1 JANUARY 1842, Page 23

PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. From December 29th to December 30th.


Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Daly, and other parts of Europe, during the present Cen- tury. By SAMUEL Lama, Esq., Author of "A Journal of a Residence in Norway," &c. Memoir of the late James Halley, A.B., Student of Theology. A Popular Treatise on Agrkultural Chemistry: intended forthe use of the practical farmer. By CHARLES SQUAREV, Chemist. The Cottager's Sabbath ; a Poem. By SAMUEL MULLEN. With seven- teen steel vignettes, engraved by W. R. SMITH, from designs by H. WARREN.

Blackwood's Standard' Novels, Vol. III. — " Tom Cringle's Log," by MICHAEL SCOTT.

[A short prefatory notice accompanies this addition to Blackwood's Standard Novels; but it is quite a model in its way, for there is no attempt to eke out matter by multitude of words. Besides a brief outline of the life of MICHAEL SCOTT, (too brief in fact, since somebody must have known something of his habits, circumstances, and mode of life,) there are some curious facts connected with Tom Cringle's Log. It appears that the author sent a few detached sketches to the late Mr. BLACKWOOD ; who, seeing the elements of popularity they contained, at once advised a more extended work with a more connected form; and thus secured for his magazine one of the most successful efforts of popular periodical literature that has ever appeared. It is another curious cir- cumstance connected with the Log, that the author preserved his incognito towards his publisher throughout the publication : Mr. BLACKWOOD died without knowing the real name of the writer of Tom Cringle, except by report from third parties.] Waverley Novels, Vol. X.—" The Monastery." [The introduction to this novel is not incurious, for the anxious and almost laboured investigation into the causes of the comparative heaviness and want of interest which was complained of on its publication; showing how little truth there was in the notion that Secerr was unmoved by criticism or indifferent to it. If SCOTT, in The Monastery, failed to inspire an interest in the follies of Elizabethan foppery, the characters of BEN Jettison's comedies, we are told, are no longer regarded; and in SHAKSPERE, Nym, Pistol, and, besides some others, even Mercado, "have little to interest the present age." It seems to have escaped Sir WALTER, that JONSON and SHAKSPERE attained their end, which was to afford contemporary pleasure ; whilst his facts respecting Mercutio, ancient Pistol, or even corporal Nym, may be questioned.] A Greek Gradus; or a Greek, Latin, and English Prosodial Lexicon;

containing the interpretation, in Latin and English, of all words which occur in the Greek Poets, from the earliest period to the time of Ptolemy Philadelphia, with the quantities of the syllables verified by authorities; and combining the advantages of a Lexicon of the Greek Poets and a Greek Grains. For the use of Schools and Colleges. By the late Reverend JOHN Blesser., B.D., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. To which is added, a Synopsis of the Greek Metres, by the Reverend J. R. Ma.rort, D.D., Head Master of King's College School, London. Second edition, revised and corrected by the Reverend T. E. J. VALPY, M.A., Head Master of Burton-on-Trent Grammar School.

[This very learned and useful work, which combined the advantages of a Greek prosodial dictionary, or explanation of the power of syllables, with that of a lexicon, or interpretation of the meaning of words used by the Greek poets as low as the age of PTOLEMY PHILADELPHUS, has been thoroughly revised by 7.1r. VALPY. All insufficient authorities have been expunged, and theie place supplied by more conclusive examples ; the numerous errors in the marking of accents and quantities, which had crept into the first edition, have been reme- died; superfluous quotations and superfluous authorities have been omitted ; many new words have been inserted, or their interpretations improved; and various minor corrections made. Altogether, Yalpy's Edition of Brasse's .Greek Gradus may be considered as the book for the student of Greek poetry.]


England in the Nineteenth Century. Northern Division, Part 1.—Lanca- shire. Southern Division, Part L—Comwall.

The Book of the Farm. By HENRY STEPHENS, Editor of the "Quarterly Journal of Agriculture." Part I. Natural History ofMan. By JAMES COWLES PRICHARD, M.D., F.R.S , &c. Illustrated with many coloured plates engraved on steel, and inter- spersed with numerous wood-cuts. No. L

[The object of this publication by Dr. PRICHARD is to take a "general survey of the various races belonging to the great Human Family." One end of the writer is to give an account of the physical and moral characteristics which distinguish these different races throughout the world ; another is to prove that all men are original:y of one stock—in opposition to many of the modern physiologists, who assume that the human races have different origins.

The first number, which alone is before us, is entirely introductory ; con- fined to a general survey of the vegetable and animal, or rather brute kingdoms, in order to show that hybrids cannot perpetuate their race,—perishing in the third generation, in the few rare cases where they generate at all; whilst, by an equally extensive examination, Dr. PRICHARD endeavours to prove that the progeny of domestic animals that have become wild, as in America, exhibit all the anatomical and other characteristics of those ferine races which are assumed to be different from the present domesticated family. The investiga- tion is curious and interesting : that belonging to mankind will be still more so, especially if in addition to physiological and anatomical circumstances, it em- brace the peculiarities, habits, and national characters of the different races. We cannot, however, but express a doubt whether Dr. PRICHARD is not setting down to work out a preconceived opinion, somewhat more Anxious to establish his own view than to follow truth wheresoever she may lead. Let us pass from generals to a small particular. In a table, at page 19, of the different races which people America, the United States in the year 1820 are represented as containing no Negroes and 1,769 people of Colour. This may be an error of the press, either with Dr. PRICHARD, or his original, Mr. itUGENDAS ; or the latter may have had reasons for his omission of the Ne- groes, and the statement of 1,769 people of Colour, which must certainly be too low. But Dr. PRICHARD Should look to his future statistics more care- fully, especially when he adduces them as data to reason upon.] Waverley Novels, Vol. 11. Part V.—" The Monastery." Scott's Prose Works, Vol. 11. Part VI.—" Life of Napoleon Bonaparte." Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall's Irdand, Part XV.

