At Newcastle on Wednesday week Mr. Lloyd George addressed nine
hundred. Trade Union officials on the pressing- need for " diluting " labour in the munitions workshops. He wanted the Trade Unions to agree to a plan by which one skilled workman. would co-operate with ten semi-skilled workmen. The custo- mary Trade Union retort is that there are enough skilled workers: to do all that is required if only labour were properly organized. Although the' meeting at Newcastle was private, it is said that Mr. Lloyd George was very well received. On Christmas Day he.addressed a large meeting at Glasgow, and insisted that victory' was in the hands of the workers, and. that it was absolutely essential to dilute skilled labour in order to man the new Govern- . ment factories. All chaffering about relaxing a rule here and. there, he said, was utterly out of place. " You cannot haggle with an earthquake." The great majority of the audience seemed to be heartily with Mr. Lloyd George, as we should have expected after the experience of the Merthyr election. Mr. Lloyd. George is to be complimented on the courage he displace in his visit to the North: The-urgency of his subject was splen- didly. symbolized by the fact that he called a meeting for Christ. etas Day.