The first arrival of the accelerated post from Paris, with
the journals of yesterday, puts us in possession of important intelligence.
Madame Adelaide, the sister of Louis Philippe, died yesterday morning, after being ill of" Is grippe" for a few days. By the death of this Princess, the King of the French loses a counsellor upon whose judgment he was accustomed to place great reliance. Madame Adelaide was born in 1777. Although four years younger than the King, she looked older, her appearance not being robust She was reported to be extremely wealthy; and by her death the Due de Montpensier, who was her favourite, will receive a great addition to his fortune.
The Madrid Gazette of the 25th December publishes ordinances reconstituting the Ministry as follows—General Narvaez President of the Council, without port- folio; General Figneras War; Manuel Beltran de Lys Finance; Sartorins, In- terior; Arrazola, Justice; Bravo Murillo, Public Instruction; Roca de Fogores, Marine.
The official Gazette of Parma announces the entry of Austrian troops into that capital; and the Conservateur, a Ministerial paper of Paris, supplies the parti- culars. On the death of the Archdatchess Maria Louisa, the ex-Duke of Lucca, now Duke of Parma, went to Milan, held a conference with Marshal Eadetzky, and then went to Modena. Austrian troops at once occupied both Modena and Parma.