ACTION, Council of, Sir William Davison's Correspondence with the .. .. 4 Alps, the Prospects for Climbing in the .. 676 America and the Future of Navies .. 5-354-577
— Britain and .. 39-672 — and the league 97 — Amendments to the Covenant which might Satisfy .. 128 — and Ireland .. _ 195 — Mr. Harding's Inaugural Address 323 — Britain, and the Mischief-Makers 385
],'resident Harding and .the League.. 481-738
— and Britain, the Oummidges of .. 544 — and Britain : Official Discontents 576
-1- Colonel Harvey on Relations with Britain.. 672
— and a Naval Conference 705 — and the Japanese Alliance .. 800 American Ambassadors .. .. 609 Army Committee, the Defence Proposals of the 38
BASSES-PYRENEES, Bird-Life in the— Blackcaps and Fire-Crested Wrens at Pau 613
Behaviour in Church 229 Bevin, Mr., on Labour and the Church .. 195 Briand, M. 98 — his Parliamentary Success (" The Entente ") 674 Britain and America .. 39-385-544-576-672 British Industries Fair, the, at Shepherd's Bush 293 Iludget, the .. 546 CABINET Government and the Re-formed k) Ministry 449 Candour and Economy .. 806 Card Haters 452
Castlereagh and the Holy—Milan—co
.. 515 Cecil, Lord Hugh, on Dean Inge and Christian Fellowship .. 259-290 Chess or Chance ?.. .. 164 Chesterton, Mr. G. K., on the Problem of Zionism . 68 Church, Behaviour 229 Churchill, Mr.: a Great Projector .. 769 Citizens, Goad, a League of 608 — a League of .. 736 Clodd. Mr. Edward, and Second Sight .. 100 Coal Crisis, a New .. .. 289 — — Another 418 — Strike, the .. 441-577 — — the Lessons of the — — Settlement, the Hopes of a .. 512 — — the Strike that was Cancelled .. 513 — — the Failing 610 — — the Case for the Nation 640 — — Who are the Miners, and Why should they be a Privileged Class ? 641 — — the Sibylline Books 672 — — Plain Words to the Miners .. 737 — — Mr. Hodges's Speech at the Brighton Labour Conference 801 Connexions 773 Cordova .. . — 101 Cox, Mr. Harold, on What it may Come to in Ireland .. .. 129 Credulity, the Pleasures of., .. 100
Crippling Trade, a New Way of 706 J)AVIDSON. Sir John. and the Defence of the Empire 38 Davison, Sir William, his Correspondence with the Council of Action
Defence of the Empire, the .. 38 Desperate Sayings — — More 612 Dover Election, the, and its Lessons .. 96 Drill, the Mental Effect of .. 420 .. 260 .. 69 .. 96 .. 256 .. 675 .. 674 FINANCIAL Situation, Mr. McKenna on FINANCE—PUBLIC AND PRIVATE :- - Bankers on the Situation .. 108 — Banking on its Trial 646-677 — Cheaper Money Prospects 357 — City, the, and the Budget .. 650 .— Coal Strike, the 455
VASTER, a Fixed
_fl".4 Economy and Revolution Economy, the Dover Election and — and Candour ..
Egypt for the Egyptians Egyptian Riots, the Meaning of the ..
Entente, the .. FINANCE—PUBLIC AND PRIVATE- - Decontrol and National Economy 294 — Export Credit Schemes .. .. 74 — Gleams of Light ..
— Indemnity Proposals, the _ .. 165 — International Debts : the Greatest of all Problems .. 775 — Labour at Bay 421 — Life Assurance and Investment .. .. 102 — Life Insurance Bonus Prospects 614 — National Accounts, the .. 357 — National Solvency, Protecting the : a Strong Lead Needed .. .. 709 — Outlook. the—Trade and Labour Problems 135 — Outlook, the Financial (March 22nd) 380 — Outlook, the (April 13th) 486 — Outlook, a Better (April 20th) .. 519 — Outlook, the (June 8th) .. 742 — Past Year, the .. 11 — Prospects for the New Year 425 — Railvlays, the State and the 262 — Railway Settlement, the .. 581 — Some Adverse Influences .. 325 — Some Fundamental Factors 230 Foreign Affairs, the Outlook in (January 15th) 71 Fox-Cubs — 741 Furniture and Stuffs, Modern, in Paris .. 774 Germany, the Delayed Disarmament of 172 — the Indemnity from .. 162 — Common Sense and the Indemnity .. 193 — the Blunder of 322 — Making her Pay .. 353 — and Private Debts .. 387 — France, and Ourselves — Accepts the Allies' Ultimatum .. 611 Gibb, Sir George, and Railway Co-partnership 99 Good Wishes and Bad 9 Greece and Turkey .. . 289 Gummidges, the, of Britain and America .. 544
HALF a Day Off 324 Harding, President, his Inaugural Address 323 Harding, President. and the League of Nations 481
— — on Friendship with Great Britain .. 544 — — and the League of Nations .. 738 Harvey, Colonel, the Arrival of, in England .. 609 — on America's Attitude to Britain .. 672 580 388 426-453 484-518 .. 549 .. 740 .. 387 " ILLEGAL verament " and the Remedy.. 4 Imperial Con Vrence, the.. 739 .. 161 .. 36 .. 416 737 259-290 .. 129 .. 195 .. 224 .. 516 .. 643 .. 704 .. 803 5-577 .. 576 .. 705 the .. 800 644 68-803 .. 164
KIND Inquiries .. 484
Kurkut, the Mulberry Groves at .. 708
LABOUR, if it Wins 416
labour and Foreign Intrigue .. 545 Labour Party, the, and Unemployment 132-225 — — the Duke of Northumberland's Charges against Lancashire and the Indian Cotton Duties — 416 League 'of Good Citizens, a. 608-738
League of Nations. America and. the .. 97 GERMANY and Sinn Fein, the Relations 70
Hospitality House. Choosing a ..
— the Converted .• — Converting a .. Living in the Converted — Repairs in the .. Household, the Inanimate
• •
India : the P Rains of the Raj Indian Vice's yeti, Lord Reading and the — Cotton Di ties, Lancashire and the Industrial Crisis, Plain Words on the Inge, Dean, and Christian Fellowship.. Ireland, What it may Come to in ..
— America and ..
— Policy and Impolicy in .. — Mr. Lloyd George and Reprisals in — the Orgy of Murder in .. — North-East — the Government and — See also under " Sinn Fein"
TAPAN and the Future of Navies .. a) Japan, America. and Britain Japan, and a Naval Conference
Japanese Alliance, the Case against Renewal of the .. — Pearls _ Jewish Problem, the, in Palestine .. Jurywomen and Modesty — — the Mandates of the......419 League of Nations. Amendments to the Covenant which might Satisfy America .. 128
— President Harding and the .. 4131-7511
— — the Future of the.. .. . Leisure, the New (" Half a Day Off "). • • 824 Lenin's Secret Orders for Revolutions.. • • 450 10 Letters, More Old.. • • 770 Let Us Hear the Truth ..
• • 70 Liberty, the Enemies of Life and Liberty, Chapter Two • • Lindsay, Mr. Vachel, his " Johnny Appleseed " 645 Lloyd George, Mr.. and the Unionist Party 160-352 — — and Reprisals in Ireland.. .. 224-516 — — the Good and the Bad of .. .. 257 — — on the Need for a Homogeneous Party .. 384-385 — — his Criticism of the French Press over
Upper Silesia.. 642 — — and the Reconstruction of the *Unionist
Party ..........788 Lordliness and Leisure.. 707
Lords, House of, How to Deal with the .. 852
Luck (" Chess or Chance ? ") .. 164
McKENNA, Mr., his Speech on the Financial Situation .. .. 192 Maltese Messman, My .. 73
Mandates, the .. 419 Manners and Deference (" Sir and Madam ").. 548 Medical Treatment, Centres for .. 772 Mediums, a Clearing House and Central Bureau for 293
Meetings .. 292 Memory's Money-Box 517 Mesopotamia, Mr. Churchill and.. .. 769 Ministry, the 334-formed......449 Money Matters .. . 41 Montagu, Mr., and the Indian Cotton Duties .. 416 Mountain Climbing Season, the Prospects for the . 6-6 Murder, the Pious Defence of „. .. 131 — the Orgy of, in Ireland 643 NAPOLNAPOLEON on English Literature.. .. 644 EON the Future of .. .. 5 Naval Competition, Why a 35 — the Way Out .. 5747 — Conference, a. .. 705 Neighbourhood240 , the, o. the .Future ..• ..• 226 Newspaper, arrl Model 227
No Judge .. 133 Northumberland, the Duke of, on Labour and
hieForeign Intrigue— — 545 . against the Libour.Party. „ 770 OLD Heads on Young QUESTIONS, Asking (" Kind Inquiries ") .. 484 RAYLWAY Dispute, the New .. 99
.11, Raj, the Passing of the .. .. 161 Rationing of Expenditure, the, and Economy.. 69 Beading, Lord, and the Indian Viceroyalty .. 36 Relationship, the Claims of (" Connexions").. 773 Remembering and Forgetting ("Memory's Money-Box") 517 Remonstrance, a Humble 100 Revolution and Taxation 288 — — the Plan of Campaign .. .. 320
— — What the Spectator Could Do .. 321
— an Inquiry into .. .. 545.579 RevolutiouarY. the British .. .. 514
PALESTINE, the Jewish Problem in Palestine Blunder, the Papers, More Old
Paris, Modern Furniture and Stuffs in Parish Magazine, the Pascal on Murder Pau, Blackcaps and Fire-Crested Wrens Pearls, the Japanese " Culture " of .. Persia, a Snipe Shoot in Piss de Terre, the Government and ..
Poetical Salads .. .
Poland and the Trouble in Upper Silesia Postal Charges, the Increase in Private Patrons (" Soul Guardians ") Projector, a Great (Mr. Churchill) .. Psycho-Analysts, the A B C of 68 803 10 774 40 131 at .. 613 644 856 261 805 842 706-707 .. 134 769 196.228 Shoulders 355 Roads, Widening of, Unemployment and the 7 Russia, the Medical Facts in 8 — the Trade Negotiations with .. 72 — Lenin's Secret Orders for Revolutions .. 450 Russian Tragedy, the .. .. 482 Q T. MARTIN • IN - THE - FIELDS 10 Review," the 40 Sayings, Desperate — More Desperate 612 Second Sight (" A Humble Remonstrance ").. 100 Silesia, Upper, the Trouble in .. 642
Sir and Madam_ . 548 Sinn Fein Movement, Documents Relative to the . 70 — — versus America, the San Francisco Argonaut on .. 39
Slump, the, and Unemployment .. 7 Soul Guardians .. 134 Spiritualistic Mediums, a Clearing House and Central Bureau for .. 293 Stonechat, the — — .. 325
Sykes, Lady, on Reprisals in Ireland .. 224-225 TARIFF legislation, the Limits of Taxation, a Proposal to Reduce Burden of Taxation—What the Spectator Could Do Trade, a New Way of Crippling Turkey and Greece ULSTER, the Elections in 704 Unemployment, the Slump and .. .. 7 Unemployment and the Need for Steadiness.. 37 — Quack Remedies for ..
— the Labour Party and .. .. 225 Unionist Party, the .. .. 160 — — the Peril of the .. .. 352 — — the Crisis in the .. 384 — — the Future of the,. , 335 — -- the Reconstruction of the .. 788 VERSE, Mixed (" Poetical Salads ") 805
WA4lEFORD Case, the ......547
Washing Day, In Praise of 197 " Westward Ho I " on Land .. .. 645 Wishes, the Power of . .. 9 Wister, Mr. Owen, on Anglo-American Relations 39 With Heart and Mind ........72 J
Women on Juries (" No Judge ") .. 133
YOUNG Shoulders, Old Heads on .. 355
ZANGWILL, Mr., on the Problems of Zion .. 68 Zion, Problems of .. 68
Amend, the (Iola Aneurin Williams) .. .. 17
Ancient Embroidery, a (G. v. H.) .. 427 Appleseed, Johnny, a Song for American -Children in Praise of (Vacliel Lindsay) .. 651 Bough, the (John Freeman) .. 400
Candlelight (R. L. Megroz) 779 Credo (Lady Margaret Saekville) 267 Dark Night (John Freeman) 331 Dawn Song (A. R. Gidney) .. 363 Epitaph (Lady Margaret Sackville) 107 ' General Elliott,' the (Robert Graves). 491 Ghosts of Bristol, the (Captain J. H. Knighl- Adirin) . .. 140 Harlech in Early Spring (A. P. Braves) .. 618 Image, the (Richard Hughes) .. 17 Lucky (F. W. Harvey) . 48 May Day.—A Fragment : Dawn (G. F. Hilder, aged 14).. 555 Newcomer, the (Richard Church) .. 107 Nightingales, the (John Freeman) 681 Notre, le ; or, Neptune in Chains (Osbert Sitwell)_ 524 Old Cat Care, Outside the Cottage (Richard Hughes) .. 170 Rain in Spring (Martin Armstrong) 811 Ruin, the (Richard Hughes) .. 749 Ruined Barn, the (A. Hugh Fisher) .. 77 Sentinel Song (Hobert Nichols) .. 235
Sunrise, a (Mle V. H. Friedlaender) 714
'Trespassers (F. W. Bateson) .. 585 Villanelle of Love, a (R. L. Megroz) 203 Wild Night, a (Richard Church) 300 Wild Swans (Will H. Ogilvie) 396 ART.
