The new French Loan-17,600,0001.—being for a smaller amount than was
anticipated, National Stocks have been very firm this week, and an advance of about j per cent. has taken place in the quotations. On Monday, Consols, both for money and time, opened at 921, 93. Yesterday they left off at 93k. ; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 93t, s@ ; Exchequer Bills, 23s. to 27s. prem. ; India Bonds, 40s. and 50s. prem. Bank Stock has been quoted at 247 to 249. Horeigu Bonds have further increased in value, with a steady market for most securi- ties. Bank Shares have been dealt in to a very moderate extent ; but Railway Stocks have sold freely, at very full prices. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is 22,319,625/. ; in the Bank of France, 41,707,1221.