[To the Editor of 'fan SpncrAroa.]
SIR,--=-In your article under the above heading (January 25th,
1935) you say The architect of the great measures that brought about' Old 'Age Pensions . . . " The reference is to Mr. Lloyd George ; but it was Mr. Asquith who introduced the -Bill for Old Age Pensions. It is true, however, that as Chancellor of the Exchequer, on Mr. Asquith becoming Prime Minister, Mr. Lloyd George was responsible for carrying it through in its later stages. In the House of Commons the latter expressly attributed the credit to Mr.- Asquith.—I am; Sir, 'yours obediently, A. P. CARRAGER. 120 New Walk, Leicester.- [The correction is just. Honour should be paid where due.—En. The Spectator.]