Academy, the.. 685 Academy, Architecture at the ......818 Art Club. the New English .. 78 Alpine Club Gallery 428.555 Grafton Gallery, American Pictures at the.. 428 Grafton Gallery, the International Society at the.. 655 Independent Gallery, French Modernists' Pictures at the .. 555 Leiceeter Galleries.... 555 Max Beerbohm, Mr. : his Exhibition at the Leicester. Galleries ........682 Old Water Colour Society's Exhibition .. 428 THE THEATRE, MUSIC, Aso.
Antony and Cleopatra at the New Theatre,
Oxford . .. 235
Artist, the, and Drama .. 107
Ballet and a Standard of Criticism .. 140
Betrothal, the, at the Gaiety Theatre .. .. 78 of Divorcement, the, at the St. Martin's Theatre Circle, the, 8t the Haymarket ......598
Circuses, Some Reflections on — .. 17 Diaghlieff Ballet, the, at the Princes Theatre.. 811 Dun%n, Miss Isadore ; her Matinees at the
Pree of Wales Theatre 524 Fairs, Some Reflections on.. 17 Family Man, a, at the Comedy *Theatre .. 780 Grand Guignol, the : Third Series 491 .Heart of a. Chlid, the, at the KIngeway Henry IV, at the Court Theatre .. 267
451 the 288-320 .. 321 .. 708 ..289
liecl: the Ambassadors Theatre .. 749 us of Notions, the, at the New Oxford Theatre .. 203
Love 1! at the Playhouse 363
Love for Love, the Phoenix Society in .. 428 Macbeth at the Hackney Baths .. 235
Oresteia, the, at Cambridge 331
Othello at the Court Theatre .. 587
Pantomimes 49
Pericles at the Old Vie. 619
Phoenix Society, some Productions by the. 170- 428-513
Savage, the, and the Woman at the Lyceum
Theatre .. .. 363 Shakespeare Birthday Festival, at Stratford .. 652 Shaw Season, the, at the Everyman Theatre,
Hampstead .. 682 Social Convenience, a, at the Royalty Theatre.. SOO
Songs, Some Modern, at Steinway Hall .. 626 Stage Settings and Costumes . 714 Stravinsky at the Queen's Hall .. 779
Sweet William at the Shaftesbury Theatre .. 619 Tempest, the, at the Aldwych Theatre .. 235 Volpone or the Fox, by the Phoenix .. .. 170 Witch of Edmonton, the, at the Lyric, Yammer- smith 543 SOME plays Woaru Seem°, 18-49-79-140-170-204- 236-267-300-332-364-429-461-491-525-587-020-853- 750-780
A YDELOTTE, Professor Frank—American
Oxonian 301
BADDELEY, John F.—Russia in the Eighties .. 558 Barker, A. 11.—Domestic Fuel Consumption .. 429 Barton, Sir- D. Plunket—Bernadotte and
Napoleon Baudouin, Charles—Suggestion and Anto-Sug-
gestIon . .. 364 Beck, James M.—The Passing of the New
Freedom — „ „ .. 49 Beerbohm, Max—And Even Now .. .. 108 Benson, E. F.—Our Family Affairs.. 54 Bergson, Henri—Mind-Energy 23 Bird, Major-General W. D.—The Direction of
War ..— — 784 Bishop, J. B.—Theodore Roosevelt and hie Time 141 Blair, Rt. Rev. Sir David Hunter—Third
Marquess of Bute .. 782 Bland, J. 0. P.—China, Japan, and Korea .. 621 Blease, W. Lyon--Suvorof .. 302 Bolton, A. T.—The Architecture and Decora- tion of Robert Adam and Sir John &lane .. 401
Bosanquet, Bernard—What Religion Is .. 22 Brooke, Robert C.—Government and Politics of Switzerland. 18 Brown, Dr. William—Psychology and Psycho-
therapy .. 623 — G. Baldwin—The Arts in Early England .. 399 — P. Hume—Life of Goethe......271 Browne, Captain D. G.—The Tank in Action .. 53 Bryce, Viscount—Modern Democracies .. 622 Bywater, Hector C.—Sea-Power in the Pacific.. 751
CA3MAERTS, Emile—Belgium from the Roman Invasion to the Present Day .. 433 Carre, Jean-Marie--Goethe en Angleterre .. 398 Caulfeild, Francis, trans. by—The Odyssey .. 653 Charles, Dr. R. IL, Intro..e&c., by—A Critical
and Exegetical Commentary on the Revela-
tion of St. John ... .. 52 — — The Teaching of the New 'Testament on
Divorce . 397 Chester, S. .B.—Life of Venizelos .. 814 Chesterton, G. K.—The New Jerusalem 68-79 Clark, Ruth—Anthony Hamilton 529 Cohn, Rev. J. R.—The Bible and Modern Thought ... .. 112 Conway, Prof. R../1.—New Studies of a Great
Inheritance —. 590 Cortissoz, Royal—The Life of Whitelaw-Reid .. 750 Curtis, L.—Papers Relating to the Application of
the Principle of Dyarchy to the Government
of India .. . . 110 Curtier, W. H. R.—The *Enclosure and Redis-
tribution of our Land 205
DAS'Hariluts—Life and Letters of Torn Dutt 582184 Dewar, G. A. B.—The Great Munition Feat
Donaldson, M. E. M.—Wanderings in the Western Highlands and Islands .. 688 Doughty, Charles M. Travels in Arabia Deserta 781 Drachaler, Julius—Democracy and Assimila- tion — 485 Duclaux, Madame—Victor Hugo .. 685
VILON, Augustin—Recollections of the .1? Empress Eugenie . . .. 20 Fleury, Comte, ed. by-31.e.moirs.of the Empress
Eugenie .. 20 Ford, W. C.—A Cycle of Adams Letters,1861-1865 715 Franck, Harry A.—Roaming Through the West Indies .. 174 Freshileid, Dr. D. W.—Life of de Saussure .. 560 Faller, Sir Bampfylde—The Science of Ourselves 463
GLENCONSER, Pamela—The Earthen
Vessel .. 300 Goodrich, Carter L.—The Frontier of Control .. 269 Gorell, Colonel Lord—Education and the Army 623 Graham, William, M.P.—The Wages of Labour 813 Oretton, It. 11.—The Burford Records .. .. 171
HAligilyNE, Viscount—The Reign of Rela- 811
Head, Mrs. Henry, chosen by—A Day-Book of Disraeli .. - .. 332 Hearnshaw, Prof. F. I. C.—Democracy and the
British Empire. 109 Herbert, Sydney—The Fall of Feudalism In
France 815
Hervey, MaryF. 8.—The Life, &c., of Earl 430 Houtin, Albert—Le Pere Hyacinths'Egilse
Romaine, 1827-1889. 173 Hurley, E. N,—The New Merchant Marine .. 636
LAKE, Dr. IC.—Landmarks in the History of Early Christianity .. 240 Lansing, Robert—The Peace Negotiations .. 625 Leslie, Shane—Henry Edward Manning .. 398
Llewellyn, Dr. L. J.—Gout 657 Loeldtt, C. EL—The Relations of French and English Society (1763-93)......783
Luboff, E.—Bolshevik Russia .. in iviccuLtaon, Francis—A Prisoner of the Reds . 1310 Maitland, J. A. Fuller, ed. by—Arthur Coleridge 558 Manwaring, G. E., ed. by—The Life and Works
of Sir Henry Mainwaring . 239 Markham, Sir Clemente R.—The Lands of
Silence _ , . 493 Marshall, Archibald—A Spring Walk in Provence 464 Martin, E. 8.—The Life of Joseph Hodges Choate 461 Massingham, H. 1.—Some Birds of the Country- side .. • • . 718 Mattem, Johannes—The. *Employment • of the Plebiscite in the Determination of Sovereignty 207
Mellor, William—Direct Action. .. 142
• Bernard, trans. by—New Chapters of
Bismarck's Autobiography 494 Monckton, Captain C. A. W.—Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident Magistrate .. 367 Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord, preface by—The Travel by Road Motor Omnibus Guide and Charabanc Directory — .. 717 Monteith, Mary E.—The Fringe of Immortality 561 Montmorency, J. E. G. de—John Gorell Barnes, first Lord Gorell 51 Moore, George-1161018e and Airilard 497 Claud—London's Story 21 Myers, Dr. W. S.—Socialism and American Ideals 430
— F. W. IL—Collected Poems 238 XTICHOLSON, Dr.. R. A.—Studies in Islamic _1\\ Poetry . .. 272 POPEN, 1L—Ireland Under the Normans 334 10EN' Orpen, Sir William—An Onlooker In France, 1917-19.. 462 AGET, Stephen—Henry Scott Holland .. 333 Pigou, Prof. A. C.—The Economics of Welfare .. . .. 303 Ponsonby, Arthur—Religion in *Politics .. 684 — — The Priory and Manor of Lychmere and
fittulbrede.. . . — 239 Postgate, R. W.—Revolution from 178910 1906 267 — — The Bolshevik Theory .. 267
Powers, H. EL—The American Era .. 655 QUILLER-00IICH, Sir A., ed. by--The
Tempest 216
RAINE, G. E.—Bolshevik. Russia .. 171 Rentoul, James A.—Stray Thoughts and Memories. — 589 Richmond, Rear-Admiral H. W.—The Navy In the War of 1739-48. . 368 Rivers, Dr. W. H. R.—Instinct and the Un-
conscious 623
SANTAYANA, George—Character and Opinion in the United States .. 19 &stow, Sir Ernest—A Diplomat In Japan .. 305
Shaw, Lord—letters to Isabel 654 Smyth, Dr. Ethel—Streaks of Life 431 Solana, E. John, ed. by—Labour as an Inter- national Problem .. 111 Somerville, E. CE.—Stray-Aways . 22 Sparrow, W. Shaw—The Fifth Army in March,
1918172 Spence, Lewis—An Encyclopaedia of Occultism 204 Stamp, Sir Josiah—The Fundamental Principles
of Taxation . 1186 Stanton, Dr. V. H.—The Gospels as Historical Documents
Strachey, Lytton—Queen neen..Victo.rin 43901 Q Summers, W. 0.—The Silver Age of Latin
Literature 530
THousoN, Prof. 3. Arthur—The System of Animate Nature .. 200 Thwing, C. F.—American Colleges and Universi-
ties in the Great War .. 781
Tilden, W. T.—The Art of Lawu Tennis .. 655
Tilley, Arthnr—Moliere 75:: Tomlinson, H. M.—London River 589
Troves, Sir Frederlek—The Riviera of the Corniche Road ...........464 WLLASA , Graham—Our Social Heritage.. 718 Wambaugh, Sarah—A Monograph on Plebiscites .. 207
Ward, Sir A. W.—Collected Papers .. 400 Warner, P. F.—My Cricketing Life 687 Westropp, M. S. Dudley—Irish Glaris Wicketeed, Dr. P. IL—The Reactions between Dogma and Philosophy .. .. 145 Williams, Basil—Cecil Rhodes .. 270 Witbington, Robert—English Pageantry .. 401 Wright, Captain Peter E.—At the Supreme War Council 526
YARAIOLINSKY, Abraham, trans., &r., by —The Memoirs of Count Witte .. 753 Young, Filson—With the Battle Cruisers .. 620 — G. W.—Mountain Craft .. 335 z ANGWILL, Israel—The Voice of Jerusalem 68-70
ADAM, Robert. and Sir John Some.. the Archi- tecture and Decoration of—A. T. Bolton .. 401 Adams Letters, a Cycle of.1861-1865—W. C.
Ford .. .. 715 Alaska and Yukon, a Cheechako in—Charlotte
Cameron .. . 208 Alps (High), a Pioneer in the—F. F. Tuckrtt .. 560 America, Character and Opinion In—George
Santayana . 19 America's New Merchant Marine—E. N. Hurley 056 American Colleges and Universities in the Great
War, 1914-19—C. F. Thwing 784
American Era, the-1T. H. Powers .. 555
— Expeditionary Force, the History of the—
Shipley Thomas . 719 — Oxonian—Ed. by Prof. Frank Aydelotte 301 Ancient Writers, Some, Lectures on the Modern Worth of—Prof. R. S. Conway.. 590 And Even Now—Max Beerbohm .. 108 Arabia Deserta, Travels in—Charles M. Doughty 781 Arctic and Antarctic Exploration—Sir Clements R. Markham . . 493 — Coast, a Winter Circuit of our—lludson Stuck.. .. .. 208 Armour and Arms, European, a Record of—Sir Guy Francis Laking 336 Arnot, Frederick Stanley, the Life and Explora-
tions of—E. Baker .. 208 An Books dealing with, &c.:-
Bookplates—Frank Brangwyn .. 112 — Bristol, a Sketchbook of—Dorothy E. 0.
