An Attempt towards a History of English Literature. By Henry
Morley, LL.D., and W Hall Griffin, (Cassell and Co.)—This volume contains the last work of Henry Morley. One of the most indefatigable of men, he died in harness. His work was left un- finished, as, indeed, it must of necessity have been, unless the author had far exceeded the of man,—as a matter of fact he was in his seventy, second year when he died. Thus his modest title, "An Attempt," was justified. The proofs of the volume had been corrected as far as page 161; eighty more pages (up to 241) were practically complete. Something more had been written, but this needed to be recast ; and the final chapters have been added by Mr. Griffin, following as much as possible the lines which a knowledge of Professor Morley's work indicated to him.