CALENDARS.—The S.P.C.K. as usual issues The Churchman's Almanack in different
shapes and sizes for the pocket or the desk and at different prices.—The Society also publishes The Churchman's Remembrancer (Is. 6d.) for 1916. This includes spaces for a diary and accounts, and gives at the end a great deal of tabulated ecclesiastical information.—The Letts' Diaries Co. send us several of their new publications, from small businesslike diaries up to those that have a full folio page for each day. One point about them is the sheet of blotting-paper 'between the pages. One has much printed information, almost a small Whitaker in a hundred pages. Another is designed to be especially useful to printers.—The Garden Life Pocket Diary (Cable Publishing Co., Is. net) has some fifty pages of infor- mation for those who busy themselves with kitchen or flower gardens.—Kalendar of the War, compiled by M. S. G. (Glouces- ter, Bellows, Is., or 100 at 9d. each), is a record of events from day to day from August 4th, 1914, to All Souls Day, 1915. There is a small space for private records of each day, and the rest of the page has a short poem or piece of prose, from Ecclesiasticus to the compiler herself. One has appeared in the Spectator ; others are from Shakespeare, Tennyson, and living poets. There is a serious, religious tone about the whole.—The Britons' Calendar, selected by E. and C. Spender (Palmer and Hayward, 2s. 6d. net), is "a book for Patriots." It has daily mottoes from innumerable British poets and some American, printed upon decorated pages.