day, and returned again in the afternoon, after having had the honour of an audience of her Majesty.
JAN. SO.—Prince and Princess Leiningen arrived at Osborne yesterday. Princess Hohenlohe remains on a visit to her Majesty. His Majesty the King of the Belgians visited his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge yesterday, at Gloucester House.