Woollard .. 112 — Brothers in Art : Holman Hunt and Millais—
H. W. fibre _ .. 112
— Christ, the Mellelasril3o.riralts of—G. F. Hill .. 112
— Design and Tradition—Amor Fenn .. 81 — Drawings Alone in a Portfolio, the—Simpkin, Marshall (pub.) .. 112 — Epstein—Bernhard van Dieren .. 81 — Etchings, on Making and Collecting—Ed. by E. Hesketh Hubbard .. .. 81 — Furniture, French—Roger de Felice.. .. 112 — Gardner, Daniel—Dr. Williamson .. 112 — Indian Art, a Handbook of—E. B. Havell .. 81 — Morrow, George : his Book—Methuen (pub.) 147 — Oxford, the Charm of—J. Wells 112 — Painting, Ancient and Modern, History and Methods of—James Ward 81 — Painting, British—Irene Magulaess .. 112
— Painting, Modern, History and Methods of—
James Ward.. .. 624 — Painting, Modern Movements In—Charles
Marriott.. 81 — Pictures, Looking at—S. C. Ki'smith. 624
— —, Black's Dictionary of—Ed. by R. .. 62
— Portraits,Davies Twenty-four—Wiliam Rothen- 4
stein- . 112 — Posters, War—Martin Hardie, .5c. 112 — Raphael—Felix Lavery 81 — Things which are Been—A. T. Edwards .. 624 — Warwick, a Sketchbook of—R. S. Austin 112 — Wilderness—Rockwell Kent .. .. 112 Arts, the, in Early England—G. Baldwin Brown 399 Artillery, the Royal, War Commemoration Book —Bell (pub.)..........495 Arundel, Earl of, the Life, &c., of—Mary F. S. Hervey .. 432
BATTLE Cruisers, with the—Filson Young .. 620 Baudelaire—Arthur Symons .. .. 305 Beerbohm, Max : his Essays—lleinemenn (pub.) 108 Belgium from the Roman Invasion to the Present
Day—Emile Cammaerts .. 433 Bernadotte and Napoleon—Sir D. Plunket Bar- ton 683 Bible, the, and Modern Thought—Rev. J. R. Cohn .. _ 112 Birds of the Countryside, Some—H. J. Massing-
ham 716 Bismarck's Autobiography, New Chapters of—
Trans. by Bernard Miall 494 Boche Bars, Behind—Ernest Warburton 719 Body is One, the—Rev. C. Beaufort Mass .. 402 Bolshevik Russia—G. E. Rains and E. Imhoff .. 171 — Theory, the—It. W. Postgate 267
Boy, the—Rev. R. R. Hyde .. .. 434 Brown, John, Letters, Essays, and Verses of—
Andrew Elliot (pub.) .. 780 Buckinghamshire Battalion, the First—Captain P. L. Wright .. - 719
Burford Records, the—R. H. Gretton. 171 Bute, Third Marquess of—Rt. Rev. Sir David
Hunter Blair 782 flAMERONIAN Officer, a—I. B. Lawson .. 719 V Canadian Front, the, in France and Flan- ders—it. F. L. Sheldon-Williams .. 719 Cape Corps, the First Battalion, the Story of the —Captain 1. D. Difford 719 Carlsruhe, a Captive at—Joseph Yee . 241
Carnegie, Andrew, the Autobiography of—
Constable (pub.) _ 144 Child,Nervous,the Problem of the—Elida Evans 402
— Welfare—Nora Milnes .. 434 Child's Path to Freedom, the..—.N. Norm
Mac 559 lfurin Children, the Intelligence of—Lewis It. Terman 496 China, Japan, and Korea—S. 0. P. Bland .. 621 Choate, Joseph Hodges, the Life of—E. 11.
Martin - 461 Christianity, Early, Landmarks in the Iistory of —Dr. K. Lake. 240 Church, the, and her Problems—The Primary Charges of the Bishop of Chelmsford 335 Cinema, the Secrets of the—Valentia Steer .. 305 Coleridge, Arthur : Reminiscences—Ed. by J. A. Fuller Maitland . 556 Comrades in Captivity—F. W. Harvey .. .. 434
Control, the Frontier of—Carter L. Goodrich .. 269 Credits, International : League of Nations— Harrison (pub.).. 752
Cricket : A Few Short Runs—Lord Harris .. 755 Cricketing Life, My—P. F. Warner .. 687 Crome—C. H. Collins Baker . 719 Crosses (The Arts in Early England)-0. Bald- win Brown .. 309
Cruisers (Battle), with the—Filson Young .. 620 DEMOCRACIES, Modern—James Bryce .. 622 I/ Democracy and Assimilation —Julius
Drachster . .. 465 Democracy and the British Empire—Professor
F. J. C. Ilearnshaw . .. 109 Direct Action—William Mellor 142 liaraell, a Day-Book of—Chosen by Mrs. Henry
Head 332 Divorce, the Teaching of the New Testament on —Dr. It. H. Charles .. . _ 397 Doama and Philosophy, the Reactions between, illustrated from the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas—Dr. P. H. Wicksteed .. 145 Dreams, Studies in—Mary Arnold-Forster 209 Dundee, Henry—R. N. Dundee .. 465 Hutt, Toru, Life and Letters of—Harlhas Das .. 814 Dyarchy to the Government of India, Papers Relating to the Application of the Principle of —L. Curtis .. .. 110
EARTHEN Vessel, the—Pamela Gieneonner _ 300 Economics of Welfare, the—Professor A. C. Pigou .. 303 Education and the Army—Colonel Lord Gorell 623
— the New Era in—Ed. by Ernest Young .. 659 Educational Experiments in England—Alice Einstein, Easy Lessons In—Edward E. Slosson 527 Essex : Royal Commission on Historical Monu- ments—H. M. Stationery Office (pub.) .. 80 Eugenie, Empress, Memoirs of the—Ed. by Comte Fleury .. 20 — — Recollections of the—Augustin Filon .. 20 — -- (Streaks of Life)—Dr. Ethel Smyth 431
FABLES, Home-Made—George Ade .. .. 530 Fact and Value, the Construction of the World in Terms of—C. T. Harley Walker 82
Family, thellnrelated—Vera Wright .. 559 — Affairs, Our—E. F. Benson .. .. 54 Fashion, the Glass of-101s and Boon (pub.) .. 587 Feudalism in France, the Fall of—Sydney Herbert .. 815 Fifth Army, the, in March, 1918—W. Shaw
Sparrow .. .. 172 Fifty-Scat (Highland) Division—Fred. A. Farrell 719 Forty-Second (East Lancashire) Division—
Frederick P. Gibbon .. 719 France, an Onlooker in, 1917-19—Sir William Orpen .. 462 French and English Society, the Relations of (1763-93)—C. H. Lockitt .. 783
French, Works in:-
Goethe en Angleterre—Jean-Marie Cane .. 396 — Hyacinthe, le Pere, dans l'Eglise Romaine, 1827-1869—Albert Houtin.. 173 — Yens de l'Asie. lee—Itudyard Kipling .. 241 Freedom, the Passing of the New—James M.
Beek 49
Front, Letters from the, Vol. I.—Canadian Bank of Commerce (pub.) .. 719 Fruit and Hops, Insect Pests and Fungal Dis- eases of—P. J. Fryer .. _ 23 Fuel (Domestic) Consumption—A. H. Barker 429
GATHERING of the Forces, the—Walt Whit- man .. 466
Girl, the—Katherine C. Dewar .. .. 434 Glass, Irish—M. B. Dudley Westropp .. 53
Glass of Fashion, the—Mills & Boon (pub.) .. 587
Goethe, Life of—P. Hume Brown .. 271 Gorell, First Lord (1848-1913)-1 E. G. de Montmorency .. 51 Gospels, the, as Historical Documents—Dr. V. H. Stanton 304 Gout—Dr. L. J. Llewellyn .. .. 657 Green Triangle, the—W. G. Hall.. .. 719 ITAMILTON, Anthony—Ruth Clark.. .. 529 LI Heritage, Our Social—Graham Wallas .. 718 Highlands (Western) and Islands, Wanderings in the—M. E. M. Donaldson 686 Holland, Henry Scott—Stephen Paget .. 333 Holzminden, the Tunnellers of—H. G. Durnford 241 Hugo, Victor—Madame Duclaux .. 685
IMMORTALITY, the Fringe of—Mary E. Monteith .. 561 India, Papers Relating to the Application of the Principle of Dyarchy to the Government of—
Indies (West), Roaming Through the—Harry A.
Franck „ 174 Inheritance, a Great, New Studies of—Prof.
R. S. Conway .. 590 Insect Pests and Fungal Diseases of Fruit and Hops—P. J. Fryer .. 23 Instinct and the tinconscious—Dr. W. H. R.
Rivers 623 Ireland under the Normans—G. H. Orpcn .. 334 Irish Glass—M. S. Dudley Westropp 53 Isabel, Letters to—Lord Shaw .. 654 Islamic Poetry, Studies in—Dr. R. A. Nicholson 272 TAMES, William, the Letters of—Longmans
el (pub.)'.. .. 237
Japan, a Diplomat in—Sir Ernest Satow 365 Jerusalem the New--G. K. Chesterton .. 68-79 — the Voice of —Israel Zangwlll.. .. 68-79 Jesus in the Experience of Men—T. R. Glover .. 530 — the Sayings of, from Oxyrhynchus—H. G. E. White 209
KING'S (Liverpool Regiment), History of the 2-6th (Rifle) Battalion, the—Captain C. E. Wurtzburg 145 LABOUR as an International Problem—Ed. by E. Sohn Solano Labour, the Wages of—William Graham, M.P... 813 Land, the Enclosure and Redistribution of our—
W. H. R. Curtler 205 Latin Literature, the Silver Age of—W. C.
Summers.. .. 530 Lawn Tennis, the Art of—W. T. Tilden .. 655
League. of Nations : International Credits—
Harrison (pub.) 752 — — the, Starts—Macmillan (pub.) .. .. 143 Life and Letters, Notes on—Joseph Conrad .. 624
Lines in Pleasant Places—William Senior .. 82 Literature, English, a Survey of, 1830-1880—
Oliver Elton .. .. 23 Liverpool Regiment, History of the 2-6th (Rifle) Battalion, " The King's "—Capt.; In C. E. Wurtzburg , 145 London Regiment, History of the 2 20th Bat- talion—Captain W. R. Elliot .. .. 145 London River—H. M. Tomlinson .. 589 — the Eighteenth Century in—E. Beresford Chancellor .. 591 — the Story of—Claud Mullins .. 21 Lychmere and Shulbrede, the Priory and Manor of—Arthur Ponsonby , 238 AGI STRAT 34, New Guinea Resident, some 1111_ Experiences of a—Captain C. A. W.
Monckton .. 367 Mainwaring, Sir Henry, the Life and Works of—
Ed. by G. E. Manwaring .. 239 Manchesters, the Seventh—Captain S. J. Wilson 719 Manning, Henry Edward—Shane Leslie.. • • 898 Matter and Motion-1. Clerk Maxwell _ 527 Merchant Marine, the New (U.S.A.)-E. N.
