Mr. Parnell will soon be proverbial for the astonishing imaginativeness
of his facts. Mr. T. W. Russell, speaking at Glasgow on Tuesday in favour of Mr. Parker Smith, the Liberal Unionist candidate for the Partick Division of Lanark- shire, dealt with Mr. Parnell's illustration of the incompetence of the Irish Board of Works from the alleged collapse of the pier at Arklow, which is in the immediate neighbourhood of Mr. Parnell's own quarries. In point of fact, said Mr. Russell, the pier at Arklow is as sound as ever. On the day before Mr. parneil spokes a vessel laden with Mr. Parnell's own granite
passed out at half-tide from the harbour which Mr. Parnell declared to be blocked by the ruins of the pier. What did tumble into the sea was not the Government pier at all, but "an old pier built before the Union by the old Hibernian Mining Company." Mr. Parnell's facts collapse without even a storm,—collapse on being merely looked at.