FRIDAY brought the news of the denunciation of the armistice by the Allies and of the notice given by them to Turkey that hostilities will be renewed at all points at seven o'clock on Monday evening. It is, of course, still possible that even at the eleventh hour some plan will be devised to prevent a fresh resort to arms, but for ourselves we are bound to say we think this unlikely. The circumstances which have led to the breakdown of the armistice are as follows : Owing to the revolution in Turkey there was a delay in the reply of the Turkish Government to the Note of the Great Powers advising Turkey to give way. On Thursday, however, the belated answer was sent. In it Turkey agrees to cede that part of the town of Adrianople which is situated on the right bank of the Maritza, that is, on the side nearest to Bulgaria, while the left bank, on which the Turkish mosques, shrines, and tombs are situated, is to remain in Turkish bands. The reply further insists that some of the .ZEgean Islands are indispensable to the defence of Constantinople and others to that of Asia Minor. At the same time the Turkish Government agrees to abide by the decision of the Powers in respect of this part of the claims made by the Allies.