Hurley .. 656 — Navy, the, in the Great War—Archibald
Hurd . 273 Milton's Prosody—Notes by Robert Bridges .. 496 Mind, Measure your—M. R. Trabue 496 Mind-Energy—Henri Bergson 23 Moliere—Arthur Tilley .. 753 Mongolia, a Tour in—Mrs. E. M. Gull .. 208 Monuments, English Historical, Royal Commis- sion on—H. M. Stationery Office (pub.) .. 80 Mother, the, and the Infant—Edith V. Eckhard 434 Motor Omnibus Guide and Charabanc Directory, the Travel by Road—Preface by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu .„ .. 717 Mountain Craft—G. W. Young .. 335 Munition Feat, the Great--G. A. B. Dewar .. 526 Myers, F. W. H.: his Collected Poems—Mac- millan (pub.) 236 Mysticism, the Essentials of—Evelyn Under- . , 305
NAILS—Edith Lane and Fanny hiacnamara 54 Nature, Animate, the System of—Prof. J. Arthur Thomson .. 206
Nature, the Concept of—A. N. Whitehead - 527 Navy, the, in the War of 1739-48—Rear-Admiral H. W. Richmond .. 360 New Guinea Resident Magistrate, Some Experi- ences of a—Captain C. A. W. Mc/nekton .. 367 Ninth (Scottish) Division, History of the—Major
John Ewing .. 719 Novels, Stories, Tales, &c.:-
Adam and Eve and Pinch Me—A. E. Coppard 755 — Age of Innocence, the—Edith Wharton .. 55
— Black Diamond, the—F. Brett Yountn, .. 498
— Bliss, and other Stories—Katherine field 83 — Bronze Venus, the—Eden Phillpotta- .. 274 — City in the Foreground, a—Gerard Hopkins .. 467 — Deadlock—Dorothy M. Richardson 403 — Death of Society—Romer Wilson .. 720 — Dodo Wonders—E. F. Benson .. 531 — Friend of the Family, the, and Nyetochka Nyezvanov—F. M. Dostoevsky 305 — From Another Angle—Margaret Lockyer .. 485
— Golden Shoe, the—Justin Huntley McCarthy 817 — Green Bough, the—E. Temple Thurston .. 659
— Guarded Room, the—G. I. Whitham .. 435 — Happy End, the—Joseph Ifergesheimer .. 274 — Happy Highways, the—Storm Jameson .. 531 — Heel of Achilles, the—E. M. Delafield 625 — Heloise and Abelard—George Moore 497 — Hunger—Kraut Hamsun .. 531
— Lost Girl, the—D. H. Lawrence .. .6 147
— Love-a-Duck, the—Stacy Aumonier.. 403 — Lucinda—Anthony Hope .. 113 — Main Street—Sinclair Lewis .. 689 — Man Who Did the Right Thing—Sir Harry Johnston .. 659 — Mountebank, the—W. J. Lock .. 592 — Not Known Here Mrs. Wilfrid Ward .. 369 — Old Man's Youth, the—William de Morgan.. 562 — Orphan Dinah—Eden Phillpotts 273 — Path of the Ring, the—John Buchan .. 466 — Pilgrim of a Smile, the—Norman Davey 210 — Plunge, the—St. John Lucas.. 688 — Privilege—Michael Sadler 336 — Revolution—J. D. Beresford.. .. 175 — Rough Crossing, the—Sylvia Thompson .. 659 — Roumanian Stories—Lucy Byng .. 369 — Seeds of Enchantment, the—Gilbert Frankau 306 — Sisters-in-Law—Gertrude Atherton.. .. 816 — Swallow Dive, the—Sylvia Lynd 242 — Trumpet in the Dust, the—Constance Holme 435 — Valley of Indecision, the—Christopher Stone 24 — What Next 7—Denis liackail 176 — Where the Pavement Ends—John Russell .. 785 — Winsome Winnie—Stephen Leacock 242 — Woman—Magdeleine Marx 626
READABLE NoYELS.-24-56-83-114-147-176-
210-242-274-306-337-369-403-436-467- 498-531-562-592-659-689-720-755-785-817
OCCULTISM, an Encyclopaedia of—Lewis Spence ..204 Odyssey, the—Trans. by Francis °C.aulfeild .. 653 Oil Firing for Kitchen Ranges, &c.—E. C. Bow- den Smith .. 429 Ourselves, the Science of—Sir BiMpfylde Fuller 463 Oxyrhynchus, the Sayings of Jesus from—
H. G. E. White .. 209
PCIFIC, Sea-Power in the—Hector C. Bywater .. 751
Pageantry, English—Robert Witkiagton .. 401 Papers, Collected—Sir A. W. Ward.. 400
Peace Negotiations, the—Robert Lansing . 825
Persuasion, the Psychology of—W. Maephereiel 278 Plants, Water—Agnes Arber .. 55 Plato. the Massage of—E. J. Urwlck 65 Plebiscite, the Employment of the, in the Deter- mination of Sovereignty —Johannes Mattern 207 Plebiscites, a Monograph on—Sarah Wambaugh 207 Poets, Poetry, and Plays, Reviews dealing with - Child Dancer, the—Dorothy Roberts .. 498 — Collected Poems—F. W. H. Myers 236 — Domesday Book—Edgar Lee Masters .. 758 — Farewell—F. W. Harvey - 721 — Farmer's Bride, the—Charlotte Mew..- 403
— Green Ring, the—Trans. by S. 8. Koteliansky $69
— Helicon 11111—" Felix Folio " . . 467 — Home-Made Verses—D. B. Baseler,.&e. .. 487 — Japan, the N5 Plays of—Arthnr Waley 658 — Johnny Appleseed—Vachel Lindsay-.. 659
— Keats (John) Memorial Volume—Lane (pub.) 486
— Lady Adele—Gerald Gould 466
— Laughing Gas—Marguerite Few .. 467
— Mary Stuart—John Drinkwater 601
— Mice—Gerald Bullett 407 Poets, Poetry, and Plays. Reviews dealing with:- - 31.P.'s Garden of Verses, the-W. Hodgson Burnet .. 466 - Mrs. Hodges ; The Witch ; Light-Grey or Dark ? • Love Fibs-Margaret Macnamara 82
- Mountain Interval-Robert Frost .. • • 114 - Orpheus, the Death of-Laurence 689 - Paris and Helen-W. J. Turner .. 592
- Parodies, Collected-J. C. Squire 243 - Pier-glass, the-Robert Graves 306 - Poems : 1914-1919—Maurice Baring - 337 - Poets, Modern, Selections from-J. C. Squire 817 - Poets, Somo Contemporary, 1920-Harold Monro .. 147 - Princess Zonbaroff, the-Ronald Firbank .. 82
- Ruined Barn, the-A. Hugh Fisher .. 531 - Secret, the-Laurence Binyon .. 56 - Some Rejected Contributions. . 210
- Tempest, the-Ed. by Sir A. 'Quitter-Conch,240
- Terpsichore-V. T. Wade-Gery .. 785
- Tragic Mothers-T. Sturge Moore .. - 370 - Voice and Verse : Some Modern English Songs . .. 626 - Wheels, 1920-Ed. by Edith Sitwell.. .. 83 Roots Wonsan' OP CONsingu moN.-84-148- 211-243-306-337-370-404-436-468-689- 756-786 Prince of Wales' Book, the-Hodder (pub.) ..433 Prospecting, the Glamour of-F. C. Cornell - 625 Provence. a Spring Walk in-Archibald Marshall 464 Psychology and Psychotherapy-Dr. William
Brown .. .. 623
- Child-Vilhelm.Rasmussen 559
- of Phantasy, Collected Papers on the-Dr.
Constance Long .. .. 559 QUEEN VICTORIA-Lytton Strachey .. 491 REDS, a Prisoner of the-Francis McCullagh 816 Reid, Whitelaw, the Life of-Royal Cm- tissoz .. 750 Relativity-Albert Einstein - 527
- the General Principle of-H. Wildon Carr .. 627
- the Reign of-Viscount Haldane 811 Religion in Polities-Arthur Ponsonby .. 684 - What it is-Bernard Bosanquet 22 Revolution from 1789 to 1905-R. W. Postgate 267 Rhodes, Cecil-Basil Williams .. .. 270 - Scholars, American-Prof. R. W. Burgess .. 301 Riviera of the Corniche Road, the-Sir Frederick
Treves - 464 Rochechouart, Count de, Memoirs of the-
Trans. by Frances Jackson . . 175 Roosevelt, Theodore, and his. Time-.I.
Bishop .. .. 141 Royal Artillery War Commemoration Book- Bell (pub.) - _ 495
Runs., a Few Short-Lord Iarris 755
Russia, Bolshevik-G. E. Heine, tte. 171
- in the Eighties-John F. Baddeley 558 QT. JOHN, a Critical and Exegetical Commen- a) tary on the Revelation of-Intro., &c., by
Dr. R. H. Charles.. - .. 52 Saussure, de, Life of-Dr. D. W. Freshfield .. 560 Schools, the Organization and Curricula of-Dr.
W. A. Sleight .. 559 Science of Ourselves, the-Sir ffampfylde Fuller 463 Sea-Power in the Pacific-Hector C. Bywater .. 751 Second-Twentieth, the-Captain W. It. Elliot .. 145 Shakespeare from Betterton to Irving-George C. D. Odell . 754 Sherwood Foresters fa the Great. War-Lieut.- Colonel W. C. Oates . .. 145 Silence, the Lands of—Sir Clements R. Markham 493 Silhouette, Ancestors in-Cut by August Edouart 336 Sixty Squadron. R.A.F.-Group-Captain A. 3. L. Scott .. . 719 Socialism and American Ideals-Dr. W. S.
Myers .. . .. 430 Society, French and English, the Relations of (1763-03)-C. H. Lockitt 783 Sound, the World of-Sir William Bragg .. 720
Space, Time, and Gravitation-A. S. Eddington 527
Spanish America-C. R. Enock 208 Sport hi Scotland with Rod and Gun-Tom
Speedy .. . - 691 Stray-Aways-E. C. Somerville and. Martin
Ross . . .. 22
Streaks of Life-Dr. Ethel 'Smyth. .. 431 Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion-Charles Bau-
douin .. 364
Suvorof-W. Lyon Blease 302
Switzerland, Government and Politics of- Robert C. Brooks .. 18
TANK inAction, the-Captain P.O. Browne 53 Taxation, the Fundamental Principles of, in the Light of Modern Developments- Sir Josiah Stamp. . 686 Ter Meulen Scheme, the : *International Credits
-Harrison (pub.) .. .. 752
Testimonies--Rendel Harris - - .. 561 Thames, the (" London River ")--H. H. Tom- linson . • • as • -. _ • • 689 Thoughts and Memories. Stray-James A. Ben-
Tnckett, F..F. (A Pioneer in the High Alps)- 689
Arnold (pub.) - - 560
Tunnellers of Ifolzminden, the-H. G. Darnford 241 UNITED STATES, Character and Opinion In the-George Santayana 19 ITENIZELOS, Life of-S. B. Chester.. .. 814 Verlaine, Paul-HaroldNicolson 683
Wetorla, Queen-Lytton Strachey .. 491
VeLife, Old-P. H. Ditchlield - 113 (Lectures on Some Ancient Writers)- fessor R. S. Conway.. .. 590 "TIVAGIrs. of Labour, the-William Graham, 813 War Council, at the •Supreine-daPtain.Peter Wright • • .. . a 526
War, the Direction of-Major-General W. D.
Bird . 784 War, the Great, History of, based on Official Documents—Archibald Mad 273
WAR BOOKS 145-172-241-434-462-495-719-784 Ward, Sir A. W.: his Collected Histories
Papers-Cam. Univ. Press (pub.) .. 400 Water Plants-Agnes Arbcr 55 West Indies, Roaming Through the-Harry A. Franck .. .. 174 Western Highlands and Islands, Wanderings in- 31. E. M. Donaldson .. 686 Whitman, Walt : The Gathering of the Forces- Ed. by J. Black,&c. „ 460 Witte, Count, the Memoirs of-Trans., &c., by Abraham YarmoUnsky.. 733 Women's Royal Air Force, Eight Months with the-Gertrude A. George .. .. 719 World, the Construction of the, in Terms of Fact
and Value-C. T. Harley Walker .. 82
ADMIRAL'S Chair, the-J. E. G. de Mont-
morency 490 Africa, the Backbone of-Sir Alfred Sharpe 690 Africa, South, Travel in-South African Rail-
ways (pub.) .. . .. 211 Aftermath : a Geographical Study of the Peace Terms-Mary I. Newbigin 23 Agriculture, Political Aspects of-Lord Bledisloe 438 Aladdin-Arthur Ransoms 116 Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, the Tem- perature and Precipitation of-A. I. Connor.. 498 All Hands on the Main-sheet 1-B. Heckstall-
Smith . 757
American Oxonlan, the .. . 115-722 Ananda Range Filial, the Diary Of, Vol. VII.- Ed. by H. Dodwell 85 Antiquaries' Journal, the-H. Milford (pub.) 85-532 Antiques Genuine and Spurious-Frederick
Litchfield.. .. 212 Architecture, Byzantine and Thomas Graham Jackson .. 594 Arnould on the Law of Marine Insurance and
Average-E. L. de Hart and R. Simey 563 Art : Contemporary Art Society, Report of the.. 149 - Graphic, the First Exhibition of the New Society of-A. J. Milberg 212 Arts, the, and Living-John Abthorne 212
Ashanti : a Vanished Dynasty-Sir F. Fuller.. 178 .Aston, Anthony-Watson Nicholson .. 405 Austen, Jane, the Personal Aspects of-Mrs.
Austen Leigh .. .. 339 Austria's Peace Offer, 1916-1917-Ed. by G. do Manteyer .. 338 Authors, Modern, Bibliographies of-L. (Pub.) . • • • • • • • • • .. 757
DAKIITIARILAND, a Lady Doctor lu-
ll Elizabeth N. MacBean Ross .. 627 Basque Country, the-R. and K. Fedden 722 Bengal, the Folk Literature of-D. G. Sens - 661
Bolts, William, a Dutch Adventurer under John Company-N. L. Hallward . .. 149
Book-Prices Current, Vol. xXIV -E. Stock
(pub.) .. .. 274 Books, Essays on-A. Clutton-Brock 28
Borneo, Through Central-Carl Lumholtz .. 660 Botany, Agricultural, National Institute of, First Report of the .. 26 Bristol University, Pen-and-Ink Drawings of .. 533
British Science Guild, the Journal of the .. 786 Brussels, the International Financial Conference
at-Harrison (pub.) .. . 468 Burma, In Farthest-Capt. F. Kingdon 'Ward .. 438
AMPBELL Strike, the-Campbell Gas En-
ka gine Co. (pub.) .. _ 308 Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, Seventh Re- port of the . 370 Cartagena and the Banks of the Sinu-R. Cunninghame-Graham 25 Cavendish, Hon. Henry, F.11.8., the Scientific Papers of the-Camb. Univ. Press (pub.) .. 757 Caxton House Printing Office, Dundee, the Boll of Honour of-J. D. and J. Mathew - .. 26 Census, the Coming-Stationery Office (pub.) .. 4.37 Chemical Theory, Foundations of-R. Caren 84 Chemistry, Creative-Edwin E. Slosson.. .. 438
Children's Dreams-C. W. Kimmins 405 China, the British in, and Far Eastern Trade- C. A. Middleton Smith .. 819 - the Pottery and Porcelain Factories of- A. L. Hetherington .. .. 627 Chinese Courtyard, the Lady of the-Rlizabeth Cooper .. . .. 405 Christian Fathers, 'Early. Handbook of the-
Ernest Leigh-Bennett 628 Chronos : a Handbook of Comparative Chron- ology-IL J. Hart .. 689 Cluny, Monastery of, the Early History of the-
L. M. Smith 309
Coal-J. H. BGnnldson 26 Cock and Harlequin-Jean Cocteau 275
Cocoa-Edith A. Browne. .. .. 58
Cologne Post, Souvenir Number of the .. 57 Compositors and Readers, Rules for, at the University Press, Oxford-H. Milford (pub.).. 404 Constantinople, Under the Turk ha-G. F. Abbott . a. _ 28 Constitution,.the, and What It Means To-day- Edward S. Corwin 757 Cooking and Vitamins-Miu E. H. Deli In Science Progress . . . . . . 499 Co-partnership Congress, London, Report of the 115 Corpus Glossary, the-Ed. by W. 31. Lindsay .. 818 Coslmo I.,Duke of Florence-Cecily Booth .. 177 Costume, Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Per- sian-1SL Houston and F. Ifornblower .. 212
Crashle Howe-Bertram Smith . 276 Croydon and the Great War-Ed. by H. I.