; Life and Letters of Cicero, Part IV. Dramatic Works of Massive? and Ford, Part IV. Curiosities of Literalure, Part IV.

Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, ranbrugh, and Farquhar, Part IV.

O'Connell, his Contemporaries, and Career. By JOHN GB-IEEE. Parts L and II.

The Commissioner, No. IL Our Mess. No. L—" Jack Hinton." Edited by HARRY LORREQUEIL Illustrated by Pam.


Westminster Review, No. LXXIL Church of England Quarterly Review, No. XXI.

.Magazinesfor January—Blackwood's, Dublin University, Tait's, Monthly, Churchman, King's College, Facts and Figures.


The New Chapter of Kings; or the History of England in Miniature, for the use of children. With forty illustrations. [An expansion of STEEVEN'S song entitled "The Chapter of Kings"; a couplet being given to each sovereign instead of a line. By this means, some- thing connected with the reign or the monarch can be introduced, though of course not much in the way of teaching history ; but the couplets impress a distinct notion, as far as they go, and occasionally a useful point. The two best in this way are HENRY the Eighth and GEORGE the Fourth- " Bluff Harry the Ei.vhth to six spouses was wedded;

Oue died, one survived—two divorced, two beheaded."

" George the Fourth rescued Europe from Bonaparte's chain; Gas, steam-ships, and railroads, all date from his reign,"— i

including his Regency that s. Portraits of each sovereign are given, with the years of their birth and death, and the length of their reign. A genealogical table of the Conqueror's descend- ants, so far as royalty is concerned, is appended.]

A Baronial Hall in the Olden Time; or Old English Hospitality. Painted by G. CATTERMOLE ; engraved by J. EGAN.

[A splendid mezzotint of the famous picture by CATTERMOLE that was a principal feature of the Water-colour Exhibition two or three years back. The scene represents a party of pilgrims and other wayfarers entertained in an old baronial hall; and the subject is treated with that Venetian richness and gran- deur of style for which the painter is distinguished. The homely weeds and rustic air of the travellers seated at the tables, contrasted with the gallant bearing and knightly costumes of the entertainers, and the stately character of the apartment, produce a striking effect, that at the first glance makes evident the nature of the subject ; as the brawny cook bringing in the baron of beef, and the attendants handing about cups and flagons, do the quality of the feast. The eye is first attracted to a lovely young mother feeding her infant, an elder boy supping his porridge at her feet ; then it rests upon a venerable pilgrim im- ploring a blessing on the fare and the host ; and so wanders on to other groups, picturesquely disposed around the apartment ; stopping to admire the noble figure of a falconer in the foreground, and glimpsing the lordly group seen descending the stairs through the opening of the screen. The engraving is generally effective, but the smoothness and coldness of the copyist's version of the faces deprives the print of those painter-like qualities that gave such a charm to the original picture : the vigour and spirit of the artist's touch and feeling are missed; and the mezzotint, in spite of the various texture given by etching and engraving, is deficient in that massy power and breadth of effect which are the characteristics of CATTERMOLE'S style. With these necessary deductions, the mezzotint is magnificent.]

Favourites : property of Benjamin Boyd, Esq. S. E. JONES, pinxit ; on stone by J. Houma. [A large and effective print representing an animated group of six splendid stallions, all remarkable for power and symmetry, led by grooms across a park; the view of which forme a suitable background. The blood and bone of these noble animals, conspicuous in their looks of fire and spirited action, are of a kind to do honour to their respective pedigrees, which are given at length. The girths round each are unsightly in a picturesque point of view ; and they appear superfluous, the horses being otherwise naked: but this is a point of custom, we suppose, which the painter was too good a jockey. to omit. To all coanseurs of horse-flesh, and especially to breeders, this print will be attrac- tive.] Saints' Church, Derby. Painted by JAMES Eras; lithographed by LOWES DICHINSON.


.A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord Stanley, on Africa"; Immigration to Jamaica, British Guiana, and Trinidad.

A Letter addressed to the Government of Bombay, by the Chamber of Commerce at that Presidency, on the subject of extending and improv- ing Cotton Cultivation in India. The Repeal of the Union would be Separation, and must lead either to the reconquest of Ireland or the destruction of the British Empire: in which the question of Irish grievances and justice to Ireland is inciden- tally discussed. By M. J. FAGAN, Esq., Barrister-at-law.


A letter from Mr. HANCoRN, in reference to our note last week on Dr. PAL. 3NEDO'S treatment of consumption, expresses a fear of misapprehension. The substance of his communication amounts to this—that the treatment is not homoeopathic; that the inflammation' is not external, but in the substance of the lungs; and that the modus eurandi being inhalation, the animal oil is merely applied to the chest to make sure of the effluvia being inhaled. If our brief notice of the system would lead others to an erroneous -con- clusion respecting it, it is proper that the error should be rectified; but for our- selves, we did not need the explanation of Mr. Harmonic Had we supposed the inflammation to be external, we should have described the principle as counter-irritant, not homceopathic, which it still seems to us to be—like curing like : the absence of infinitesimal quantities does not, as we said, resemble the practice of modern homoeopathists. The modus curandi was obvious since Dr. PALMEDO made the discovery by accidentally curing a man Of con- sumption, whilst applying the oil on the patient's wife.

ERRATUM.—The name of the author of the little book on Musical Educa- tion, mentioned in our list of Publications last week, was misprinted: it should have been E. M. GEARY.