Education and Expenditure The London County Council is preparing to
go full steam ahead in its expenditure on education, and criti- cism was to be expected from certain quarters in view of the anticipated addition of lid. in the pound to the rates next year and more in following years. But there is a good deal of leeway to be made up in London in respect of inadequate and out-of-date buildings, and it is un- doubtedly a move in the right direction to make provision for sending more children to secondary schools. This is all the more desirable in view of the fact that the school- leaving age has not been raised. At the same time those who rightly insist that more money ought to be spent on education will be inclined to watch the spending activities of the L.C.C. closely ; for their cause will not be Strengthened if education authorities think it their duty to pour out money on the " frills " no less than the essen- tials of education. The memorandum by the Chairman of the Education Committee suggests limitless generosity in the expenditure of the ratepayers' money. * *