Moore and W. O. B. Sayers - 115 Curthose, Robert, Duke of Normandy-C. W.
David 178
nAMOUSIE RoView, the-Ed. by Prof. H. L.
./f Stewart 819 Danelaw, Documents Illustrative of the Social and Economic History of the-Ed. by F. 31.
Stenton . 498 Dante, Britain's Tribute to, In Literature and Art-Paget Toynbee .. 593
Days and Hours-Eleanor Elsner 405
Dead, the Challenge of the-Stephen Graham .. 370
Discovery-Ed. by Dr. A. S. Russell .. 756 Dostoevsky and his Creations--Janko Lewin 26
Drama, Modern, in Europe-M. Storm Jameson 26 Durham Miners, the Story of the (1062-1921)- Sidney Webb 533 ARTH Spirit, the-Millar Dunning .. 26
Xi Education, the New-L. Haden Guest .. 405 Embroidery Book, an-A. K. Arthur .. 140
Enchanter's Nightshade—J. B. Morton . 563
England, How she is Governed-C. F. G. Mae-
terman . 562 England's Outpost :the Country of the Kentish Cinque Ports-A. G. Bradley .. 756 English Association, Essays and Studies by
Members of the, Vol. by A. C.
Bradley _ 244 -Historical Review-Ed. by G. N. Clark 177-632 - Regnal Years and Titles—J. E. W. Wallis .. 633
Essays, Later, 1917-1920-Austin Dobson .. 757 Europe, Eastern-Ed. by Crawfurd Price .. 338
Evelyn, John, the Early Life and Education of- With Commentary by H. Maynard Smith .. 409 Everest, Mount, the Climbing of-General Bruce Bruin the Geographical Journal . . . 84 Excess Profits, the Taxation of, in Great Britain -It. M. Haig and G. E. Holmes . 116 - - Duty and Corporation Profits Tax-j.
Gault 110 FACTS of the Case, the, for Speakers, Writers,
and of Industrial Peace. . 562 Falkland Islands, the Battle Cruisers at the Action of the-Commander Rudolf Verner 757
Farmer's Handbook, a-R. C. Andrew .. 58 Fauna of the Empire, Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the.. - 370 Flower Garden. In Our-Late Crown Princess of Sweden 660
- - the English-W. Robinsono . .. 405 Fly-Fisher's Entomology, the-Alfred Roealds.. 627 Foreign Policy, the Problem of-GilbertMurray 274 France, Government and Politics of-E. 31. Salt 149 French Language, the Teachingand Cultivation of the, in England-Kathleen Lambley 756
French, Works in
Bibliographic de Goethe en Angleterre-Jean- Marie Carte — . .. 594 - Histoire du Cuata, Vol. H.-Francois
Xavier Gameau 140
GARDENING Dictionary, Black's-Ed. by 9-11- E. T. Ellis _ 371 Geographical Journal, the 84-211-338-498-627 Geology of the British Empire-F. it. C. Reed 563 German Air Force, the, in the Great War- Major G. P. Neumann .. 533 ' Goeben • and ' Breslau, the Flight of the- Admiral Sir A. Berkeley Milne.. . 4139 Golf, the Rules of-Royal Insurance Co. (*puha.. 680 Gospel Reports, the Variants in the-T. Ii. Weir 65 Greece, the Turkish Restoration in. 1718-1797- William Miller 533 Greeks and Barbarians-J. A. K. Thomson .. 275 HAMLET and the Scottish Succession-Lilian Winstanley - 243 Haverficld, F., 1860-1919-George Macdonald.. 274 Henry V., the Text of-Hereward T. Price .. 371
Hibbert Journal, the ..
Himalayas, Linguistic Studies from m th.e.-Re84v. -532
T. Grahame Bailey 178
History. the Writing of-F. Fling . 594 Hole, William, R.S.A.,31emories of-By his 'Wife 178 Hopkinson, Bertram, the Scientific Papers of- Coll. by Sir J. A. Ewing and Sir J. Larmor .. 212 Horse, the,as Comrade and Friend-Everard It.
Calthrop . . . .. 57 rt
Hoon (Co. Of London) War Hospital, the Story of the-Lt.-Col. J. R. Lord .. 338
Human Nature, Studies in-J. B. Millie .. 722
Hypnotism and Suggestion, Treatment by-Dr.
Tuckey 404
INCOME Tax, &c.-C. H. Tolley .. 81E) I India, Archaeology in, the Annual Report on-Sir John Marshall . 244 India, Early Travels In, 1583.1619-Ed. by William Foster 904 - Linguistic Survey of : Index of Language Names-Sir George A. Grierson 371 - Western, British Beginnings in, 1579-1657-
H. G. Rawlinson 786 Indian Nationalist Movement, History of the-
Sir Verney Lovett .. 339
Insect Life-C. A. Boland . 995 International Labour Review, .the-Pub. at Geneva .. 660 - Law and the World War-J. W. Garner .. 786 Ireland, Visions and Beliefs in the West of -
Lady Lady Gregory .. 26 Is it a New World ?-Iodder et Stoughton
(pub.) .. . .. 244 Islamic Mysticism, Studies A. Nicholson 818 Italy and the World War-Thomas Nelson Page 308 Italian Literature, Early, Vol. 11.-Ed. by E.
JAPAN and the California Problem-T. Iyenaga and Kenoske Sato 757 Jesus College, Cambridge, in Black and White- B. Charming Matthews.. 67 John Carter Brown Library at Providence, R. I.,
Annual Report of the .. 243
- - Catalogue of the, Vol. I., Part IT. .. 533 John Itylands Library, Manchester, Bulletin of the—Longman (pub.) .. . .. 177 Johnson Club Papers-Ed. by G. Whale, &e... 212 Jutland, What Happened at : the Tactics of the
Battle-C. C. GUI .. 716
IKAISER Abdicates, And the-S. Miles Mouton 628 11. Kaiser's Letters to the Tsar, the-Ed. by N. E. Grant , . 149 Kastamuni to Kcdos, From--Ed. by C. L.
Woolley .. 371 Keats, John-Sidney Colvin 27 i - - the Poems of-Ed. by E. de Sklincourt .. 212 Keren Ha-Yesod Book, the-L. Parsons (pub.) . . 66(1
Kiel and Jutland-Commander Georg von Hase 148
Kipling's Sussex-R. Thurston Hopkins 405 Knights Errant of the Wilderness-M. H. Long 660 Koran, the-Trans. into English by George Sale 818 LANE'S (Hugh) Life and Achievement-Lady
469 Gregory .. . .
League of Nations : International Experiment, an-H. A. L. Fisher .. .. 404 Leeward Islands, the Development of the, under the Restoration-C. 8. S. Higham 756 Legislation, Comparative, the Journal of .. 115 Letter to a Noble Lord, a, and other Writings-
Ed. by W. Hudson 85 Library, an Eastern-V. C. Scott O'Connor .. 58 Literature. Aspects of T. Middleton Murry.. 26 Lloyd George and Co.-Cartoons by Low from the Star. . . . _. • - - 819 London Topographical Record, Vol. MI.-Ed.
by Harold G. Head 56 Loughborough during the Great. Civil War-E.
W. Henaman 690
MACEDONIA : a Plea for the Primitive-
A. Goff and Hugh A. Fawcett 339 MAGAZINES, the .. 24-57-177.211-307-338-436- 468-593-721-756 Malta, Knights of, 1523-1798-R. Cohen .. 67 Manchester Regiment Gazette, the .. 308 Map Reading-G.11. C. Dale......503 MAPS, ATLASES, de. .. 67-118-213.245-499 Medal Collector, the-Stanley C. Johnson .. 25 Mediaeval Thought and Learning, Illustrations of the History of-Reginald Lane Poole .. 533 Mesopotamia, a Dweller In-Donald Maxwell .. 309 - the Mandate for, and the Principle of Trustee- ship in English Law-I). Campbell Lee .. 722 Mexico and the earibbean-G. H. Blakeslee .. 405 Middlesex Hospital at Clacton-on-Sea, the Annals of the-C. Berkeley and V. Bonney .. 819 Milford, the Builders of-Flora Thomas.. .. 628 Mind, the Reconstruction of-Mr. Wingfield- Stratford .. 563 Morris, William, and the Early Days of the
Socialist Movement-J. Brace Giesler .. 498 Mothering Sunday, the Revival of--G. Penswick
Smith .. . 243 Monday, Anthony, and his'Books-31. St. Claire Byrne in the 2'ranmetions of the Bibliographi- cal Society .. .. 468 My Own Affairs-Princess Louise of Belgium .. 274 Mystery Plays, Four-R. Steiner 26
NAPOLEON, a Gift of-Sir Lees Knowles .. 562 Nature All the Year Round-J. Arthur Thomson ..........027 Naval Warfare, the Laws of-.T. A. Hall.. .. 818 Navies, Future of : Great Ships or - !- Times (pub.) .. 244 New Age Encyclopaedia, the-Ed. by Sir E.
Parrott .. 85-244 NEW EDITIONS .. 68-534 New England Romance, a-By the Peabodys 212 New Testament, the Study of the, 1883 and 1920
-C. H. Turner - . 58 Nile and Jordan-Rev. G. A. Frank Knight .. 405 Norfolk and Suffolk-A. H. Cooper, c. .. 756 Normandy and of England, the History of, Vols.
111.-IV.-Sir Francis Paigrave.. 338 North Sea, Naval War Chart of-Albert"Close .. 468
Novelist, the Art of the-H. B. Caithrop .. 275 Nurserymatograph, the-I. Lane (pub.).. .. 405
Ot‘CEANOGRAPHY, a Text-Book of-I. T. Jenkins . 404 Oriental Studies, School of, Bulletin of the .. 177 Oxford, the Historic Names of the Streets and
Lanes of-H. E. Salter . 819 - University Roll of Service-Ed. by E. S.
Craig and W. M. Gibson .. .. 84
PAINTERS and Draughtsmen Represented in Library of Reproductions of Pictures and Drawings, Catalogue of-Robert and Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement 563 Pamphlets : Short Studies en Great Subjects-
Duckworth (pub.) 628 - Three-L.G.O.C. (pub.). 28 - - Research Defence Society'(Pub.). • .. 68 Parish, English, the Origin and Growth of the-
0. 1. Reichel . 212 Parliaments of the Empire, Journal of the 308.689 Past= Letters, Selections from the-Ed. by Alice D. Greenwood .. 178 Pharmacopoeia, the Extra, Vol'. II.-H. K.
Lewis (pub.) .. 819 Philology, English, In English Universities- H. C. Wyid. . .. 370 Piss de Terre in Rhodesia-A. A. Muir . . 244 Plants and Trees, a Book about-R. and S. G.
Gurney - 809 Poetry, the Realm of-Stephen Brown .. 276 Points of View-Elinor Glyn......405 Frees, the, and the General Staff-Neville Lytton 628 - Conference, the Imperial, in Canada-Robert Donald.. . 819 Primitive Society-E. S. Hartland . 663 Prince of Wales, Edward-G. Ivy Saunders .. 818 - Down Under with the-Everard Cotes .. 818 - Our-Edward I.egge- 818
Printing and Bookbinding, on-Miss S. T.
Prideaux 594 Publisher? Circular, the .. .. 57
RQUARTERLIES, the .. 67-116-437-468-533-563 Quotations, Cassell's Classified-W. Gur- ney Benham .. 118 AILWAY, Deeds of a Great-G. R. S. Dar- rock .. How to Kill-Alfred 'E. Moore . 661 Reading Abbey, the Octocentenary of-Jamieson B. Hurry.. 786
Reminiscences and Anticipations-I. Joly .. 212 Representation. . . 25 Research Defence 'Society Reports-Macmillan (pub.) 684 - - Pamphlets Issued by the .. .. 68 Revolutionary Movement; the, in Great Britain -Arthur Shadwell . . 563 Rhine, a Woman's Watch on the-Violet R.
Markham - 308 Rhodesia Resources Committee, Annual Report 244 Rifle Association. National, Proceedings of the 371 Roland a Roncevaux-Joseph Mier 818 Bound Table, the-Macmillan (pub.).. 307-722 Royal Academy Illustrated, the-Judd (pub.) .. 690 Russia, the Crisis in-Arthur Ransoms .' 243 - Who Rules : the Personality of the Soviet Bureaucracy-(pub. in New York) .. 819 Russian Workers' Republic-H. N. Brailsford 563
ST. GEORGE'S Day-H. A. King (pub.) 533 St. Joan of Arc, an Appeal for a Memorial in Winchester Cathedral-Rev. A. H.
