A LETTER from Earl Russell to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, giving directions for the strict observance of neutrality during the war with America, was published in last night's Gazette. The established rules which provide that no ship of war or privateer belonging to either belligerent shall enter any port, roadstead, or waters of the Bahama Islands, without the special consent of the Governor, and that no such ship of war or privateer now in any British port shall be allowed to depart thence within twenty-four hours after the departure of any vessel whatever belonging to the other belligerent, and that no vessel of war belonging to either belligerent shall be permitted to remain in any British port, except in case of stress of weather for a longer period than twenty-four hours, are all to be rigidly enforced. This order is to come into effect, throughout the ports of the United Kingdom, on the 6th of February, and in colonial possessions, within six days after notification thereof has been made by the Governor of such possessions.