BOOKS OF REFERENCE.— Thorn's Official Directory,1913. (Simpkin, Marshall. 20i net.)—For residents
in Ireland this is an almost indispensable reference-book. In addition to a directory of Dublin City and County and special information upon Irish affairs, it contains a full peerage and administrative directory of the United' Kingdom.—The Russian Year-Book for 1913. Compiled by Howard P. Kennard, M.D., and Netta Peacock. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 10s. 6d. net.)—The third issue of The Russian- Year-Book contains very full statistical and other information which cannot fail to be useful to anyone who has commercial relations with the Russian Empire.—The Chronology of Modern India. By James Burgess, C.I.E. (John Grant, Edinburgh.. 12s. 6d. net.)—A useful outline of Indian history is provided by this book, which covers four hundred years—from 1494 to 1604. —We have also received The University of Liverpool Calendar,, 1913 (Liverpool University Press), The Musical Directory, 1913 (Rudall, Carte, 3s. net), and the A B C Fiscal Handbook (Free Trade Union, is. net).—" The Stage" Year-Book, 1913 (ls. net.). —The usual features of this useful book include an exceptionally instructive article upon the German stage during the last year by Mr. F. E. Washburn Freund, illustrated by some good photographs. Among the special articles are an essay upon actors by Strindberg, and on "The Conditions of Modern Drama" by Mr. Laurence Housman. Mr. Ernest Runtz writes upon " Theatre Design and Construction" in a way which shows an almost staggering ignorance of all that has been done in this connexion during the last ten years on the Continent.