Fletcher . . .. 627 Salmon-Fishing in the Tweed, Days and Nights of-William Scrope . 827 Scapa and a Camera-C. W. Burrows .. .. 722 Science Progress-Murray (pub.).. 149-499 Sea Power, a History of-W. 0. Stevens, do. 338 Sea, the Resources of the-W. M. McIntosh .. 308 Shelley and Calderon-Salvador de Idadariaga 26 Shorthorns in Central and Southern Scotland- James Cameron
'' 149 Shrewsbury School Roll of Ser•viService,19'14-18--
T. E. Pickering, de. 534 Silesia, Upper, the Problem of-Ed. by Sidney Osborne............722 Shigapore, One Hundred Years of-Ed. by W. lUkepeace, Dr. G. E. Brooke, and R. St. J. Braddell212 Slippery Slope, the-W. A. Bailward .. 438 Social History, English, Readings in, from Con- temporary Literature-Ed. by R. B. Morgan.. 309 Splendid Wayfaring, the-John G. Neihardt .. 060 Sportsmen, Young, Letters to, on Hunting, Angling, and Shooting-Lt.-Col. I. Mackillop, II. G. Hutchinson, and lion. D. Cairns .. 57 Stage, Practical Hints on Training for the- Agnes Platt .. .. 212 Statistics, Official : What they Contain and How to Use them-Arthur L. Howley .. 660 Stone Age, the New-Harrison E. Howe .. 661 Stop the Strike I a Plea for Industrial Arbitra- tion-F. H. Rose 115 Story of My Life, the-Philip Meadows Taylor .. 149 Sun, Sand, and Soma's-Major H. Rayne .. 563 Sussex, Old, a Southern Sketch-Book through- A. Leonard Summers 757 mexAnow Annual 1921-W. E. Snelling .. 84 Teaching Profession, Equal Pay and the- G. M. Graves, de... .. 628 Textiles from Burying-Grounds in Egypt, Cata- logue of-A. F. Kendrick 371 Things that Have Interested Me-Arnold Ben- nett .. .. 405 This World of Ours-I. H. Curie .. 437 Times of India Annual, the, for 1921 84 Trireme, the-E. H. W. Meyerstein . 499 Trout, the, are Rising in England and South Africa-B. Bennion 116 Turkey was Turkey, When-Mary A. Poynter .. 660
UNITED STATES, the, and Canada-G. M.
Wrong .. .. 786 United States. Constitution of the-J. W. Davis 339 Universities and their Freedom-W. M. Childs .. 499 Upanishads, the Thirteen Principal-Trans. from the Sanskrit by R. E. Hume 533
VEGETABLES and Flowers, the Culture of, from Seeds and Roots-Sutton and Sons.. 405 Village Clubs Association, Report of Conference of 404 WAR, Chronology of the, Vol. III.-Lord Edward Gleichen. 274 War of the Future, the-General' von Bernhardt 85 Wits, a Miscellany of the-Ed. by K. N. Colvile .. 149
Women, Advancing-Holford Knight .. 433 World of To-day, the-Ed. by V. Gollaucz .. 274
YEAR-BOOKS, the-W. C. Bolland .. 244 YEAR-BOOKS, de. 26-58-116-150-178.244- 309-339-499-534-563-594-787 Yeomanry St.O., the Diary of a-Capt. 0.
Teichman, D.S.O. 690
ZEALOTS, the : Over-Regulation and its Bearing on National Waste-Sir John Keane
Axsatel : and the League, 16; Lynching in, 46-76-166 ; English Relations with, 201 ; Britain and, 232; England, California, Japan, 209; and Ireland, 890-426-488-523-554-583; and Sinn Fein, 777.
American Folk-Song, the, 48. Animals : the Sense of Humour in, 265 ; Cruelty to, 748. Armin Murder, the, 778-809. Art, Works of, Historical Allusions in, 265. Associations and Societies, Non-Party, 232. Australia, Sinn Fein in, 830. Austria and Private Debts, 456.
Aydeiotte, Professor, and Swarthmore College, 488.
BABE-ER, My, is he My Friend '1 168
Bennet, Elizabeth, the Rescue of, 169.
Bird, a Strange, 810. Blake Society, the, 490. " Body is One," the, 490. Boy Scout Officers, the Training of, 167. Brain Wave, a, 624. Breydon Water, the Bare Birds of : their Protec- tion, 650. Brownlow, the Late Lord, 422. Buildings, Temporary, Licences for, 77.
Burns, Kilmarnock, How a, was Lost on the Abrolhos Reef, 234. Burton, Sir Richard, the Camel Tent Tomb of, at Mortlake, 459.
CIALTFORITIA, Japan, England, 299. Cambridge Divinity. Doctorate, the, 617-681. Canada, Store Cattle from, 208. Cecil, Lord Hugh, on Christian Fellowship, 295- 326-358-391-423-457-487. Chaffinch, a Resolute, 714. Chamberlain, Mr., his Estimates, 202. Child Adoption, 748. Chronology of the War," the, 298. Church, Behaviour In, 265. Citizens, Good, a League of, 648-678-710-743-777-
99tiearing Houses for British Trade Abroad, 895.
Coal : Export Trade in, Collapse of the, 296 British Ships and American, 297; the Price of, and Industry, 651. Coal-Miners : a Chance for the, 234 ; the Earnings of, SOO ; Who are the, and Why should they be a Privileged Class 7 680-746-810 ; Scottish. and their Leaders. 776.
Coal-Mining, the Dangers of, 680. Coal Strike : the Lessons of the, 520 ; Nations,/ Wages Board, 521 ; a Voice from the. Village, 521 Three Points of Vital Importance, 551; the Miners' Ballot, 615.
Colour in Our Streets, 16-47-139-169.
Communist International at Moscow, " Illegal Government " and the, 44.
Constantinople and the League of Nations, 328. Cornerake, a, Feigns Death, 810. Corrections, 298-618. Costermongers, London, the Origin of the, 534-651. Cows and Sheep, a Tale of, 618.
Cromer, Lord, and Egyptian Excise, 460. Cuckoo, a, in Search of a Nest, 749.
DdRLSY, George, 748. Davison, Sir William H., his Correspondence with the Council of Action, 13.
Democracy and Civilization, 680.
Departments, Rationing of, 137. Desperate Sayings, 681. Direct Action, 12 ; Mr. Mellor's Book on, 265. Divorce Bill, Lord Buckmaster's, 77.
Divorce Problem, the, 105.
Divorce, Teaching of the New Testament on, 424.
Dog River Inscriptions, the, 265. Domestic Servant Question, the, and Unemploy- ment, 266.
Duckland, Drama in, 651. Durham, the Late Bishop of, 139.
-PASTER, a Fixed, 297-554-618. -I-4 Egypt : for the Egyptians, 327-394-717;
Lancashire and, 617. Elwes, Gervase, the Memorial to, 299.
Essay Society, an, 714.
Venriv Budgets, Post-Belium, 15-78-138.
Finance-Public and Private, 263.
Finlay, Dean, the Murder of, 809. Fowler, the Late Mr. Wards, 809. Fox-Cabs, 778. French Devastated Areas, the, 681.
Fresh Air Fund, the Prince of Wales and the, 778. " Fruition," 48.
GALTON, the Late Rev. Arthur, 394. Germany : Monarchist Thought in, 101 ; Reparation by, 327.
German Taxation, 652-584-617.
Gibson, Edmund, Bishop of Lincoln, 235.
Government Extravagance, 393. Greek and Hindu Philosophy, 105-137-231.
" Gunpowder Plot," De Bray's, 48.
HAIL, Jacob, 427. Hastings Election, the, 618. Hedgehog, the, 16.
Hedgehogs and Barn-Owls, 48. Highlands, Western, in the, 778. Hindu Schoolmaster the Sorrows of a, 748.
Historical Allusions in Works of Art, 265.
Holbrooke, Josef, and his Work, 48-106. Hong-Kong, Child Slavery in, 459. Horses, Worn-out, the Export of, 169-234-291F 524-552-617-810.
" ILLEGAL Government " and the Remedy, 44. Income Tax, 749.
Index Figure, the, 138. India : Lord Reading and, 43; " Non-Co-opera- lion " Volunteers in, 298 ; the Education of English Boys in, 747. Indian Civil Services other than the I.C.S.. Pensions of, 233. Indian Politics, Unreality in, 233.
Industrial Crisis, the Present, 520-552. Inscription : the Art of, 489-747 ; for a War Memorial, 554-584-616-650-680-713-747. Inter-communion, 231.'
International Indebtedness, 201.
Ireland : the Midleton Reprisals, 78 ; Martial Law in, 76 ; the Power of the Priest in, 103-139-234 ; the Roman Church and, 139 ; an Australian Opinion on, 169 ; Martial Law for All, 199 ; What it may Come to in 200-231 ; " a Kind Word " from, 231 ;
Conditions n, 264' America and, 390-426-488-528- 554-583 ; Peace in, 458-488 ; the State of, and British Opinion, 458 ; the Gentle Art of Leg-Pulling in, 647-712 ; the Government and the Facts in, 648 ; the Condition of, 648-744 ; the Orgy of Murder in, 681 ; see also under " Sinn Fein."
Irish Character, Mr. G. W. Russell on the, 231. Irish Language, the, 681. Irish Republican Leaders as Hostages, 45. Irish " Settlement," an, 200.
l'SPAN, California, England, 299.
" Japanese Alliance, the : an Australian's View,
713 ; Mr. Lenox Simpson on the, 808. Jews and Double Allegiance, 76. John Carter Brown Library, the, 426. John Payne Society, the, 490. " J.P.A.C.," Three Literary Lectures in Aid of the, 266. Juries, Women on, 330.
KJutland Dispatches, the, 14-43-104-136. IND Inquiries, 585.
Kindly Fruits of the Earth, the, 330. LABOUR Arguments, Some, 712. Labour Must Rule," 582.
Labour; the Churches and, 582415449.
Lancashire : and the Indian Cotton Duties, 488 ; and Egypt, 617.
Landlords' Grievances, 45.
Land Question, the, 295-361.
League of Arts Entertainments, the, 584. League of Nations : America and the, 16 ; National Strategic Necessity and the, 328 ; Constantinople and the, 328 ; emus the British Constitution, 393 ; and its Supporters, 746 : the International Conference of Associations for the, 808. Licensing Reform, 553-583-617.
Limestone Walls, 107-201. Literature, the Belittlement of, 106. Living, Cost of, Wages and the, 297-328.
• SIreineer, Treatment, Centres for, 809.
LI-a- Mohammedan Greeks, 202.
Moon " Lying on her Back," 139-169-235-299.
More, Hannah, as Propagandist, 649.
Museums & Galleries, Popular Lectures 114456-523.
NANCY Passion Play, the, 810. Napoleon : and the People, 616 ; on Dante, 713. National Party, a, 425.
National Reserve, the, 362.
Newspaper, the " New Model," 265.
Newspapers and Advertisements, 298-329. " No Better Off," 15.
Northumberland, the Duke of his Speech, 552 ;
on Revolution, 648.
POVER-IfANUFACTURE, the World's, 394. Owls, the Voices of, 16-48. Ammo, Modern, 554. Palestine, May Day in, 1921,744, Pantomimes, 76.
Papers, More Old, 44.
Parish Magazines, 77-106.
Passport System, the, and its Reform, 45. Pennefather, the Late Dr. F. W., 233-264.
Personal Service in Relieving Distress, 169. Philosopher's Stone, the, 234.
Me de Terre : the Durability of, 106 ; in South Africa, 200 ; In Brussels, 329 ; a Bungalow in the New Forest, 427.
Plumage Bill, the, 47-105-138-202-232-298 ; the Commercial Case for the, 522-553-585. Polish-Lithuanian Negotiations, the, 553.
Political Principles, a Declaration of, 584. Porcupine's Snore, the, 48.
Prohibition : in British Columbia, 522 ; and Law- Breaking, 650.
Proportional Representation in the Home Rule Act. 46.
Psycho-Analysis, the A B C of, 266-297
'pp AMWAY Dispute, the New, 138-167. Ralegh, a Quotation from, 460. Rationing of Departments, 137. Reading, Lord, and India, 49. • Red Cross Curative Posts, 809, Reprisals, 583-616-648.
Retreat, a House ef, 523.
Reunion, 264.
Roman Church, the : Semper Eadem, 327. Russia, Labour and. 13.
QT. GEORGE'S Chapel, Windsor, 264. L--1 Scottish Highlands, the Races of the, 778-809.
Scottish Miners and their Leaders, 776. " Scotts " Not Scotch, 778. Sinn Fein Psychology, 426.
Sinn Fein : the Church and, 711; and Ireland, Two Americans on, 745-777 ; and Protestantism, 745.
Socialism and Self-Interest, 459.
Solvency, National, Protecting the-a Strong Lead Needed, 743.
S.P.C.K., the, and its Publications, 555.
Spirit, an Excellent, 616. Spiritual Communications, Alleged : Identity Tests in, 329-360-395-424-458-489 ; Brass Pot and Earthen Vessel, 489 ; the Sauce-Boat and the Earthen Vessel, 552-584.
Strikes, the Morality of, 521.
Swallows, 749-778-810.
Swiss Neutrality versus League of Nations, 426.
Switzerland, the " Right to Work " in, 16.
