The rumours of troubles in Al geria from the recently vanquished
liabTles have acquired strength. The fact that the Paris papers are si- lent is held to be ominous.
The Emperor went to the opera the other night, the greatest precau- tions were taken to protect him. The street was dark except at the door of the house, and police and soldiers cleared it of people.
.1te1egraphic despatch from Paris, dated yesterday, says that "the Spanish Ministry has just achieved a new triumph. In the sitting of the 29th instant, the Congress approved the draft of the address in an answer to the Speech from the Throne, by a majority of 186 to 26."
The Paris correspondent of the Morning Post "has reason to believe" that" some negotiations are going on, by which the French garrison may remove from Rome and occupy only Civita Vecchia, whilst the Austrian garrison will confine itself to Ancona only. The Papal Government has distinctly stated that it will not entertain any suggestions from Paris or London as to domestic reforms."