LONDON BY NIGHT By Francis Sandwich This is an excellent
addition to the " Life in Art and Photograph " Series which Messrs. Chatto and Windus are publishing at 5s. a volume, and it well maintains the high standard set by its three attractive predecessors. In his preface the editor deplores the average Londoner's ignorance of London, and declares that his primary aim in making this collection was to introduce Londoners to their own City. The present reviewer's immediate reaction to looking at Mr. Sandwith's collection was to decide to make an effort to go at the first opportunity to examine their originals, so that, if his reaction is representative, it seems that Mr. Sandwith will succeed in his aim. But whether or not the reader is moved to such a course, it will be impossible for him not to admire one of the best (if not the best) collections of photographs of London that has been made.