TARIFF Legislation, the Limits of, 490.
" Taxpayer's " Scheme to Force Economy on the Government, 360-393-427.
Thames, Water Pageants on the, 459,
Theatrical Events, Two, 47. Tortoiseshell, 170-460.
" Tour de Beurre," the, 139.
Tuberculosis, the Shibboleths of, 16.
TT LSTER Election, the Humours of the, 746. Ulster, the Population of, 745.
Unemployment:, a Solution of the Problem of, 77-138 ; the Domestic Servant Question and, 266. Unemployment Insurance Act, the, 16.
Unionist Party, the, 15 ; the Peril of the, 394. United Services Fund, Joint-Nursing and V.A.D. Services Committee of the, 749. .
VALET, the Standard of, and the Exchanges, 264- 297-360, Village Club Problem, a, 202.
Village Clubs, 15-47-75. Villages, Switch Roads for, 168.
WAGES: and the Cost of Living. 297-328; a Voluntary Reduction in, 362. Wandle River, the, 328.
War Memorial, Inscription for a, 554-584-016- 550-680.
Wheat, English, 234. Wilson, the Late Sir Arthur, 748. Workmen and Employers, Relations of, 168-202. World's Over-Manufacture, the, 394.
ZIONISM, Problems of, 136-167-200-231-263-298.
RZ)ND (West Riding) Division, War History of the, "' 524.
- APPEALS.-Victor Horsley Memorial Fund, 6A-National Organization of Girls' Clubs, 47.-The
Famine in China, 106.-The Women's Colleges at Oxford, 106.-St. Hilda's Hall, Oxford, Extension Fund, 137.-A Lake District Memorial, 202.-A Family House for Oversee Britons, 298.--Southern Irish Loyalists' Defence Fund, 362.-For Voluntary Workers, 395.--Children's Country Holiday Fund, 459.-For the Children of France, 490.-The Univer- sity of Jerusalem, 554.-The Wakeford Case, 681.
Action, Council of, the Labour Party and the, 65. Addison, Dr., the Salary of, 766.
Aldershot, the Riot of Reservists at, 607. Army Estimates, the, for 1921-22,351.
Art : the National Art-Collection's Fund's Appeal for Help to Purchase a Pieter Brueghel Picture, 127.
Barter, Trading by, Mr. Duncan Campbell's Proposals for, 319.
Boat Race, the, Won by Cambridge, 415.
Bolsheviks : the Labour Denunciation of the, 35 ; the, and Confiscated British Property : the Case of Luther o. Sager, 638.
Boner Law, Mr. : on the Government's Efforts at Economy, 318 ; the Resignation of, 381. Bourne, Cardinal : his Pastoral Letter on Ireland and Cardinal Manning, 222 ; Mr. MacVeagh's Reply to, 223.
Brieux, 3f., his Defence of the Didactic Drama, 799.
Building Trade Unions, the : and the Government's Offer for ex-Service Men, 35 ; the Rejection of the Offer, 191 ; and Wage Regulations and the Cost of Living, 287.
Cabinet, Changes in the, 222-447.
Cambridge University : and Paley's Evidences, 159 ; and the New Women's University, 223.
Carson, Sir Edward : Resigns the Leadership of Ulster Unionists, 127; his Appointment as a Lord of Appeal, 671.
Cecil, Lord Robert, Vote of Confidence in, by his Constituents, 382.
Chamberlain, Mr.: his Forecast of the Budget, 100 ; Elected Leader of the Unionist Party, 381.
Chequers, Lord Lee of Fareham's Further (lift at, 703.
Christian Reunion, Lord Hugh Cecil on, 254. Churchill, Mr., on the Importance of Friendship with America, 222.
Civil Servants: and the Cost of Living, 35; and the "Campaign against Wages," 375.
Civil Service Estimates, the, 318.
Coal Industry, the Loss in Working the, 319.
Coal Strike : the Coal-owners' New Offer, 383 ; Rejected by the Miners' Federation, 413; the Beginning of the, 446 ; the Prime Minister and the, 446-478-479 ; the Triple Alliance and the, 477-4781 479-509 ; Mr. Hodges at a Meeting of 31.P.s, 509 ; the Wages Offered by the Coal-owners, 510 ; the Railwaymen and the Handling of Coal, 541-606-670 Sir R. Horn's Negotiations, 541 ; the Government Offer of £10,000,000, 573 ; Why it Causes Little Inconvenience, 638 ; Further Government Proposals, 702 ; and Rejection of the, 734 ; Another Meeting of Owners and Miners' Leaders, 734 ; the Ballot on the New Terms, 765-798; Mr. Hodges's Speech at the Brighton Labour Conference, 798.
Coal Trade, the Decontrol of the, 159.
Cole, Mr. G. D. If., on the Rival Socialist Inter- nationals, 414. _
Co-partnership, the Carpenters' Trade Unions' Hoetnity to, 383 ; the Court of Appeal's Decision, 767. Cotton Industry, the Dispute in the, 734-765. Craig, Sir James : and the Working of the Home Rule Act, 574 ; his Meeting with Mr. De Valera, 607. Cricket : the Test Matches against the Australians, 703-767.
Crozier, General, the Resignation of, 253.
Daily Herald, the : and the Unemployed Disturb- ance at Islington, 35 ; its Manifesto" We Accuse I" 126.
Davis, Mr. J. W., Entertained by the Pilgrims, 285. Democrat, the, 287 ; on Welshmen and the Coal Strike, 543 ; and Mr. J. H. Thomas, 543.
Derby Day Holiday, the Success of the, 703.
Derby, Lord : on the " Sensational Statement " as to a New Unionist Party, 158 ; Welcomes 31r. Lloyd George into the Conservative Camp, 511; his Visit to Ireland, 543.
Domestic Servants, the New Unemployment Regu- lations concerning, 318.
Drage, Mr. Geoffrey, on the Expenditure on Public Assistance, 223.
Economy : Sir George Younger on the Need for, 125 ; the Labour Party and, 125 ; " Taxpayer's " Scheme, 349.
Economy, People's Union for : Lord Robert Cecil Accepts the Chairmanship of the, 190; its Manifesto to Members of Parliament, 253 ; the Pro- posals of the Parliamentary Committee of the, 349.
Education, Report on the Cost of, 35. Electricity, Two Danish Engineers' Application of a Principle in, 703.
Employment, the Government and the Sharing of, 35.
Engine Drivers and Firemen, the Threatened Strike of, over the Mallow Affair, 191-221-255-415. Engineering Trade, the Wages Dispute in the, 765. Everest, Mount, the Expedition to Climb, 67. Exchequer Returns, the, 447. Expenditure : National, Report of the Select Committee on, 35 ; the Treasury Circular Requiring the Reduction of, 671; Coalition M.Ps' Manifesto on, 765.
Export Trade to Central and Eastern Europe, the Government and Our, 35.
Financial Panic, the, of the Government, 733. Fortune-Telling : the Case of Stonehouse v. Masson, 511.
Government : the Financial Panic of the, 733 ; the Recent Elections and the Position of the, 797.
Grey of Fallodon, Lord, Receives the Freedom of Glasgow, 34, Harvey, Colonel, on Anglo-Mneriern Co-operation, 606.
Honours Lists : New Year, 35 ; Birthday, 735. Horses, Worn-out, the Albert Hall Protest against the Export of, 671.
Mousing, Dr. Addison's Inaccurate Estimates is regard to, 95.
Hyndman, Mr., his Definition of a " Capitalist," 67.
Imperial Con7erence, the Prime Minister's Address to the, 798.
Independent Labour Party : Refuses to A flillate with the Third International, 414 ; the Split in the, 414.
94-510. Figure of Retail Prices, the Decline in the,
Ireland : Report of the Labour Party Commission on, 1 ; the Labour Conference on, 1 ; Dail Eireann Circular to Rate-Collectors, 2 ; are Court-Martial on the Directors and Editor of the Freeman's Journal, 2 ; the Sentence on Countess Marklewicz, 2 ; the Negotiations for a Truce in 34 ; the Nationality of Mr. De Valera, 34 ; Official Reprisals in, 34 ; a Manifesto by Sinn Fein Irishwomen, 60 ; Sir Hamar Greenwood's Address to the Auxiliary Division of the R.I.C., 127 ; Dr. Cahalan on Sinn Fein and a Republic, 191 ; the Mallow Affair, 191-221-255- 415 ; the " Appointed Day " for the Home Rule Act, 415 ; General Macready on the Foul Methods of the Sinn Feiners, 574; Cardinal Logue on an Irish Republic, 574 ; 124 Sinn Feiners Returned for the Southern Parliament, 639 ; the Burning of Dublin Custom House, 609-702 ; Old Ireland on the Deeds of the Gunmen, 669 ; the Pope's Letter to Cardinal Logue, 669 ; Sinn Fein Forbids the Sale of British- made Agricultural Machinery, &c., 669 ; see also under " Sinn Fein " and " Ulster."
Irish Theological Quarterly, the : its Repudiation of Prof. O'Raltilly's Article, 93; Mr. J. Fitepatrick's Reply, 93.
Japan, Crown Prince of. the Arrival of the, 606. Japanese Alliance, the Question of the Renewal of the, 797.
Kiddy, Mr., the City Articles of, 735.
"Killing No Murder " : the Irish Theological Quarterly's Repudiation, 93.
King and Queen, the Visit of the, to Belfast, 797.
Labour Party : Report of the Commission of the, on Ireland, 1 ; the Conference of the, 1 ; and the Committee on Unemployment, 65 ; and Short Time Working, 94; Its Unemployment Proposals, 125- 126-255 ; Refuses to Admit the. Communist Party, 798.
Lathbury, Mr. D. C., the Ninetieth Birthday of, 479.
Lawrence, Mr. Justice, Appointed Lord Chief Justice of England, 479.
Liberals, Independent, the Industrial Policy of the, 126 ; Mr. Masterman's Defence, 125.
Liddell and Scott, the New Edition of the Lexicon of, 159.
Life and Liberty Programme, the New, 67. Living, Cost of, the Decline in the, 94-510.
Lloyd George, Mr. : his Speech to the Canadian Delegates to the League of Nations, 2; on Repara- tion from Germany, 190; on the Cause of Trade Depression, 190; and the Cardigan Election, 100; on the Menace of the Socialist-Labour Party, 414 ; and the Misunderstanding with France over Upper Silesia, 637 ; on Subjects for rebate at Religious Conclaves, 767 ; his Address to the Imperial Con- ference, 798.
London University, the New Site for, 35.
MacDonald, Mr. Ramsay, the Defeat of, at Wool- wich, 286.
McKenna, Mr. : on Financial Policy, 158 ; on the Index Figure of the Cost of Living, 287.
Slacre,ady, General, his Interview with the Phila- delphia Public "edict, 574.
Manchester Guardian, the Centenary of the, 575. Mesopotamia and Palestine, a Colonial Office Estimate for, 766. Shiner, Lord, hie Entry into the Order of the Garter, 222.
Ministers, the Report of the Select Committee on the Remuueration of, 3.
Ministry, Changes in the, 222-447.
Montagu, Mr., and the Increase in the Indian Cotton Duties, 416.
Monuments, Ancient, Offered to the Office of Works, 351.
Music and Industrial Life, an Experiment in, 255.
National Gallery, the Charges for Admission to the. 851.
Navy Estimates, the, for 1921-22,351. Northcliffe, Lord, on the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and America, 574.
Northumberland, Duke of, his Denunciation o'S the Miners' Executive, 605-638.
Postal Charges, the Increases in, 671.
Printing and Stationery, Government, the Report of the Select Committee on, 95.
Proportional Representation Society, the Model Election of the, 159-191.
Railway Accident, the, on the Cambrian Line, 127. Railway Agreements, the Report of the Depart- mental Committee on, 223.
Railway, L. and N.W., Provisional Agreement to Purchase the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 415. Railway Returns, the, for November, 07, Railways Bill, the Text of the, 639.
Railways, the Deficit on the Working of the, 159. Reading, Lord : and the Indian Viceroyalty, 33 ; Appointed Viceroy, 66 ; on American Goodwill, 222. Rhodesia, Southern : the Report of Lord Cave's Commission on, 94; the Report of Lord Buxton's Committee on, 639.
Rogers, Sir Hallowell, on the Industrial and Finan- cial Situation, 479-511.
Rosebery, lord: on American Criticism of Our Irish Government, 157 ; the Reply of Mr. D. F. Malone, 158.- Royal Academy, the, and " Outsiders' " Rejected Pictures, 576.
Russia, the Trade Agreement with, 350.
St. lifdda's College, Oxford. the Anneal for, 127.
Salisbury, Lord, on the Moral of the By-elections, 799.
Shadwell, Dr. A., on Labour Unrest and British Revolutionary Ideas, 95. Short Time : the Labour Party and the Working of, 94 ; at Woolwich, Portsmouth, and Davenport, 95. Sims, Admiral : at the English-Speaking Union, 734 ; the Recall of, 766. Sinn Fein and the Bolsheviks, the Draft Treaty of Alliance between, 766.
Sinn Fein Murders and Outrages : in Ireland, 2-34-66-94-127-158-101-223-254-287-318-383-415- 447-510-574-607-639-669-670-702-734-766-799 ; in England and Scotland, 94-223-254-318-383-415- 447-574-639-670-734-799.
Shin Felners, Sentences on, 158-191. Strike, the, of Municipal Employees at Ilford, 95. Submarine ' K 5,' the Loss of, with All Hands 127, Telephone Charges : the Report of the Select Committee on, 3 ; the Increases in, 07 ; the Hull Municipal Service, 67.
Textiles, the Exhibition of, at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 223.
Trade Returns, the : for 1920, 66; for January, 191.
Trade, the Signs of a Revival of, 765.
Transport, Ministry of : the Salary List of the, 67 ; Reduction In Officials of the, 159.
" Triple Alliance " Strike, the, Why it Failed, 734- 767.
Ulster : the Result of the General Election in, 701 ; Sir J. Oral." Ministry, 702 ; the Population of, 702 ; the First Meeting of the House of Commons, 734 ; the Opening of the Northern Parliament by the King, 797.
Unemployment : the Labour Party's Refusal to Serve on the Committee on, 65 ; and its Proposals, 125-126 ; the Labour Party Conference on, 255 ; Domestic Servants and, 318.
Wages Reductions : Employees Aek for, 287 ; the Building Trade Unions and, 287 ; in Various Trades, 510-543-573.
Walton. Mr. James, M.P., Wins his Action against the Yorkshire Miners' Association, 319.
Westnsineter Gazette, Mr. Basil Clarke's Action egahist the, 767.
Wheat ; the Farmers' Grievance against the Government, 101; and its Settlement, 255. Williams, Mr. Robert : Expelled from the British Communist Party, 643; h>s "Serpent and Alli- gator" Retort, 766.
Address, the Debate on the : Mr. Lloyd George's Reply, 221 ; the Unemployed Amendment, 221-255 the Condition of Ireland, 253 ; the Increase in Telephone Rates, 255.
Agriculture Bill, the, 3.
Agriculture to be Decontrolled, 733.
Air Force, Royal, Mr. Churchill's Account of the, 287.
Animals Bill, the Defeat of the, 735.
Army Estimates, Sir L. Worthington-Evans on the, 351.
Balfour, Mr., his Account of the First Year's Work of the League of Nations, 2.
Bolshevik Propaganda, the Cost of, in this Country, 509.
.Bolsheviks, the Trade Negotiations with the, 3. Boner Law, Mr.. the Resignation of. 331.
Budget : Mr. Chamberlain Introduces the, 542 ; Amendments to the, 575.
Building Trades Employers and ex-Service Men, 383.
Chamberlain, Mr. : to be Leader of the House, 381; Introduces the Budget, 542.
Churchill, Mr. : on Expenditure in Mesopotamia and Palestine, 255 ; on the Royal Air Force, 287. Coal Decontrol Bill, the, 319.
Coal Dispute, Debates on the, 445-573-637.
Deceased Brother's Widow, a Bill to Legalize Marriage with a, 767.
Egypt, the. Status of, 318. Emergency Powers Act Regulations, 735. Expenditure, Debate on the Need for Reduction in, 671.
Export Credits, Sir Robert Horne's Scheme for, 319.
Geddes, Sir Eric : on the Increased Payment to the Railways, 237; When he Will Resign, 319; his Terms with the Railways, 576.
German Reparations (Recovery) Bill, the, 351-382.
Greenwood, Sir Hamar : and Mr. C. P. G. Master- man, 253 ; on the Case of Generals Tudor and Crozier, 287 ; Explains the Irish Estimates, 574. Griffith-liescawen, Sir A., on the Expenditure of the Ministry of Agriculture, 611.
Health, Ministry of, the Estimates for the, 639.
Imperial Conference, the Dominions and the, 709. Indian North-West Frontier, the Disturbances on the, 703.
Ireland, Debates on, 253-414-574.
Key 4adustries, Bill for Safeguard in g, 607-703-735. Klee's Speech, the : at the Prorogation of Parlia- ment, 3 ; at the Opening of Parliament, 221.
Licensing Bill, the, of Colonel Gretton, 542.
Lloyd George, Mr. : on the Situation in the Near East, 3 ; his Reply in the Debate on the Address, 221; on German Reparation, 350-351; on the Trade Agreement with Russia, 383 ; on the Irish Situation, 414-574 ; and Captain Peter Wright's Book, At the Supreme War Council, 511; on the Allies' Ultimatum to Germany, 606 ; on Upper Silesia and on the Coal Dispute, 637-638.
Lords, House of, Reform of the, 383. Loseby, Capt., his Charges against the Ministry of Munitions, 255-382.
Members' Salaries, the Government's Proposals as to, 607-639-703.
Mond, Sir Alfred, his Defence of the Ministry of Health Estimates, 639. Navy Estimates : Sir James Craig on the, 382 ; Oil-Burning Ships for the Fleet, 870.
Office of Works Supplementary Estimate, Criticism of an, 286.
Plumage Bill, the, 479-007. Postal Charges, the New, 767.
Railways Bill, the, 639-702 Reparation, Discussions in the Commons on, 350- 351.
Reprisals in Ireland, Debates en, 221-253. Russia, the Trade Agreement with, 383.
Silesia, Upper, the Situation in, 637-638.
Speaker : the Resignation of Mr. Lowther as, 511- 542 ; Mr. Whitley Elected, 543.
Unemployment Insurance Bill, the, 286-318. Unemployment Pay, the Blll Dealing with, 767.
[ELECTIONS.] EEDFORD.-Mr. Kellaway (C.), 543. BEWDLEY.-M1-. Baldwin (C.U.), 511. CARDIGANSHIRR.-Captain Ernest Evans (C.L.), 255.
DOVER.--Sir Thomas Poison (Anti-Waste), 66. HIIDLEY.-Mr. Wilson (Lab.), 318. HASTINGS.-Lord Eustace Percy (C.U.), 575. HEREFORD.-Mr. Samuel Roberts (U.), 60. HERTFORDSHIRE (Easx).-Admiral Suter (Anti- Waste), 799.
HEYWOOD.-Mr. Halls (Lab.), 735. KIRECALDY.-Mr. Kennedy (Lab.), 318. PENISTONE.-Mr. Gillis (Lab.), 318.
PENRITE AND CoCEERMOuTH.-Sir Cecil Lowther (C.U.), 638.
Terxecre.-Sir Arthur Griffith-Boseawen (C.U.), 479.
WESTMINSTER (ST. Geoneg's).-Mr. J. AL N. Erskine (Anti-Waste), 735.
Wool:inert (EAST).-Captain Gee, V.C.(C.U.), 286.
Allied Ambassadors, Meetings of the : fn Paris, 2-126-157; in London, 254-350-573. Armenia, President Wilson's Note on, 126. Asia Minor : the Greek Operations in, 66--414-446- 510-768 ; the Alleged Italian Agreement with Mustaphe Kemal, 510 ; King Constantine Lands at Smyrna, 766.
Disarmament, Bavaria's Consent to, 734. Duisburg, Ruhrort, and Dusseldorf Occupied by the Allies, 317.
Fiume : the Italian Attack on, 2 ; the Agreement in regard to, 33.
Georgia : Independence of, Recognized by the Allies, 157 ; the Bolshevik Invasion ot, 254-382. Germany's Illegal Armies, 2.
Harding, President, Accepts Allies' Invitation to Send Representatives to Supreme Council, &c., 800.
League of Nations, the Council of the, and Switzer- land's Refusal to Allow Troops to Cross her Territory, 286.
Mesopotamia : Sir Percy Cox's Report on, 3 ; the Draft Mandate for, 189 ; the Colonial Office and, 286 ; Lord Curzon's Note to America on the Oil- fields of, 446-447 ; Expenditure for, 766.
Near Eastern Question : the Allied Ministers' Decisions on the, 254 ; the Turkish Nationalist and Greek Delegates at the Conference on the, 285-317 ; the Allies' New Proposals, 350.
Palestine : the Draft Mandate for, 189 ; the Colonial Office and, 286 ; Mr. Churchill at Jeru- salem on the British Pledge to the Jews, 447 ; Expenditure for, 766.
Reparation from Germany : the Allies' Terms, 157 ; Dr. Simons's Counter-Proposals, 285 ; and their Rejection by the Allies, 317 ; Dr. Simons's New Proposals, 317 ; the Refusal to Pay an Instalment of Gold Due, 414-510 ; the German Government's Appeal to President Harding, 541 ; their New Offer, 542 ; the Allies' Ultimatum to, 573 ; and its Accept- ance, 606 ; £50,000,000 Paid, 701 ; the Value of German Shipping Delivered to the Allies, 734.
Silesia, Upper : the Result of the Plebiscite in, 381 ; the Polish Insurrection in, 606 ; the Misunder- standing between France and Britain over, 637 ; the Polish Government's Appeal to President Harding, 670 ; German Attack on the Poles in, 670 ; the British Proposal for Settlement, 701.
Syria, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, Frontier Agreement between France and Britain, 2.
Africa (South).-General Smuts on his Policy, 157.-The Result of the General Election, 190. Australia.-The New Navigation Act, 703.
Egypt.-The Report of the Nile Projects Com- mission on Sir W. Willeocks's Charges, 33.-Tile Riots in Cairo and Alexandria, 670.
India.-The Indian National Congress, 3.-The Adi Dravidas Condemn Gandhi's Movement, 33.- The First Reform Elections, 66.-Agrarian Riots in the United Provinces, 136-127.-Lord Beading Appointed Viceroy, 60.
Rhodesia, Southern : the Report of Lord Cave's Commission on, 94 ; the Report of Lord Buxton's Committee on, 039. FOREIGN.
(See under " Peace Treaties.") FRANCE.
Brland, : Appointed Premier, 94 ; on life Policy, 120 ; on the Proceedings of the Perla Confer- ence, 189 ; on the Decisions of the London Confer- ence, 382 ; on the Misunderstanding over Upper Silesia, 638-670 ; his Success in the Reparation and Silesian Debate, 701. General Confederation of Labour, the Courts' Decision Dissolving the, 94. Leygues, M., the Defeat of his Ministry, 66. Senatorial Elections, the Result of the, 66. (See also under " Peace Treaties.") GERMANY.
Bethmann Hollweg, Herr von, the Death of, 33. Communist Insurrection, Another Attempted, 413. Ex-Kaiser, his Book Defending himself and his Country, 382.
Prussian General Election, the Result of the, 254.
Simons, Dr. on the Allies' " Impossible " Reparation Terms, 157 ; and Germany's Counter- Proposals, 222 ; on the London Negotiations, 860 ; the Resignation of, 606. Talent Pasha, the Assassination of, 350.
War Criminals, the Trials of, at Leipzig, 701. Wirth, Dr., Forms a Coalition Ministry, 606.
(See also under " Peace Treaties.") GREECE.
(Sec under " Peace Treaties.") HUNGARY.
Ex-Emperor Karl, his Attempt to Regain the Throne, 413-440. ITALY.
General Elections, the Result of the, 638.
Giolitti, Signor, and the Strike in the Metal Trades, 126.
(See also under " Peace Treaties.") JUGO-SLANIA.
(Sec under " Peace Treaties.") PERSIA.
Rica Khan Overthrows the Cabinet, 280.
(See under " Peace Treaties.") RUSSIA.
Counter-Revolution, the, at Kronetadt, &c., 286- 317-350-382.
Tehitcherin, M., and Lord Curzon, the Encounter between, 189.
Trade Agreement,' Signing of the, 350.
(See also under " Peace Treaties.") SPAIN.
Date, Senor, the Assassination of, 317.
(See under " Peace Treaties.") UNITED STATES.
Bayly, Admiral Sir Lewis, the Triumphal Tour of, 222.
Colombia, the Senate Ratifies the Treaty with, 542. Guaranty Trust Company of New York, the, on British Competition, 158. Harding, President : on his Future Policy, 94 Refuses to Negotiate with the Bolsheviks, 414 ; and the Fund for Relief in Ireland, 415 ; his First Message to Congress, 510 ; and the German Appeal to Act as Mediator, 541-573. Harvey, Colonel George, to be Ambassador in London, 382.
Hoover, Mr., Appointed Secretary of Commerce, 285.
Hughes, Mr. C. E., Appointed Secretary of State, 254.
Knox, Senator, his Resolution Ending the State of War with Germany Passed by the Senate, 573.
Mesopotamian Oilfields, Lord Curzon's Reply to Mr. Colby in regard to the, 446-447.
Sinn Fein in America : the San Francisco Argonaut on the Activities of, 34; Major G. H. Putnam's Encounters with, 94.
" Treading the Path of War," Alleged Statement of a " High British Official," 189.
Unemployment, the Increase of, 04.
Wilson, President, on American Help for Armenia, 120.
(See also under " Peace Treaties.") OBITUARY.
Bancroft, Lady, 671.
Bethmann Hollweg, Herr von, 33.
Browniow, Lord, 422.
Burghelere, Lord, 607.
Cowan, Sir John, 511.
Crooks, Mr. Will, 735.
Crozier, Dr. John Beattie, 95.
Date, Senor, 317.
Eiwes, Mr. Gervase, 95.
Ex-German Empress Augusta-Victoria, 479.
Fowler, Mr. Warde, 809.
Fraser, Mr. Claude Lovat, 799.
Galton, the Rev. Arthur, 394.
Gunn, William, 159.
Montenegro, King Nicholas of, 286, Pen.nefather, Dr. F. W., 233-264.
Wilson, Admiral Sir Arthur, 748.